
Giver of Life

Joined 4 years ago

350 Reputation

rahoo's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    1:01 PM, Thursday September 3rd 2020

    Thanks again for the critique man. I'll be sure to revisit drawing through ellipses and being more deliberate with my construction/texture overall.

    I am however drawing on 18"x24" newsprint paper which may have led you to believe I'm drawing too small. With this knowledge, do you think I should still be drawing larger? That being said I will be extra conscious about using my shoulder.

    Thank you!


    2:09 AM, Saturday August 22nd 2020


    Thank you for the thorough reply!

    7:12 PM, Wednesday June 17th 2020

    thank you!

    11:08 PM, Sunday June 14th 2020

    understood! How does one become a TA?

    12:56 AM, Sunday June 14th 2020

    So it's still showing that I have zero credits. Thanks for helping me out!

    12:40 AM, Sunday June 14th 2020

    gosh. silly me. Yes that is what I meant thank you!

    7:24 PM, Saturday June 13th 2020

    Hey uncomfortable. Yea I didn't submit my 250 boxes for official critique when I finished it because I didn't have any credits remaining, but figured I might as well get SOME feedback while I was waiting around until I got another credit. When it was critiqued, the critique was pretty thorough and seemed awfully legitamate. I guess my confusion came from the message at the bottom that read I was ready to move onto lesson 2.

    In any event, I have received feedback on the 250 box challenge and am ready to submit lesson 3! Thank you again.

    7:18 PM, Saturday June 13th 2020

    thank you for the critique!

    1:33 AM, Friday June 12th 2020

    Thank you, but I've done the 250 box challenge, and it was critiqued 2 weeks ago. It says at the bottom of the critique that I should move onto lesson 2.

    11:05 PM, Thursday June 11th 2020

    Thank you for this critique, I have been waiting for another user to agree with your critique in order to turn in lesson 2 for review. How long does this usually take?

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