Good job on completing lesson 1!


Some of your lines, especially in superimposed lines appear kind of wobbly. Make sure your prioritize confidence over accuracy when drawing lines.


Some of your ellipses are pretty wobbly. Again, make sure you are prioritizing condfidence over accuracy.


You seem to have some repeating lines throughout your box excersises. Avoid repeating any lines no matter how off it is, just keep the line as if it were correct. A lot of your boxes in rotated boxes and organic perspective seem to have lines that don't converge, but this will improve when you do the box challenge. Also, for your organic perspective, your boxes should be getting consistently bigger or consistently smaller as the travel along the line, but they seem to vary in size kind of randomly.

Other than the things mentioned I think you did a pretty good job on this lesson and you should move on to the 250 box challenge.