

Joined 3 years ago

550 Reputation

wingjun's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Technician
  • Geometric Guerilla
  • Tamer of Beasts
  • The Fearless
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    12:35 AM, Friday January 19th 2024

    Thank you for the critique! I'll keep in mind the points you've made as I move forward to the 25 wheel challenge. I somehow continue to misunderstood certain instructions, such as using EITHER ballpoint or fineliner. In hindsight, I did question why I was using a fineliner when I have a multicolour ballpoint pen haha.

    Kind regards,

    Jonathan S.

    3:02 PM, Friday September 1st 2023

    Hi Uncomfortable,

    Thank you for the critique!

    The 250 Cylinder Challenge was very difficult for me to wrap my head around even after reading the instructions multiple times and revisiting it frequently. Similarly to how you wrote " [it] is not something that can be corrected with an explanation of theory", I quickly realized I had to just push myself into the exercises even without a thorough understanding, else I become paralyzed from over analyzing.

    There were many careless mistakes, however I am confident that I will improve with more reps under the belt!

    Best regards,

    Jonathan S.

    2:53 PM, Monday June 26th 2023

    Hi DIO,

    Thank you very much! I was having a lot of fun thinking with this exercise and ended up doing some extra practice in my sketchbook with really weird and unique shapes.

    I look forward to starting the 250 cylinder challenge!

    12:30 AM, Monday June 26th 2023

    Organic Intersections:

    Hey DIO,

    I completed another page of the Organic Intersections after reading your advice and reviewing the exercise instructions. Although I believe this page was much better, I'm having trouble wrapping my head around adding more interesting relationships between the sausages. As a result, the sausages are very similar in terms of layout. Not sure if that's necessarily an issue, but I would like to add more variety and couldn't figure out how to add sausages that are jammed into each other or spilling out.

    Please feel free to let me know if any additional pages are required, I'm having a lot of fun working on this exercise and would be more than willing to submit 2 or 3 pages, if need be.

    Kind regards,

    Jonathan S.

    12:52 AM, Sunday June 25th 2023

    Hi DIO,

    First off thank you for the detailed feedback and attached is the extra page of Organic Intersections! There were a few points relating to Lesson 5 that I was confused about even after finishing the homework, but your included examples have made it clear. Other than that, I look forward to your response!

    8:00 PM, Wednesday November 30th 2022

    Thank you for the quick and detailed response! This cleared up a lot of my questions!

    7:32 PM, Tuesday November 29th 2022

    Hi ANDPIE,

    Thank you for the detailed critique! To start off, my apologies on completing 12 pages, I somehow added 4+6=12 in my head. Moving on I had a few questions I wanted to ask.

    One of my questions relates to the part about not making the most of the space available on the page. I noticed that I usually have space for a second drawing on the same page but, I am worried of potentially having them overlap or making one, or both, very small. Do you have any tips or advice on how I can utilize the space of my page more effectively?

    Overall, your critique gave me a lot of insight on where and how to improve on parts that were unclear or difficult for me to understand. Specifically, the part about cutting back into the silhouette in my copepod drawing was very helpful! I look forward to moving on to Lesson 5 while applying all the feedback I've received so far.

    2:02 PM, Thursday August 4th 2022

    Hi Uncomfortable!

    First off, thank you for helping address my fears for lesson 4. Funnily enough Crutaceans are very easy for me to deal with compared to insects and bugs.

    I will keep everything mentioned in mind while moving on to the next lesson.

    Kind regards,

    Jonathan S.

    3:48 PM, Monday May 16th 2022

    Thank you for the critique! I'll continue practicing the previous exercises while keeping these points in mind and moving onto lesson 3.

    1:03 AM, Saturday March 19th 2022

    Good evening,

    Thank you very much for the critique. I will keep note of both the things I did well and can work on while moving on to lesson 2!

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