9:21 PM, Tuesday January 7th 2025
Okay, I got that, thank you very much for your reply!
Okay, I got that, thank you very much for your reply!
Wow! I'm very flustered and honored by such a good critique.
I'll make sure to not draw through the forms in the future while doing the exercise on form intersections. It does make sense, and it always a trade off, so I did that, and it would do good to do another variant of that "trade" (which is not drawing through forms) to balance it out :D
Thank you very much for your kind words about my constructions! I really appreciate them!
As you rightly said sometimes it becomes a mess, which is a case for the page 2 and the head of the perfume flask, so I should have probably subdivided less.
I've actually tried by the end with the printer and the iron to be less "precise" and rounded up some measurements, after re-reading the notes on imgur with the subdivision example. They were very helpful.
Glad the comment made you chuckle. And there is a lot of truth in the reply to the student. It might be a hard challenge at first just to do a simple object, but if you can somehow manage to do a more complex one, the process and everything would feel easier, when you switch to some easier objects (like a perfume flask or a mug (which I messed up badly, although placing 12 points for each ellipse in preliminary work (all measured), but sometimes that happens, so I moved on as you always said to do so)
I might take a little break after this :D
If it's fine, I have a quick question about the wheel challenge, can I do some with the ellipse and some without (Like 10-15 with an ellipse guide and others without, to try and do both of those on a small scale with ellipse guides, and on bigger scale freehanding it) or should I stick to doing one type only?
Once again, thank you very much for your critique!
Thank you so much for your reply on my questions!
I will try to think something about getting at least master ellipse template, cause mine is really not only small, but really doesn't have good degree shifts between ellipses, and has 2-3 ellipses with different degrees and just changes sizes...
So, thank you very much once again!
Thank you very much for your feedback on the cylinders, I would continue to work on them during the warm-ups and will try to be better! Thank you for the encouraging words!
And if you don't mind I have a quick question about the ellipses following up in Lesson 6,7 and the wheels/chests challenges... I don't have access to any elliptical template of decent size, I have a few, but they are more the size of manga speech bubbles if you understand...
So I'm stuck with free-handing those in my future drawings for Draw-a-Box, the question is, am I allowed to use special tricks (like a lot of subdivision...like in 16 squares) to identify more points the ellipse will pass through and won't additional subdivision or necessary for constructing an accurate ellipse line extension hinder the process with clutter for the one giving the critique... or is it better to maybe use pencil (only for that) and mark points with ink, or is it still better to do all in ink and give the person looking at the critique more info to base the critique itself?
Sorry for that cluttered essay :( and once again thank you very much for all your hard-work, positivity and encouragement, your help to artistic community is immense and invaluable!
Thank you very much for such detailed insights into my work! I am really grateful for the feedback, and will try to improve further on all those points you mentioned!
Oh! I see, thanks for the care to post it!
I never tried another browser for some reason. All the good choices seem inevitable afterwards, but kinda could not think about it that day! Tried everything from reposting on imgur to posting it there without an account, nothing worked.
Although when I put a link to Google.com it actually generated a preview there for it, but i kinda did not submit that time thinking it was inappropriate to do so with the main and only link in the description...
Strange things happen! Thank you very much for your help and support!
I would also say that it does not work with any imgur urls... like i tried that one with the error images and the result is the same, too...
Hello, yeah, that is pretty strange... it does not work still, sadly :(
Wow, thanks for the reply and awesome breakdown of why it is! Thanks!
Thanks for the reply, I will stick to the sausage method and additive construction only then! Thanks for explaining the spider leg and providing the visual reference for it, it is very helpful!
While I have a massive library of non-instructional art books I've collected over the years, there's only a handful that are actually important to me. This is one of them - so much so that I jammed my copy into my overstuffed backpack when flying back from my parents' house just so I could have it at my apartment. My back's been sore for a week.
The reason I hold this book in such high esteem is because of how it puts the relatively new field of game art into perspective, showing how concept art really just started off as crude sketches intended to communicate ideas to storytellers, designers and 3D modelers. How all of this focus on beautiful illustrations is really secondary to the core of a concept artist's job. A real eye-opener.
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