
Giver of Life

Joined 3 years ago

150 Reputation

annierider's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
    9:34 AM, Tuesday July 4th 2023

    Thank you for the critique!!

    4:13 PM, Thursday August 4th 2022

    Thank you, you're right about that!

    10:39 AM, Thursday August 4th 2022

    Oh shoot, I forgot to upload the texture analysis! I did it before the dissections. Thank you for pointing it out! Here it is:

    And thank you for the critique, I'm going to work on my weaknesses.

    Thank you!!

    1:14 PM, Monday May 23rd 2022

    Thank you!!

    7:19 PM, Friday May 20th 2022


    Thank you for your critique!

    Here is the homework, the plus 15 boxes with shallow foreshortening and hopefully better convergence.

    I have to say, shallow foreshortening is hard. :) Nevertheless, I tried my best, even in box 11, where I got confused with all the things I wanted to correct.

    Thank you again, hope I can step forward in the lessons. :)

    1:57 PM, Wednesday December 29th 2021

    Yes, thank you very much for critique!!

    With the rotated boxes challenge I felt that I'm not rotating enough, my brain was confused with all the lines :) Thanks for confirming my feelings.

    With the plotted perspective exercise you're absolutely right, I messed up there.

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something we've used ourselves, or know to be of impeccable quality. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Pentel Pocket Brush Pen

Pentel Pocket Brush Pen

This is a remarkable little pen. I'm especially fond of this one for sketching and playing around with, and it's what I used for the notorious "Mr. Monkey Business" video from Lesson 0. It's incredibly difficult to draw with (especially at first) due to how much your stroke varies based on how much pressure you apply, and how you use it - but at the same time despite this frustration, it's also incredibly fun.

Moreover, due to the challenge of its use, it teaches you a lot about the nuances of one's stroke. These are the kinds of skills that one can carry over to standard felt tip pens, as well as to digital media. Really great for doodling and just enjoying yourself.

I would not recommend this for Drawabox - we use brush pens for filling in shadow shapes, and you do not need a pen this fancy for that. If you do purchase it, save it for drawing outside of the course.

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