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doctormein's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Technician
  • Geometric Guerilla
  • Tamer of Beasts
  • The Fearless
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    2 users agree
    11:26 AM, Saturday June 4th 2022

    Good day to you too, This is Doctormein and i will be responsible for your lesson 1 submission critique, Without further ado lets move on toward reviewing your work.

    • Lines section

    Superimposed lines

    Your superimposed line looks very good, I can see you're drawing them with a great deal of confidence while using your shoulder, There's still some Fraying on both ends though, (For your medium line) Although it's very minor, I still think it might be a good idea to mention it nonetheless.

    Ghosted lines

    Your ghosted line is very confident, There's nearly no sign of hesitation, wobbliness or arcing in the line at all, Well done! Right now the only stuff i wanna critique is Your accuracy & Overshooting , undershooting some ghosted line misses their mark a bit (Including overshooting and undershooting) But this will get better with time, You're doing a very good job at following instruction!

    Ghosted planes

    Same critique as the Ghosted lines exercise, Overshooting , Undershooting is stuff that might require a bit more of your attention, But you still have done a very good job at keeping your line Confident which is the main point of this exercise, A job well done.

    • Ellipses Section

    Table of ellipses

    You've done well with this exercise too, You're following the instruction nicely (Drawing through your ellipses 2-3 times before lifting the pen, Drawing with a concrete goal) Although there's some ellipses that are a bit wobbly For the most part you've drawn those ellipses with great deal of confidence, On top of that you kept them tight and snugly too!

    Ellipses in plane

    Another great job, You didn't make the common mistake of having a deformed ellipses or floating ellipses, While there's still some ellipses that Goes out of bound I think that's quite a small portion, And your accuracy with those ellipses will be improving with times anyways.


    For this exercise I felt like you were a bit fearful with trying out different angles of lines, if we take a look at uncomfortable example page The angle of his lines are quite different from funnels to funnels Don't be afraid to add variety to your exercise!

    For the funnels themselves they're great! Your ellipses are not being too loose and they fit tightly and snuggly, While you seem to struggle quite a bit with keeping them align I think this problem will usually goes away with times, As long as you keep practice those exercise as warm-up

    • Boxes section

    Plotted perspective

    This exercise is well done as well, However i saw your attempt to add line weight to boxes, Always remember to add line weight to only the Silhouettes of the boxes Since this will help to reinforce the illusion of 3D better.

    Rough perspective

    You seem to be struggling with this exercise a bit in term of Line quality (Undershooting or overshooting) Even if i think it's normal to be a bit nervous with this exercise,(I do too when i was first starting out) I still think it might be beneficial if i mention it regardless, With that out of the way,

    you still have done quite a good job at following the main instruction of the exercise (Using 1 point perspective , Correctly using line correction method , Not guessing where the line should go)

    Although i think you already understood this i'll still provide this image

    Always remember that the width line is parallel to the horizon (red line) while height will be perpendicular If you already understood this then great! but i'll still provide this just in case.

    Rotated boxes

    You've actually done quite a decent job with this exercise, I am really impressed, Your boxes are actually rotating and you're keeping things together, However one of the biggest point i wanted to mention is that Don't be excessive with your lineweight. Only add it once or twice as needed.

    Secondly is that you forgot to draw the inner side of the boxes for those corner boxes, make sure not to forget those next time.

    Organic perspective

    Wrapping up this critique with the last assignment for this lesson, I don't really have much critique for this lesson (Since you'll be working on 250 boxes for those critique after all) One thing i wanted to mention is that No matter how wrong the line is, Leave it as it is, Don't try to repeat them

    Next Steps:

    Your lesson is Well done.

    I have no doubt that you're more than ready for 250 Boxes challenge, Don't forget to implement those point i've mentioned into your daily warm-up routine

    I wish you the best of luck!

    • Doctormein
    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    1:51 AM, Saturday June 4th 2022

    Ah..! My mistake! I am really sorry for not noticing that, Now lets move on toward reviewing your revision shalt we?

    • Overall your boxes quality has Significantly improved, In term of convergence and inner line quality, I can clearly see your effort toward fixing the stuff that i previously mentioned, So well done!

    Of course there will be some misstep here and there, I'll be pointing them out for you to the best of my abilities,

    • Don't forget about the line weight! In your submission, You've drawn line weight with a great deal of confidence around the silhouettes, Don't be afraid to do the same with the revision too, Remember it does not need to be perfect, Simply try your best to be confident in your execution.

    • Inner corner divergence There's still some boxes that are having a little clear divergence, (15,1,4,2) But i think this will go away with times while doing those boxes as warm-ups

    • Early convergence (5,8,15) in those boxes the early convergence are a bit clear so try to also fix on this too

    Next Steps:

    Although there's some mistake here and there, As long as you're doing the lesson 1 and 250 boxes as warm-ups, I think those will goes away with time.

    I'll be marking this lesson as completed, Feel free to continue with your Drawabox journey!

    • Doctormein
    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    3:35 PM, Friday June 3rd 2022

    Hello Rafellus!, I am Doctormein And I'll be critiquing your lesson 4 submission for today.

    Starting with your organic form, First thing i would like to point out is that, The lesson asked for 2 Contour curves variant. Right now you're having 1 page of ellipses variant and 1 of contour, Don't forget to pay attention to the instruction!

    Now, Regarding the construction of organic form (contour curve variant.) themselves, Their gesture looks pretty great, But the shape of them is a bit elongated, make sure to try your best and draw the sausages as simple as possible unnecessary complexities will only make the exercise harder and distract you from the main point.

    For the contour curves Don't forget that the concept of ellipses variant still apply here, The curves will naturally become thinner or wider, Their curves will never be exactly the same degree Think of a coin, If you are looking at the front side of the coin it will be perceived as a circle, As you slowly get closer to the side however, The coin will slowly become thinner and thinner until it nearly become one single line. (An image showing different degree of contour curves, This might prove to be useful to you!)

    In some of your contour curves, The curves is a bit far off from being perceived as aligned with the minor axis, It might be a good idea to also practice that too

    Insects,Arachnids,Crustaceans Main Construction

    The main takeaway of your assignment right now is, Your drawing doesn't adhere to the illusion of 3d form, For example your Dynastes Hercules, His shell almost felt like it's floating, if we take a look at Uncomfortable "Shrimp informal demo construction" This is very important, Make sure to check out a lot of informal demo! They're more up to date with what the course wanted to teach you.

    We can clearly see Mr.Uncomfortable is adhering to his own Belief that the form he's drawing are 3D and not a flat 2d shape, and proceed to add the shell accordingly (Curve the shell accordingly to his belief that the forms are 3D.) Don't ignore the base form, Those organic forms, circle you've drawn are the Foundation of your construction, Anything that comes afterward this basic form must be added on top of this basic form and curves or follow the form accordingly. I recommend if you're struggling, It would be a great idea to follow along the informal demos, It'll certainly help you out a great deal when focusing on your own construction.

    Secondly, When constructing something, Try your best not to cut into the original or the base form, Although it is possible to cut into the form (How to subtract form correctly from uncomfortable) It's usually more trouble than it's worth

    Thirdly, Although the legs you've drawn with Organic forms are fine on their own, It would be better if you could incoporate Additional masses to further refine its silhouettes (An image showing how to add additional form to further refine the silhouettes) (An image showing how you should be adding the additional form, This apply from this lesson to lesson 5 too.) (Head construction by uncomfy)

    Regarding Line quality , ETC

    Your line quality right now felt a bit chicken scratchy and hesitant, Remember, we're not here to sketch, Every form every lines and every additional masses must be added with confident while adhering to your BELIEF of 3D form , Even if the line you drew is not exactly the line you wanted, Remember to always leave the line as it is, Don't try to change or do anything to them, As long as you're having clear forethought before drawing them and trying your best then it's good enough

    And finally

    I think it's a good idea to draw only 1 drawing per page, Because this will allow you to draw bigger, Which will certainly help your brain to better understand the spatial problem being presented, (And it would be easier to count too!)

    I think that roughly conclude this critique, I can provide you with demo if you wish so (Although it won't be as good as uncomfortable one)

    So now i'll be moving to conclusion

    Next Steps:

    I'll be assigning revision below, If there's anything unclear about my critique, Feel free to post your question down below, I'll do my best to answer them as soon as possible,

    • 2 organic form with contour curves

    • 4 pages of insects Without details It will probably be a good idea to also kept only 1 insects per page as previously mentioned. (Take your time, And try putting stuff i mentioned into practice)

    I am looking forward to your revision!


    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    2 users agree
    2:33 PM, Wednesday June 1st 2022

    Hello! Yaksir, I am Doctormein and i'll be critiquing your homework for this challenge.

    (I've taken a little peek at your profile and saw that you haven't got your lesson 1 critique yet, It will probably be a good idea to get it critique first before moving on to my critique, Just to make sure that you're not missing any important information)

    • Extension lines , Line quality , Hatching and Similar Orientation with boxes.

    Your line quality overall is nicely done, Most of the outer part of the boxes are being drawn confidently and hesitation-free, However

    your boxes inner lines (sometimes outer lines too) felt a bit wobbly and hesitant at time. there's quite a few boxes where your line felt a bit wobbly (188,199,205) and a portions of the lines are also Undershooting. (205,178,233,238) and some misses their marks a bit too. (250,245,241)

    You might wanna try to focus your warm-up practice a little bit more toward Ghosted planes since you seem to be having trouble with ghosting a bit.

    For your Extension lines you've done pretty good so far,You've extended the line correctly from the intial y outward, There's only 1 boxes (248) that is wrongly extended, But i think its just one out of the pile and you're doing pretty well in this area.

    Your Hatching is very well done with hesitant free execution and not overshooting and undershooting your lines, Same goes with your Box orientation Which is quite varied in both shapes,proportion and sizes, With that said i'll be moving on toward

    • Convergence related points (Diverging lines,Parallel and inner corner)

    The biggest takeaway here that i wanted to mention is about the Boxes inner lines, quite a handful of them are having clear divergence and early convergence (203,209,207,210,208,220) (This is a diagram showing relation between each line in a set, Make sure to check it out it really helped me a lot while doing this challenge.) , Don't forget to compare your lines angles with others lines especially your Inner lines with the one that is infront of it, Since this will help you out with estimating your line angle

    There's also quite a few lines that are Converging in pair instead of going to one vanishing point (212,214,207), Although this is very common and normal for student, It would still be beneficial for you to took note of it.

    Finally parallel lines It might also be a good idea to try your best to iron them out, Because some of the boxes show quite a clear parallel line (215 Red lines , 224 red lines , 226 red lines , 240 red lines) Since a box in 3 point perspective will never have parallel lines, The only exception is when perspective is not applied to them (Orthographic view.)

    I'll be moving on to conclusion

    Next Steps:

    • Conclusion

    I think you might benefit a little more from doing a few more boxes, So i would like 15 boxes. (Take your times)

    Focusing on

    • inner line quality (Undershooting , not straying away too much from your intended end point)

    • Convergence (Not having clear divergence Minor divergence are fine)

    Resources (Diagram showing relation between each sets of lines) (Different order of drawing boxes that might help out with your inner corner

    • Although in the fourth image the picture said that "the two lines are parallel for practical reason" try your best to still guess the vanishing point with those lines too, Don't just blindly draw them as parallel all the time

    I wish you the very best of luck

    • Doctormein
    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    2:43 PM, Wednesday May 25th 2022

    Welcome back! Solarlily, I'll be critiquing your revision now.

    Organic forms.

    For the ellipses variant of this exercise, You've done pretty good,

    you're trying your best to make sure that the ellipses degrees are different and gave the illusion of them turning in 3d space,

    I think your organic forms would be better if you gave them poles Like this because it gave the viewer the information about whether or not the form is facing toward or away from the viewer.

    Here is a picture of a bit more advanced version from the official Drawabox discord server

    For the contour variant of this exercise, Always remember that the degree shift is still in effect here. (Take a look at the advanced version picture i send you above.)

    For the sausages themselves, Try your best to not make them a bit too elongated or misshaped, although this isn't that big of a deal (Since you seem to be getting quite great already) It might still be a good idea to take notice of it.

    Form Intersection.

    Although this is not stuff that i usually mentioned, I think it would be a good idea not to use colored pen, Unless the instruction clearly stated to use it.

    Now, For your boxes they seem to have quite a clear diverging lines, As usual i would advise that you should get 250 boxes challenge. marked as completed first, before proceeding onward to make sure you're not missing any important lesson content.

    For the meat and potatoes of the exercises, Is for you to draw form resembling the same scene, Which i think you've done quite good for the lesson, i will still provide this link, Because some of your form felt a bit stretched sometimes, but i think this part is quite ok from now on.

    Organic intersection

    The biggest thing i've saw here is that, You're not drawing through your forms. if you won't draw through your form, it'll be harder to grasp the spatial reasoning skill that the course is meant to teach you

    Secondly, For organic intersection, we don't use ellipses, We use contour lines, make sure to try your best and follow instruction to the letter.

    Thirdly and lastly, Some of your form felt a bit too complex for the exercises always remember to keep things simple, so the illusion can be conveyed much more effectively

    0 users agree
    4:28 AM, Monday May 16th 2022

    For the non-official route critique is not always guaranteed, Since they often rely on the generosity of the community, However in the official Drawabox discord There's a critique exchange program, Which would at least guaranteed critique, (Wait time is roughly quite fast for earlier lesson / challenge , And a bit longer for later lesson)

    (I think it would be a good idea to do lesson 1 and boxes challenge as a warm-up too, To make sure you're sharpening stuff you've learned)

    Hope this would be somewhat helpful!

    3:32 AM, Thursday April 14th 2022

    The lesson asked for 8 plants, So yes.

    However you might wanna fill only 1 plant (Or drawing) per page, Because this will allow you to draw bigger which will help with the clarity of the piece and allow your brain to work through the spatial puzzle being presented better.

    3:56 AM, Tuesday April 12th 2022

    For your missing page, It is still quite wobbly but since you post it I'll be requesting


    1 page of table of ellipses instead.

    Next Steps:

    The new revision is down below.

    • 1 page of table of ellipses.

    • 1 page of funnels

    **Focusing on confident of execution of the ellipses.

    (For Funnels i recommend you only do curve funnels. Like in this example**

    • 1 page of rough perspective.

    Focusing on not repeating your line & Trying your best to make the width parallel to the horizon line, While the height is perpendicular to it.

    (I've saw that you understood the exercises nicely but this is more like a mistake in execution (Repeating lines) so i've decided to lower this to 1)

    Good luck!

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    2:44 AM, Monday March 21st 2022

    Understood! I'll make sure to take more consideration with the proportion on the next lesson, It was quite hard to get them right but I'll pay more attention to them.

    Thank you for your critique! Purpel :takenrg:

    4:13 AM, Friday March 11th 2022

    We make mistake sometimes, I also uploaded my submission from my phone to my computer too. And i think it's pretty normal to miss some of those little fellas.

    Now lets moves on toward your revision.


    The point i've critiqued on is your Confident of execution.

    And i can clearly see that being Improved. So nicely done!

    One thing you might want to do a little more to improve it is to Applied a bit more perspective to the scene. Since right now some of your arrows ends have the same size.

    Organic form.

    You've made an effort toward what I've critiqued on (Ellipses , Contour Degree change.)

    So nicely done!

    One thing i want you to improve while doing those as warm-up is the

    Form of the sausages This form might be a bit hard to draw at first (Speaking from experience.) but i think you should make an effort toward it since they'll Immensely comes into play in future lesson.

    And don't forget that the middle part of the sausages doesn't widen up like ellipses

    Organic intersection.

    Wrapping up the critique with the last exercise.

    I also think you'll need more practice with this one. You are making most of them sagging each other nicely, However you're using Complex form.

    And some of the sausages (Especially the ones on the bottom.) Still pointing toward the sky.

    For your shadow don't forget to add them to your main sausages too. Like in the video demo.

    And lastly when filling in your shadow. Tried your best not to leave any white, Since they'll contrast with the black creating focal point where you don't want them to be

    Next Steps:

    I'll be marking this lesson as completed.

    However i highly recommend you practice (warm-up) two exercise in particular.

    • Organic Form.

    • Organic Intersections.

    Before moving on toward Lesson 4 (I saw your Lesson 3 submission in your profile, So i assumed you've completed the next lesson.)

    Don't forget to get both Lesson 3 and 250 Boxes challenge critiqued.

    I recommend to get the critiqued you can join the Drawabox Official discord. And check out pinned message in #Critique-exchange.

    Since they'll tell you actionable step in order to get your work into the "Critique queue"

    Best of luck!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
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