Hi Lupursian, thanks for the feedback. I knew that my line confidence was going to be something to improve upon going into this, so I appreciate the warm-up recommendations to improve on this.

The Eclipses seemed to click with me for some reason and I actually had a fair bit of fun doing them, so I'm glad they look more confident than the lines did. I even caught myself doing them absent mindedly later that week during work.

With the box perspectives, I did them the furthest amount of time from when I'd finished the ghosted lines so the good habits weren't as fresh in my memory, so that's where the second guessing started. On the bright side, it's definitely helped hammer in why warm-ups are good.

With the boxes that were outside of the swoopy line I was trying to cram in as many boxes as extra practice but in the end it's just muddies the lesson a bit.

When I move onto the 250 box challenge i'll do plotted/rough perspective and ghosted lines/planes as warm-ups as you suggested.