
The Fearless

Joined 3 years ago

13000 Reputation

quat's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • The Fearless
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    7:07 PM, Saturday July 20th 2024

    Thanks for the critique I tried my best to apply every thing you mentioned correctly. Here is the revision you requested

    I also added my first attempt at the revision because I think that it turned out very well but I accidentally made the arms long

    2:54 PM, Sunday June 9th 2024

    You still seem to have problems with the branches but you also seem to have a good idea of what to do. I recommend drawing branches as warm ups every now and then and I think that you can move to lesson 4

    Next Steps:

    Your next step is Lesson 4 Good luck

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 3 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    3 users agree
    8:27 PM, Friday June 7th 2024

    Hello there I call myself Quat and I am going to review your exercises for lesson 3 today.

    First of all the organic arrows exercise: You seem to have followed the instructions well enough, although some of your lines are wobbly and unconfidant , which is something I noticed across your submission.

    Secondly the leaves exercise: The first thing I noticed was that you only drew 6 leaves. While there isn't any required amount that must be reached, but I think that having more leaves would allow you to experiment more .

    I also noticed that none of your leaves have contour lines in them. It isn't regarded as a common mistake in the lesson, but they are essential to understanding how the leaves are formed in 3d space .

    also one of the leaves show texture in one side but not in the other which is not how leaves work .

    next the branches exercise: The first thing that I noticed was that a lot of the branches the branches are wobbly and unconfidant. I think that the reason for that was that you might have focused more on making the tail invisible rather than making your lines smooth and confidant .

    I also noticed that a lot of your branches have Ellipses that don't change their degree you can look at the Branches demo as an example of the degree changing correctly.

    Next is the plant section of lesson 3: here I noticed that most plants suffer from the same problem, that being the wobbliness of the branches. You seem to be struggling with drawing them confidantly.

    I also noticed that the cactus drawing lacks any sort of construction line and I am going to make redo the same kind of cactus, and if you are confused over how would this cactus be constructed, I would recommend applying the concept from The cactus demo and The mushroom demo

    Next Steps:

    Your next step is to draw 2 pages of the branches exercise, and to pages of plants (one of them must be the same kind of cactus in your submission). Don't forget to do the 50/50 rule and to do warm ups before you start drawing. Take your time:)

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    12:49 PM, Tuesday May 21st 2024

    Well done, you can now move on to lesson 3

    Next Steps:

    Your next step is tackling Lesson 3

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    12:31 PM, Thursday May 16th 2024

    Hello there I call myself Quat and I am going to review your exercises for lesson 2 today.

    First of all The thinking in 3D part of lesson 2:

    In the organic arrows exercise, in the first page, some of your lines looked wobbly and some arrows were either not changing in perspective or not overlapping. But your other page looks way better at following the instructions. I assume that the reason for that is either rushing or not drawing a warmup page before you started drawing.

    As for the organic forms with counter lines exercis, I think that you did a good job on both the counter ellipses and counter curves. You also seem to change the degree of the Ellipses quite well for the most part which is going to be helpful in later lessons.

    Next is the texture portion of lesson 2:

    For the texture analysis, your crumbled paper texture is quite overwhelming and hard to understand, but the other textures seem less overwhelming so I don't think that redo this exercise.

    As for the dissections exercise, you did a great job on most of your textures. Although there is a sousage that has texture that doesn't curve as much as it should I am referring to the brick texture. And there is also a sousage that doesn't have it's form broken and here I am talking about the the bee hive.

    Lastly the construction section of lesson 2:

    For the form intersection exercise you seem to have followed the instructions pretty well and clearly and I don't think that I can spot any problems with your exercise so good job.

    Now the organic intersection exercise, right of the bat I want to point out that your drawing is very tiny. This isn't practically a mistake but it's generally better to make your drawing bigger if you are planning to ask for critique as it helps the critiquer point out mistakes better. I have some more critiques for this exercise here

    Next Steps:

    Your next step is drawing one page of The organic intersections exercise. Remember to take advantage of the space that you have and remember to warmup before you start drawing

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    3 users agree
    4:23 PM, Saturday March 30th 2024

    Hello there I call myself Quat and I am going to review your exercises for lesson 4.

    First of all: organic forms with counter curves. You did a good job following the instructions and the sausages look well made so good job on that.

    As for the Insects: Overall I can see that you didn't draw the intersection/joint for Most of the insects you drew .

    The demos look well made for the most part but The Wasp is drawn in a way that makes the abdomen look Disconnected from the thorax.

    I don't have much to say about the other demos other than that you did a great job.

    For the stag beetle I noticed that you attached the left "arm" in a wrong place in the thorax. While In reality limbs are supposed to be parallel to each others, or at least start from places that are parallel to each others. This is not really important for draw a box, but I thought I should point it out.

    as for the spider you did a good job with the construction, but you should have drawn the outline of the Shadow of the limbs that are touching the the wall Because them your spider looks stretched for no reason.

    From what I can see, The rest of your insects looks pretty good and I think that you are ready for lesson 5

    Next Steps:

    Your next step is Lesson 5

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 3 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    10:15 AM, Friday March 22nd 2024

    Thank you for the critique. I will write down some of the points you mentioned because I will probably forget otherwise.

    9:52 AM, Friday March 22nd 2024

    Great job. I think that you are ready for lesson 4. I also just noticed that your Ellipses are not changing in degree, Don't worry I won't make you draw that exercise from lesson 2 (especially since lesson 4 got you covered), Good luck.

    Next Steps:

    Your next step is Lesson 4

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 4 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2:33 PM, Wednesday March 20th 2024

    Hello again, If you really want to make more plants, it is better to do them for the 50:50 rule. Your exercises for draw a box are not meant to be pretty, even if you find it pretty it is more of a side effect rather than the main goal, your exercises a meant to show a good understanding of the lessons taught here and grinding will only get in the way of your learning.

    4 users agree
    1:49 PM, Tuesday March 19th 2024

    Hello there I call myself Quat and I am going to review your exercises for lesson 3 today

    First of all for The organic arrows and the leaves exercises: your lines look pretty clean and they imply a good understanding of how these objects exist in 3d space so great job.

    As for the branches exercise You tend to have Very Visible tails Which is expected from this exercise but you made it very noticeable , especially in your plant constructions, which is why I am going to ask you to draw another page of it.

    now for the plant constructions: and before I start I have to point out that More than half of the plants you drew were Demo plants and it is stated Here That more than half your plants are supposed to be non demo plants, I am not going to make you redo it but keep that in mind for future lessons.

    Also Please write the number of the pages in your future submissions, it is going to be a pain to specify some of the plants.

    Now assuming that you used the refrance provided in the demos your King oyster's head is a bit too small and that may stem from you rushing the drawing. Other than that you did a good job with the drawing.

    As for the Other textured mushroom I think that the construction is really good but the texturing on the holes of the mushroom looks flat. Since it isn't a major part of the lesson 3 I won't ask you to redo it, but I recommend trying the 25 texture challenge if you want to work on your texture skills.

    The other untextured mushroom Looks flat in terms of the stem and I will make you redo it.

    The fly trap plant looks squished to the left for some reason, but it is constructed really well for the most part so good job on that.

    The rest of the plants look well done and the only mistakes that I can see are stuff from the branches exercise.

    Next Steps:

    Your next step is doing one page of the Branches exercise And redraw the untextured mushroom

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
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Pentel Pocket Brush Pen

Pentel Pocket Brush Pen

This is a remarkable little pen. I'm especially fond of this one for sketching and playing around with, and it's what I used for the notorious "Mr. Monkey Business" video from Lesson 0. It's incredibly difficult to draw with (especially at first) due to how much your stroke varies based on how much pressure you apply, and how you use it - but at the same time despite this frustration, it's also incredibly fun.

Moreover, due to the challenge of its use, it teaches you a lot about the nuances of one's stroke. These are the kinds of skills that one can carry over to standard felt tip pens, as well as to digital media. Really great for doodling and just enjoying yourself.

I would not recommend this for Drawabox - we use brush pens for filling in shadow shapes, and you do not need a pen this fancy for that. If you do purchase it, save it for drawing outside of the course.

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