

The Indomitable (Summer 2024)

Joined 5 years ago

350 Reputation

saanza's Sketchbook

  • The Indomitable (Summer 2024)
  • The Indomitable (Spring 2023)
  • The Indomitable (Winter 2022)
  • The Indomitable (Spring 2022)
  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Victorious
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    12:11 AM, Tuesday March 28th 2023
    10:22 PM, Sunday March 26th 2023

    Hello Rabuuhs,

    I'm just replying here to let you know I got your message. I'll need to read and reread what you said at least a couple times. Also I'm glad you critiqued my work in the first place as they can be quite hard to come by especially when you are not using paid credits or not doing the early lessons. I've been working on the Drawabox course on and off for about the last three years. The Drawabox course was one of my first foray of educational art materials.

    For the longest time I did not think it possible for me to become an artist. I thought I was too old (in my 20s). One of my motivating factors for becoming an artist was because I thought that it would be one of the last areas to be automated by machines (and something that would be fun and fulfilling). Ironically, this tertiary field is in the process of being automated currently. People thought jobs like fast food worker would come before artist and many thought it impossible altogether.

    From how machines have been improving lately I wouldn't hold my breath for any job that involves getting paid to not be automated (eventually). We may be moving from a labour (both physical and mental) based economy to a leisure based one (assuming something like universal basic income is introduced). Figuring out how to move forward when the world is changing so fast can be quite challenging indeed. This is beyond the scope of this website but I thought it appropriate to elaborate a bit about who I am and what I've been thinking.

    I have made great progress indeed from struggling to draw a stick man to actually being able to draw stuff I can be proud of all in a matter of just a few years. It's kind of disheartening though that some people have called me talented (not realizing the ridiculous amount of time and effort it took me) to get to where I am and if I continue to hone my skills I'm bracing myself to eventually be told silly stuff like "that's an awesome AI you used" or something of that sort. I guess it doesn't matter what other people say as long as I know I'm genuine.

    Anyways, I'll get back to you once I have completed the remedial work assigned,



    12:49 AM, Tuesday March 29th 2022

    Yes. I'm born a mutant in this postapocalyptic world.

    11:45 PM, Tuesday November 10th 2020

    Hey Lars,

    I don't know what to do with the advice with regards to the texture challenge. It's kind of hard to put it into practice after the fact. If I had known earlier then I would have done just that. If there was a warning in lesson 2 about this then I would have done that. From what I can tell there was no warning except for in the texture challenge page itself.

    With regards to waiting for critique, I (mostly) agree. However I have waited several months, almost a year and no follow up on lesson 3 and no critiques on the other lessons (other than a couple). I can't be glued to waiting for a factor I can't control and use that as an excuse not to do anything. With regards to giving others critique, I am honestly not interested (even if it might help me get critiqued).

    Maybe I should look to discord for critique instead, but I thought if no one has anything to say then I am doing the lesson(s) as intended. Not saying my work is perfect but that I am (probably) aligned with the goal of the lesson(s).

    2:31 PM, Friday April 17th 2020

    Here is the work:

    10:13 PM, Monday February 24th 2020


    Thank you for all your help, Elodin.

    6:57 PM, Monday February 24th 2020

    Here is the work:

    10:55 PM, Thursday February 20th 2020

    My bad lol. Not sure why I did 4 circles per plane. Odd part is that I did the bottom row properly. Part of me is a little annoyed because I didn't follow the instructions to a T as I was instructed to. Didn't even notice honestly until you pointed it out.

    Thanks for all your help BenJ.

    9:15 PM, Thursday February 20th 2020

    Here is the work:

    10:38 PM, Wednesday February 12th 2020

    Okay got it.

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Color and Light by James Gurney

Color and Light by James Gurney

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