
The Fearless

The Indomitable (Spring 2023)

Joined 2 years ago

150 Reputation

stroomy's Sketchbook

  • The Indomitable (Spring 2023)
  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • The Fearless
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    12:53 PM, Monday April 3rd 2023

    Hello and thank you so very much for this detailed critique!

    I had a day off today and spent some time revisiting the lesson material, studying some plants and then tried my best to draw bigger and better!

    I feel much better about these new plants, I tried a plant I have at home and the daisy demo!

    Hope youre having a great day!

    8:18 PM, Monday February 6th 2023


    First of all, thank you so much for the feedback, I took a lot from that! For the next boxes, I tried to slow myself down and do not much more than a page a day (on two days I did a little more haha). I also tried my best to get the line convergence not in pairs but in one set, didnt work on every try but I did my best!

    I feel a lot better about those 50 boxes than the 250 boxes, so theres that. Even if theres often one odd line going bananas, they are overall much better in my opinion!

    Hope they are good enough!


    5:31 AM, Friday January 13th 2023

    Hello and thank you so much for the feedback!

    I have a lot of problems with drawing from my shoulder as I often do doodles and with that Im always using my wrist. So as soon as my mind wanders off just a tiny bit - I resort back to wrist-drawing.

    For this re-do I forced myself as good as I could to draw from my shoulder, even if the shorter lines felt incredibly weird to draw like this.

    I believe it turned out much better than the last attempts :)

    Thank you again and I hope you have a nice day!!

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Color and Light by James Gurney

Color and Light by James Gurney

Some of you may remember James Gurney's breathtaking work in the Dinotopia series. This is easily my favourite book on the topic of colour and light, and comes highly recommended by any artist worth their salt. While it speaks from the perspective of a traditional painter, the information in this book is invaluable for work in any medium.

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