10:14 AM, Thursday August 3rd 2023
Hello! Today I'll be critiquing your submission. But first things first, congratulations on completing the challenge. Looking in the submission, you did great. Mark-making was good overall and the Line-weight apllied was nice, convergence was decent, and I'm facing no issues with Line extensions. The submission was reasonable, however, here are some pointers that I have to point out:
Draw Bigger:
- The boxes in the submission were 8 boxes per page, you just have to stick with 5-6 boxes, so that you can draw your boxes in a reasonable size. Moreover, it will allow you to fully engage your arm.
Inner Corner:
This is commonly the problem within the Challenge that may affect the convergence of the box, whether it may diverge (Box no. 109, 118, 128 )or converge sharply (Box no. 5, 22, 57) and make the box even converge in pairs: https://imgur.com/KSHwTwo. (Box 5, 7, 65).
To improve the inner corner, you should change the order of drawing the box: https://imgur.com/a/DHlA3Jh. And think about the relationship of the lines in a set, and think about them converging as a set: https://i.imgur.com/8PqQLE0.png.
Again, I congratulate you on completing such tedious challenge. Implement the Challenge to your warm-ups, and onward to Lesson 2.
Next Steps:
- Lesson 2