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trecon's Sketchbook

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    9:34 AM, Monday July 4th 2022

    What a useful Power to have when the world in peace!

    2 users agree
    3:11 PM, Tuesday August 17th 2021

    Hello BWXD, i hope my asia-english is not cause any confuse, and i hope that i can help.

    I just have finished my Texture Analyses Exercise a few day ago, so i can not point any mistake that you made. But i can give you some advice through my experience about Texture Analyses Exercise (yay :>) .

    First, you can use another pen that have smaller head to detail the texture intead of your pen.(which you used in your old exercise). It will make your texture more detail than last.

    Second, when you look at any texture, try to brainstorm which part will be drawn dark and which part will drawn light, then try to draw it on the paper (thinking about where the light come from, and why the light doesn't come there would help). To do this, it could take you for and half of hour per texture (but it worth). If you can't see any dark part and light part, just try to analysis the partern of texture and copy them on your paper.

    Lasthing, thank you for reading, stay safe now and have a nice day

    2:17 PM, Saturday August 14th 2021

    Yes, I just done 1 page of TextureAnalyses, it took me for a week. One more last thing, thank you for the advice, it would help me so much to countinue my exersise

    0 users agree
    9:05 AM, Saturday August 14th 2021

    Now I am doing Texture Analyses, so I dont have anything to Critique about your work.

    I just go around and look at other people's work. But i just wanna say that your work is so good, i love that, you must spend alot of time to do Texture Analyses Exercises.

    3:04 AM, Saturday August 14th 2021

    Your 1st Page have alot of mistake but it is fixed in many pages later (Yeah!Great), After your 84th Box you are doing very well. From 84th Box go on, you are going on the right way.

    That is mean very good, keep going, buddy

    2:48 AM, Saturday August 14th 2021

    Sure, just take your time and I would love to look at your 250BoxesChalleges.

    0 users agree
    9:18 AM, Thursday August 12th 2021

    Dear ICEMAGE1233. I hope my English is not a wall between us.

    Every your lines, ellipses ands Boxes i would say that is very and very good, but 1 small thing about your Ellipses. You cover your Ellipses more than 2 times, you just need to trust the teacher and follow his lead. There are many reason why about that, you wil understand in future.

    As you see RotationBoxes Exercise is super-confused, but i have a few tips that can help. 1st: Every line of a new box will base on the nearest line to draw. 2st: Try to imagine your new box look like what if you rotate it, if you cant imagine how it work, you cant look at Teacher's Example Exercise (Trust me). In the future if you have more sparse time you can try it 1 more time.

    Lastthing your work is done pretty well, now you are ready for 250BoxChallenge. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

    4:04 AM, Thursday August 12th 2021

    To get more confident and accurate in the ghosting method, Maybe you should try 250 Boxes challenge. Every line in 250BoxesChallenge will be drawn by GhostingMethod. Every your first line may get a lot of mistake, but your brain wanna improve your work, so your brain will auto find more and more way to make your line Straight and Smooth. (Trust me).

    Another advice that i red from Book, they sound like: when you start a new work, there are a lot of FEAR, but the true is FEAR is NOT THE FEAR, it is a CHANCE to IMPROVE. (Just start to do and let your Brain learn from your mistake).

    Thank you for your compliment and one more time have a nice.

    0 users agree
    9:32 AM, Wednesday August 11th 2021

    Hello BURNTEGGROLL, I hope my English is good enough to talking with you. Here something i can tell you about your exercise.

    As you see, every first line you do is wobbly and distort, the reason is that you weren't confident to use ghosting method. At the Rotation Box exercise it is so difficult to me, i cant help you at this point.

    Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

    0 users agree
    9:17 AM, Wednesday August 11th 2021

    My English is not good enough, i hope it is not a wall between us.

    Your Ellipses need to be lined 2 time before you pick up your pen. Any other your exercise is good, just keep going to 250 Box Challenge.

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