
Dimensional Dominator

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strelok_2012's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • Basics Brawler
    0 users agree
    6:05 AM, Friday October 28th 2022

    Heyo I'll be reviewing your homework.

    Superimposed lines are off to a good start, your lines start at one point but fray. This is fine and is to be expected, eventually they'll connect on both ends with continues practice.

    Ghosted lines are also good, a couple don't start at one point but that's alright. Try to always start your line at one point, this will help make your marks more deliberate and planned. Also don't be afraid to draw over your lines and pack them together more.

    Ghosted planes/Ellipses in planes are excellent, the next step is to deform the planes more by placing the points in more extreme positions. This will also make it a bit more difficult to place ellipses in them but it will be worthwhile.But do keep the planes somewhat organized.

    Tables of ellipses are good. The next step is to vary the rotation and minor axis of the ellipses in each section of the table.

    Funnels are excellent, your next step should be to vary the minor axis of the ellipses as they get further away from the center.

    Plotted perspective is excellent. For rough perspective I'd suggest ghosting the line from each point towards the vanishing point, and also after forming the initial rectangle of the box (Front face), when doing the ghosting method from before try to line up the points so they form a smaller rectangle similar to the initial one.

    Rotated boxes are alright and it is expected that you'd have difficulty with them. Organic perspective is good, though I'd suggest trying to draw equilateral boxes a bit more to vary them (most of them look to be stretched in one direction). Additionally should one side be longer, you can add more foreshortening to it by converging the lines more.

    You're good to go tackle the 250 box challenge, and don't forget to add the exercises to your warm-ups and do them before starting a drawing session. Good Luck!

    Next Steps:

    250 Box challenge.


    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    2 users agree
    5:45 AM, Friday October 28th 2022

    Hello I'll be reviewing your homework.

    Your arrows could use a bit of work as some of them have little depth to them. Pay attention to the edges as they get closer to the viewer. The distance between each edge gets shorter and longer as the arrow gets further and closer to the viewer respectively. I have provided an example of what I mean as in the lesson 2 notes for the organic arrows it is difficult to see.

    Organic arrow example

    For the organic forms I'd suggest ghosting the ellipses and curves more to ensure they touch the edges of the forms. The forms themselves are alright.

    The texture analysis is superb, keep it up.

    Dissections are also excellent with some minor hiccups, some of the forms do not have a clear silhouette. I am unsure if it is intentional or a simple oversight.

    Form intersections look good though I'd suggest practicing rotated boxes a bit more. Add in organic perspective and rotated boxes into your next few warm-ups and I'd also recommend drawing through your boxes in the organic perspective warm-up (they are not necessary as revisions). And finally, when drawing cylinders the back ellipse has a longer minor axis than the front ellipse. The difference varies with how foreshortened and large or close the cylinder is.

    And remember: Always do your warm-ups!

    Next Steps:

    1 Page of Organic Arrows. Add in 1 or 2 box exercises to warm-ups for about 3-4 warm-ups.

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    12:25 AM, Thursday September 29th 2022

    Re-did Organic forms with contour lines and form intersections (spheres are hard!).


    8:11 AM, Saturday September 24th 2022

    Looks much better now! I'd say you're ready to tackle the 250 box challenge.

    And always to do a 10-15 minute warm up as mentioned in lesson 0.

    Next Steps:

    250 Box challenge.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    2:15 AM, Friday September 23rd 2022

    You are on the right track with superimposed lines, though for the ghosted lines I'd recommend doing more lines when you start doing that exercise as part of your warm-ups. Ghosted planes look good as well and I'd recommend grouping them up closer together once your get comfortable with ghosting your lines.

    Tables of ellipses looks good, I'd say try to ghost your ellipses more.Try going through the motion a couple more times to really see if your ellipse is going to touch the limits imposed by your other ellipses and the table you've drawn out. Immediately visible in the funnels exercise you're not varying the minor axis of the ellipses. Have another look at the ellipses chapter of lesson 1. Uncomfortable mentions that as the ellipse moves to the side the degree changes and this widens the ellipse.

    Plotted perspective is good, line weight and the cross-hatching help filter out the boxes. For rough perspective I'd recommend ghosting your line from the corners of each box to help with accuracy. Your rotated boxes show a bit of hesitancy, don't be afraid to rotate the boxes more and have the lines converge more sharply. Review the rotated boxes exercise and pay attention to how one sides of the box change. Also don't be afraid to taper the boxes, it is necessary for the exercise.

    In organic perspective I've noticed you're re-drawing lines and it makes it difficult to tell which lines were drawn first and this harder for others to identify your mistakes (and it makes it harder for yourself as well!) If you make a mistake, ignore it and push through to finish the box and eventually the exercise. Again, try ghosting the lines when plotting the back corners of each box, it'll help with making the box feel more natural. I'd also suggest varying the length/width of each box, they don't need to be perfectly equilateral (all sides the same length).

    I'd recommend revising funnels, rough perspective and rotated boxes. The last two will definitely help when you get to the 250 box challenge.

    Oh, and don't forget your warm-ups!

    Next Steps:

    1 Page of funnels, 1 Page of Rough perspective, 1 Page of Rotated boxes.

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
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How to Draw by Scott Robertson

How to Draw by Scott Robertson

When it comes to technical drawing, there's no one better than Scott Robertson. I regularly use this book as a reference when eyeballing my perspective just won't cut it anymore. Need to figure out exactly how to rotate an object in 3D space? How to project a shape in perspective? Look no further.

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