1:24 AM, Thursday July 20th 2023
Thank you so much for your critique! The links and explanations you provided were really helpful and easy to understand.
Thank you so much for your critique! The links and explanations you provided were really helpful and easy to understand.
Thanks so much for the critique! It was concise, helpful and easy to read through. I do have one question though, what ellipses are you referring to in the Shape Intersections?
Hello Trendel103, I’ve broken down the critique below:
Extending lines: For the most part, these lines converged to their VPs. However, some lines were extended in the wrong direction (box 15 and 26, blue lines).
Converging VS Diverging: Most of the boxes had clear vanishing points. I noticed that at the 100-130ish boxes, the foreshortening became shallower and shallower until it was unclear where the boxes’ VPs were - this was especially prominent in the blue set of lines. Endeavour to have a clearer VP for the viewer, so that when you extend the lines, they are not parallel. Sometimes, the lines converge in pairs (box 58, top 2 and bottom 2 lines extending to the right). It appears these two pairs of lines are converging towards 2 different vanishing points when they should all be converging towards 1.
Hatching: Hatching lines are good. They’re drawn through confidently and consistently. This is good to practice, as hatching is a useful tool in later lessons and art in general.
Lineweight: There is lineweight on some of these boxes, but not all of them. Try to get into the habit of adding lineweight - it’s okay if it’s a bit off, as long as the lines are confident.
Wobbly/Repeated Lines: The lines on the boxes themselves are smooth and confident with no visible repeats and no wobbles, which is good. This shows that you're taking the time to ghost through each mark you make.
Inner Corners: The inner corners are always difficult to do so don’t sweat it if they’re a little wonky. Here’s a method you can use in the future to better predict where the inner corner should go: https://imgur.com/a/DHlA3Jh
Overall, well done! I would recommend adding exercise this into your warmups: 1-2 boxes or so (this tip was from a fellow student) to keep your skills sharp. Hope this was helpful :)
Next Steps:
Move on to Lesson 2.
Thanks so much for this detailed critique and the tips on how to use DaB and tips in general! I'll definitely be adding 1-2 those boxes into my warmup.
No problem!
Hello, Fishingguppy! I’ve broken down the critique below:
Things well done:
You extended lines in the correct direction. They all tracked back to the general direction of the Vanishing Point.
The hatching is neat and tidy - it appears you spent time on them instead of rushing, which is good. In the same manner, the addition of lineweight this early on is good - the lines are confident without wobbles.
Things to improve on:
Some of the boxes’ lines diverge from the VP (for example boxes 124’s blue lines, 142’s red lines and the whole box of 214). Keep in mind that each set of lines should travel towards the same point, not away from it.
Most of the boxes are set at a very dramatic orientation with lots of intense foreshortening. In the future, try drawing the boxes with shallower foreshortening. In addition, some boxes (like 133) are very, very extreme and it’s a bit hard to tell which face is which. This can be because of the size at which they’re being drawn and also the initial “Y” shape you start with. A general rule of thumb is this: all the angles of the “Y” should not be less than 90 degrees.
Lastly, the inner corners can be tough to master, so here is a process that may help with that: https://imgur.com/a/DHlA3Jh
All in all, these boxes were well done! There is a visible improvement as you progress to the more recent boxes. The key thing to remember are that the sets of lines should converge and not diverge. Don't worry about perfection - Uncomfortable doesn't expect it and neither should you. I agree that we should set schedules that are realistic and consistent. And yes, warmups are sooo important for artists! Hope this critique helped :)
Next Steps:
Move on to lesson 2.
I agree with Wendy. One thing that can help in the future is adopting the Ghosted Planes + Ellipses in Planes exercise into your warmups. It's a double-whammy; gets your arm moving with the ellipses and primes your muscle memory with the ghosted lines! It's become one of my go-to warmups. Even just a few will suffice, maybe 2-3. And overtime, you'll see your ellipses becoming tighter and your ghosted lines becoming smoother which is great :)
Thank you for the critique!
Thanks for the suggestion! I'll give it a shot.
Hello, Deep_eyes! I’ve broken down the critique below:
Superimposed Lines: Good. Slight fraying on both ends for a few of the lines; this is a result of not starting the line from the exact same point every time. Otherwise, well done.
Ghosted Lines: Good.
Ghosted Planes: Good.
Tables of Ellipses: Good.
Ellipses in Planes: Good; strokes are confident and ellipses aren’t drawn through more than the appropriate amount of times. Some of them aren’t touching all 4 sides of the planes, though.
Funnels Exercise: Good.
Plotted Perspective: Good.
Rough Perspective: Some of the lines were drawn over more than once - try to avoid that in the future. It’s ok if the lines don’t turn out as planned. Other than that, well done.
Rotated Boxes: Pretty decent.
Organic Perspective: Take advantage of the lineweight when drawing the big swoopy line to help further the idea of perspective. In addition, it may be helpful to bring the line to the edge of the frame instead of leaving it hanging in mid-air (first page, frame 1). The perspective is pretty good, too, so overall, this was solid work.
Well done! The ellipses and lines were drawn through confidently and smoothly and the perspective on the boxes was done pretty decently as well. Just not remember to redraw lines for the homework unless called for (like for lineweight or something). Hope this helped :)
Next Steps:
Move on to the 250 box challenge.
I'd been drawing as a hobby for a solid 10 years at least before I finally had the concept of composition explained to me by a friend.
Unlike the spatial reasoning we delve into here, where it's all about understanding the relationships between things in three dimensions, composition is all about understanding what you're drawing as it exists in two dimensions. It's about the silhouettes that are used to represent objects, without concern for what those objects are. It's all just shapes, how those shapes balance against one another, and how their arrangement encourages the viewer's eye to follow a specific path. When it comes to illustration, composition is extremely important, and coming to understand it fundamentally changed how I approached my own work.
Marcos Mateu-Mestre's Framed Ink is among the best books out there on explaining composition, and how to think through the way in which you lay out your work.
Illustration is, at its core, storytelling, and understanding composition will arm you with the tools you'll need to tell stories that occur across a span of time, within the confines of a single frame.
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