

The Indomitable (Winter 2023)

Joined 5 years ago

15900 Reputation

purpel's Sketchbook

  • The Resilient (Spring 2024)
  • The Indomitable (Winter 2023)
  • The Unshakeable (Spring 2023)
  • The Resilient (Winter 2022)
  • The Indomitable (Summer 2022)
  • The Indomitable (Spring 2022)
  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Technician
  • Geometric Guerilla
  • Tamer of Beasts
  • The Fearless
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    9:40 AM, Monday December 26th 2022

    I'm late to reply as well xD

    Happy Holidays!!!

    12:15 PM, Monday August 8th 2022

    This is how I go aobut doing the ellipses when I have trouble placing it correctly on the minor axis, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/368871209926131712/935198815282155550/krita.jpg.

    First draw your minor axis(or flow line for your branches, etc), then place two dots(with length of the ellipse in mind) perpendicular to the minor axis using ghosting method. Then ghost & draw the ellipse on those dots.

    If it's tough to achieve them digitally(if you've screenless tablet), try them traditionally first to get the basic idea.

    I hope this works for you & good luck with the next lesson.

    2:17 AM, Wednesday August 3rd 2022

    Yeah I did forgot about breaking them into straight lines if they were too complicated. I'll make sure to do that & also spend some time improving the lineweight.

    As always, thank you for the feedback.

    2 users agree
    8:27 AM, Saturday July 30th 2022

    Hi HopperHope! Hope you're doing well.

    It seems like you've done this digitally, so I'll be pointing stuff related to it.

    Organic Arrows

    • Your arrows are smooth & they're compressing & expanding as they move away & tworads the viewer.

    • Please use lineweight to highlight what's in front & close to us where the curves overlaps. It's will also help us in giving better feedback for your hatching placements.


    • For most part your leaves are following their flow line. You've only done one folding leaf & they are not natural & feels stiff in a way(see https://drawabox.com/lesson/3/2/folding). Please do more of the folding leaves in yoru wamups.

    • Nice work on breaking the silhouette of these leaves, though I like to remind you that it's recommended to do those construction using addition whenever possible, if you've to subtract part of the leaves then you'll have to consider whether it's raised or lowered relatively in the space.


    • Sometimes the ellipses here(like the top left) are not perpendicular to their minor axis(along with not cutting the ellipses in half), see https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/5/minoraxis. Ghost multiple time before placing the mark for them, if they're not placed well they can break the construction(here the branches) instantly.

    • If you're having trouble with curves of the flow line, then I recommend placing an ellipse at the peak of the curve(perpendicular to it), it would help you place the edges of branch easily.

    • You're gradually changing the degree of the ellipse, there are some cases(like one of the cruved branch) where the change is drastic, see if you can avoid these as much as possible.

    • Even though you're doing it digitaly nice work on doing most of the edges of the branches seperately.

    Plants Drawings

    • It seems while you've drawn contour curves for your cactus drawing, you've avoided drawing through them. It can be very hard to change the degrees of the ellipses with just the contour curves at this stage. Please draw through them like you've done in other drawings.

    • Nice work on the flow of the flower in the second drawing. You've used cast shadow very well as they're wrapping around the flower.

    • It's seems like you're using layers or decreased the opacity on the third drawing, https://i.imgur.com/DEm3ZvK.jpeg. If possible do these drawings without those stuff, just use lineweight(as in make the lines thick) instead of them.

    • In this(https://i.imgur.com/D0gACfi.jpeg) drawing, it would've been better if you were to draw each petals of some of the flowers as that could easily become the focal points. But other than that really good job on the constructions, I really like how you considered their tilts.

    • The mushroom & pitcher plant drawings with texture have a gradual change in it's details density. I can see that you're observing them very carefully.

    • Nice work on drawing through the forms in potato plants, it can be confusing but you've seen through it & even used cast shadows to to highlight what's close to us.


    You making great progress on these constructions & textures. Congrats on completing lesson 3!!

    Next Steps:

    Feel free to start lesson 4

    A reminder that if possible avoid changing opacity or using different layers for future lessons even if you're doing them digitally.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    7:55 AM, Saturday July 30th 2022

    Hi ChaoticFoxTales! Hope you're doing well.

    Organic Arrows

    • Your arrows are smooth & they're compressing & expanding as they move away & tworads the viewer.

    • Edges of some of the arrows is not overlaping which made them abit flat(see https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/4/overlap), if it's intentional to have that kind of curve then there is no need to worry about it because you already did enough arrows according to the instructions.

    • Good work on the lineweight & hatching, I can see that you've applied them on the overlapping section to hightlight what's in front.


    • Your leaves are following their flow line, even the folding ones. Though the flow of bottom left folding leaf on left page seems a bit weird. But you'll improve on them with practice, so continue doing them in your warmups.

    • Nice work on breaking the silhouette of these leaves. If you can, try doing some different variations using references when doing them in your warm ups.


    • Most of your ellipses here are perpendicular to their minor axis. Some are not, so try to check again if ellipses are placed correctly & if they're not, then correct them if it's possible, otherwise the construction will feel weird.

    • Good work the curved branches, you seem to have figured it out that placing ellipses on the peak of curve greatly help with constructing these curved branches.

    • You're trying to gradually changing the degree of the ellipse, but there are many cases(like in bottom left on right page) where the change is drastic, see if you can avoid these as much as possible. Observe how the ellipse changes it's degree in this branch, https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/18463269.png or the section in lesson 1 https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/5/circles.

    Plants Drawings

    • Petals of these flowers have a nice flow to them.

    • In the first drawing you've left out an empty space. I recommend planning out flow line of each petals bfore drawing those petals, so you can avoid those empty space..

    • Ellipses on the mushroom are well placed with almot correct widths. Also the texture here has a gradual shift in the details to lead the eye, though you could've gone a little more darker at the top of the base.

    • Good work on keep the petals of Hibiscus almost within it's planned boundary. There is one petal in the top coming out of it but that's okay, you can improve on it with practice.

    -You cactus has a really solid silhouette.

    • You've carefully put details on the bottom part of the cactus & potato plant & less on the top ones for your focal point.

    • In the potato plant demo, I see that you didn't drew throgh the leaves. Don't worry about construction looking messy, it's bound to happen with complex drawings, just take one step at a time & draw through your forms & each flow line for these leaves.

    • You've done basics constuctions & then changed it's silhouette in your last two palnt drawings. Though I'd like to remind you that you're putting too much line weight & it becomes distracting as it's almost acting like an outline of the drawing. Use them only on the overlapping sections to show what's in front & for your focal point, anythings else becomes distractions.


    You making great progress on these constructions. You do need to work on your ellipses a bit & yourlineweight as you seem to over use them.

    Congrats on completing lesson 3!

    Next Steps:

    Feel free to start Lesson 4.

    I didn't mention earlier but most of your drawings are from demos. It would be great if you've more drawings outside of it, so keep that in mind for future lessons. Good luck with Lesson 4!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    3:06 PM, Friday July 29th 2022

    Hi JRPRINC! Hope you're doing well.

    Organic Arrows

    • Good work on drawing these arrows smoothly, most of them are compressing & expanding as they move away & tworads the viewer.

    • I can see that you've applied lineweight to hightlight what's in front.

    • While your arrows are really well drawn, if you've followed lesson 2 you should know that we're supposed to drawn through them, see https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/4/step2. Please follow those instructions when doing the arrows in your warm ups


    • Your leaves are following their flow line, even the folding ones. I can aslo see that you considered flow line for the veins inside the leaves as well.

    • Nice work on breaking the silhouette of these leaves. Though for some leaves like the one above the bottom right leaf, you should have first drawn the outer form like a simple leaf & then break it's silhouette to create the outer contour like the one you've drawn. Please avoid skipping constructional steps whenever possible, https://drawabox.com/lesson/3/2/skipping, it helps you understand the form better.


    • Sometimes the ellipses here(like in branches on right side of the page) are not perpendicular to their minor axis(along with not cutting the ellipses in half), see https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/5/minoraxis. It's a bit hard to get them accurate, so ghost multiple time before placing the mark for them, if they're not placed well they can break the construction(here the branches) instantly.

    • I don't see any gradual shift in degrees/width in the ellipses for these branches. There should be shift in degrees when the ellipses are facing the viewer or away from it. See the ellipses used here in the branches & observe how their degrees are changing, https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/18463269.png.

    • Nice try on the forking branches, though they feel pretty stiff. See the forking branches section, https://drawabox.com/lesson/3/2/forking to see how you can construct them.

    Plants Drawings

    First of all, your plants looks really good & well constructed. Those 6 months were well spent.

    • I cannot see clearly but did you use pencil in your drawings? Sorry I'm misunderstanding, I know it can be tempting to use them but please avoid using them in this course as it goes completely against the purpose of this course. Be more confident & directly put the marks using your pen. If you're unsure about the construction you can plan them on the side of the page or a different page.

      • If you really did not use pencil, then the issue is your lineweight. We're only supposed to use them on the overlapping sections or the focal point, not for outlining the entire drawing.
    • Nice work on flow of the petals & leaves on these plants.

    • The texure on your plants are wrapping along the forms & have a gradual shift to lead the eye toward the focal point.

      • I cannot see any constructional steps in your plant drawings with textures. While these look beautiful, in drawabox we want to see your constructions so we can provide better feedback.
    • Great work on observing the pattern & negative shapes on complex plants. It's very hard to get right but you've done so.


    Your plants drawings are beautiful & you might have past experience with them but I strongly suggest following the instructions in the lessons, especially not skipping the construcitonal steps in drawings with texture.

    But even so I can clearly see that you've worked hard on these. So congrats on completing lesson 3.

    Next Steps:

    Feel free to start lesson 4.

    Please don't skip in constructional steps instructed in that lesson & good luck with the lessons, bugs are fun to draw.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    3:16 AM, Friday July 29th 2022

    Hi TempestNow! Hope you're doing well.

    Organic Arrows

    • Your arrows are smooth & they're compressing & expanding as they move away & tworads the viewer.

    • Good work on drawing through these arrows.

    • I see you've applied lineweight on some of the arrows but not on others, please do the lineweight on the overlapping parts to show what's on front & close to the viewer. It also help us identify if you've done the shading as inteded or not.


    • For most part your leaves are following their flow line. I would suggest you to join the the curves on folding leaves like you do with the arrows to complete them.

    • I don't see many leaves where you tried to break their silhouette. It can be hard to imagine them if you haven't draw much leaves, so use references whenever possible to observe different silhouette of the leaves.

    • For the overlapping leaves, it would be better if you can have the flow line inside the leaves(they can act like veins) & avoid having part of it foalting outside. You have done so in some of the leaves, so observe them & see how you can achieve that in other folding leaves. Connecting the curves will help solve this to some extent.


    • Sometimes the ellipses here are not perpendicular to their minor axis(along with not cutting the ellipses in half), see https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/5/minoraxis. Ghost multiple time before placing the mark for them, if they're not placed well they can break the construction(here the branches) instantly.

    • i see that you've having trouble with the curved branches, I recommend placing an ellipse at the peak of the curves(& perpendicular to it), it would help you place the edges of branch easily.

    • Nice work on gradually changing the degree of the ellipse.

    Plants Drawings

    • Your Hibiscus is well constructed & within it's bounded ellipse. Good work in the lineweight here, it's highlighting the overlaps of the petals.

    • Nice work on the textures of the mushroom.

      • Degree/Width of the ellipse on the middle should be in between the width of the ellipses on top & bottom. Meaning it should have more width. So keep the change in degree/width of ellipses in mind.
    • In the potato plant, good job on drawing through your forms & flow line for each of those leaves.

      • One thing I'd like to point out, when you're putting details over only some of the leaves, it's better to lead the eye to the focal point(where you want the viewer to look). Right now, it's not as bad but it does feel like half of the leaves have detail while others don't(there is a drastic change), try to make a gradual change in detail(you've done but not as much as you could've). This also applies to your cactus.
    • You're doing the constructions in page 3 & 4 using the basic shapes. Don't be afraid to use a flow line for big shapes(other than leaves, branches, petals) as well, if you feel like egg plant could use a consistent flow, then use it.

    • In your 3rd plant drawing, it's nice that you were thinking of the basic forms but I think you missed the point about the petals from the demos. It would be better you had drawn each petal to it's bottom core to feel the flow rather than just drawing it's top. Which I see that you've done in bottom(of the page, actually it's top of the plant) two flowers, which is great.

      • Don't be afraid to follow each constructional steps even if it makes your drawing messy or complex. Just focus on one petal at a time & you should be fine.


    You making some great progress on these constructions. You do need to work on silhouette & gradation for your focal point, keep them in mind along with following each constructional step when doing future lessons.

    Next Steps:

    Lesson 4

    Be sure to do leaves, petal, branches in your warm ups as well.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    0 users agree
    10:09 AM, Friday July 1st 2022

    Hi Loadsofskeptic!!!

    In both cylinders around minor axis & inside the boxes:

    • Your ellipses are smooth & confidently drawn

    • You did great with experimenting different orientations & proportions.

    • Nice work on hatching the correct visible ellipses!

    Cylinders around minor axis:

    Your ellipses are almost perpendicular to the minor axis, It will improve as you keep doing this in your warm ups, so nice work here.

    First few pages of your cylinders around minor axis had parallel edges but I see that you thought about the convergence on later cylinders.

    You've also put effort into making sure that the farther ellipse has greater degree & facing more towards us.

    This might be a nitpick but sometimes the edges of your cylinders overshoot their end point. Just be mindful of when to stop the mark & raise your pen. Unless you're not using this, plotting some dots for their start/end points can help.

    Nice work on checking the error for minor axis of each ellipse.

    Moving on to your cylinders inside the boxes:

    First issue I noticed with your boxes, is that the inner corner is giving you hard times especially in boxes with dramatic foreshortening like 192, 249 which resulted in tapered box & thus tapered cylinder. Which make the cylinder looks like a part of it sliced off.

    You can avoid this when constructing the boxes by plotting inner corner before placing all of the outside edges like shown here https://i.imgur.com/AWm1vaK.png, so that the edges from inner corner don't diverge from one of the vanishing points.

    In the topic of extension, it looks like you forgot to check for errors for minor axis of each ellipse(like you did with cylinders around minor axis), see the first point mentioned in the image on this section https://drawabox.com/lesson/250cylinders/1/stage2check . Keep it in mind when doing the revisions.

    These ellipses are supposed to be inside square planes(it's mentioned here https://drawabox.com/lesson/250cylinders/1/stage2). I know it's hard to get it right but when constructing the box, just make sure to keep it(planes having same relative length & width) in your mind when drawing those planes for both sides.

    Overall You've done amazing work with these cylinders & almost according to the instructions. Cylinders inside the boxes needs some work before moving into next lesson.

    Next Steps:

    • 6 cylinders inside boxes, make sure to avoid tapered boxes/cylinders with dramatic foreshoretening. Also check for errors in the convergence of minor axis of each ellipse even if it coincides with the center lines.
    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    0 users agree
    9:24 AM, Monday June 27th 2022

    love the trumpet idea, it also reminded me that we could use pet door as a replacement for button & screen

    4:04 AM, Tuesday May 3rd 2022

    You don't need to wait, feel free to start next lesson if the critique marks the lesson as complete.

    Though getting 2 agrees on the critique will get you box challenge badge here & in discord, it's not something required.

    If you want to get the badge you can either just wait or ask other members in critique channel of the discord server if they can agree to this critique.

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Drawabox-Tested Fineliners (Pack of 10, $17.50 USD)

Drawabox-Tested Fineliners (Pack of 10, $17.50 USD)

Let's be real here for a second: fineliners can get pricey. It varies from brand to brand, store to store, and country to country, but good fineliners like the Staedtler Pigment Liner (my personal brand favourite) can cost an arm and a leg. I remember finding them being sold individually at a Michael's for $4-$5 each. That's highway robbery right there.

Now, we're not a big company ourselves or anything, but we have been in a position to periodically import large batches of pens that we've sourced ourselves - using the wholesale route to keep costs down, and then to split the savings between getting pens to you for cheaper, and setting some aside to one day produce our own.

These pens are each hand-tested (on a little card we include in the package) to avoid sending out any duds (another problem with pens sold in stores). We also checked out a handful of different options before settling on this supplier - mainly looking for pens that were as close to the Staedtler Pigment Liner. If I'm being honest, I think these might even perform a little better, at least for our use case in this course.

We've also tested their longevity. We've found that if we're reasonably gentle with them, we can get through all of Lesson 1, and halfway through the box challenge. We actually had ScyllaStew test them while recording realtime videos of her working through the lesson work, which you can check out here, along with a variety of reviews of other brands.

Now, I will say this - we're only really in a position to make this an attractive offer for those in the continental United States (where we can offer shipping for free). We do ship internationally, but between the shipping prices and shipping times, it's probably not the best offer you can find - though this may depend. We also straight up can't ship to the UK, thanks to some fairly new restrictions they've put into place relating to their Brexit transition. I know that's a bummer - I'm Canadian myself - but hopefully one day we can expand things more meaningfully to the rest of the world.

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