4:22 PM, Wednesday September 25th 2024
You're welcome and I wish you the best of luck moving forward.
You're welcome and I wish you the best of luck moving forward.
Hello, my name is PizzaPlease. Congratulations on persevering through the first lesson of DaB.
Remember to start your Superimposed Lines at the same point - this gives you a better chance of successfully layering the line.
Your Ghosted Lines page is good. It is clear you improved over the course of it.
The lines on your Ghost Planes pages are drawn with better confidence. Many of them still waver in spots, so keep up with the ghosting method and remember to prioritize confidence over accuracy. The planes have been placed on the page with gaps between them. You should be completely filling most of the pages for exercises in Lesson 1 and 2. Keep varying the sizes of your planes to challenge yourself.
On your Tables of Ellipses, it looks like you could pay more attention to spacing and remember to draw through your ellipses at least twice. It is clear you have paid attention to their degree and angle.
On your Ellipses in Planes, remember to prioritize a smooth, even shape over touching the ellipse to the four sides (https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/17/step2). Again, the placement of your ellipses could use practice and you'll certainly get it over the course of DaB. You have drawn through these ellipses, which is excellent. Don't worry about not having a picture before the ellipses - that's to be expected.
The Funnels page has the same spacing issues. The minor axis is well-observed, but remember to vary the size of the ellipses to follow the funnel. Don't draw through your ellipses more than three times.
Your Plotted Perspective page is good. Keep ghosting hatching on planes, it's good practice.
The Rough Perspective pages look good, except it looks like you reattempted many of your lines. You ghost all lines in DaB and don't try them again after you place them down.
The Rotated Boxes exercise is very challenging, so you should be proud of yourself just for getting through it. You made an effort to rotate the boxes out to the third tier and kept the corners remarkably tight. The rotations look very good, too.
I recommend paying more attention to how scale implies depth in the Organic Perspective exercise. It's better on the second page, but experiment more with exaggeration of scale in the future. The perspective on your boxes is not bad and you'll get plenty more practice moving forward.
Next Steps:
The 250 Box Challenge is next. Good luck!
Hello, my name is PizzaPlease and I am here to critique your Lesson 2 submission. Congratulations on getting through the lesson.
Your Organic Arrows pages are good-looking. You should experiment more with depth in the future - exaggerating the width of the arrow as it approaches the viewer. Don't forget to add line weight to emphasize which plane of the arrow is closer to the viewer.
Your first page of Organic Forms are quite misshapen, but the second page looks much better (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/5/step1). The contours are applied well on the second page but are inconsistent in perspective on the first. Definitely push the degree shift in ellipses in the future. You may find it helpful to review circles in 3D space from Lesson 1 (https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/5/circles).
Your Texture Analysis page doesn't look have been completed correctly. You have used hatching for the pinecone and what I think are simplified symbols for the bottom one (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/2/observation, https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/2/formshading). They look kind of like amoeba and I can't see how they reflect cast shadows in real life. In contrast, the paper texture looks great and it's clear you studied they shadows. The gradients for all three are a little fast and could be exaggerated more, but you clearly understand the concept.
Your Dissections pages are the same issues - symbol drawing, hatching, and overall a good deal of simplification. Remember to take your time. Some textures, like the mushroom, cracks on wood, orange and sponge (?) below the orange are much better.
The forms in your Form Intersections look good, but remember they should be equilateral to each other and the perspective should be shallow (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/8/stretched). Remember to fill the pages completely (pg. 3) and to fully complete the exercises (no intersections on pg. 4).
The Organic Intersections pages have forms that loot quite flat based on how they intersect. Remember to imagine them physically laying on top of each other (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/9/step3). Your cast shadows aren't employed very effectively - it looks like you mostly added bold outlines and stuck cast shadows to their forms (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/9/shadows). Remember line weight is a selective tool which shouldn't be abused by overuse and cast shadows should follow the surface of whatever form they fall upon.
Next Steps:
1 pg. of Texture Analysis
Review the lesson material on texture and take your time.
Hello, my name is PizzaPlease and I am here to critique your Lesson 2 submission. Congratulations on getting through the lesson.
Your Organic Arrows pages are ghosted well and you have applied line weight correctly, but I would recommend pushing your exploration of depth more in the future. They look quite flat (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/4/perspective). Exaggerate the variation of width more and try having more switchbacks in your arrows with narrower space between strips the further back they are (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/4/step2). It's a minor note, but your hatching is also quite thick and you occasionally incorrectly place it on the closer plane.
Your Organic Forms aren't bad, but have room for improvement. You did well respecting the minor axis of the sausages and while I can see good understanding behind the forms of the sausages, they look tense. Remember to ghost these and execute them with a confident, continuous line. Your ellipses should vary more in their degree, right now they are all quite similar (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/5/degree). I would also recommend reviewing the circles in perspective section from Lesson 1 (https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/5/circles). Some of your ellipse degrees are contradictory.
Your Texture Analysis page looks pretty good. There are some areas where it looks like you have fallen into the trap of symbol drawing and relying on closed shapes (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/6/drawingforms). Without seeing the references you used, I may be mistaken and please correct me if so. I can see you have studied these textures.
Your Dissections pages are pretty good, but have similar issues. Even though you aren't drawing them, pay close attention to the form and imagine it wrapping around the sausage. These cast shadows should look natural. The snake scales, the rim of the passion fruit, and the bacon all have massive areas of black which I think might be local color and don't seem to reflect cast shadows which would exist on form's surface. Some, like the nut, moon, and sponge, look better studied. Remember to take your time and observe very closely.
The forms in your Form Intersections look good, but remember they should be equilateral to each other (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/8/stretched). Some have distortion from extreme perspective as well. The pages are well-filled with forms. The linework is clean and the weight is applied tastefully. Most of your intersections are inaccurate. While this isn't the focus of the exercise, you may find the Form Intersections First Aid Pack helpful (https://imgur.com/a/6Inx5Bz).
The Organic Intersections pages have good forms. You were bold with and clearly thought out how the forms laid on top of each other. These sausages were executed more confidently. They don't seem be lying on a flat surface. Some of the shadows are unanchored or don't bend convincingly across the surface they fall upon (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/9/shadows). Remember, the contour ellipse goes on the side of the ellipse which faces the viewer. If it turns away, the contour ellipse is contradictory.
Next Steps:
Lesson 3 is next.
Don't forget to add the exercises from Lesson 2 to your warmup pool.
Hello, my name is PizzaPlease. Congratulations on persevering through the first lesson of DaB.
Most of your Superimposed Lines fray at both ends. Remember to place the fineliner tip at the exact same point when going back over the line. This will improve your muscle memory.
Your Ghosted Lines are about the same length. It is valuable to vary their lengths. You do a better job starting on the point here. I would review the lesson material on the ghosting method, particularly the levels of the ghosting method (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1HAVipdsZM). Focus on Level 1 - a straight, confident line. Many of them bend or wobble.
Your Ghost Planes are placed on the page with gaps between them. You should be completely filling most of the pages for exercises in Lesson 1 and 2. Again, having larger planes would be helpful as they challenge you more. Many of these are quite small.
The Tables of Ellipses look rushed. I recommend reviewing the lesson material on this exercise. Remember to ghost through the ellipses two to three times. Focus on keeping their degrees the same and their shapes proper. You're putting way too many tiny ellipses in these frames or breaking up the frames in ways that really aren't very helpful.
Your Ellipses in Planes are better. You have ghosted through them and while some are stretched, it looks like you paidmore attention to laying them down. The first page of these have better shapes - remember to prioritize a smooth, even shape over touching the ellipse to the four sides (https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/17/step2).
Much better ellipses on the Funnels page. It's clear you paid attention to the spacing and degrees and your ellipses. Remember to pay attention to the minor axis - some are a little crooked.
Your Plotted Perspective is pretty good. You have filled the frames well and it's clear you were deliberate. It's natural for this exercise to look messy, all those boxes are a lot of information. Later exercises in DrawaBox help you figure out how to simplify some of that information. Try keep those lines going back to a single point - some minor inaccuracy and bloating of the point in natural, but there are some lines you have drawn back which miss the point by a noticeable degree.
You could fit many more boxes in your Rough Perspective frames. Again, it is important to use as much of the frame as you can to get the most out of the exercises. It looks like you went over these lines a few times - remember to use the ghosting method in every exercise and lay down a single, confident line.
The Rotated Boxes exercise is very challenging, so you should be proud of yourself just for getting through it. I too dislike this exercise. You made an effort to rotate the boxes all the way out to third tier. Even if there is a great deal of distortion, this is good. Remember to keep the corners of the boxes tight all the way out to the third tier, which is where you need them most to help make educated guesses. The gaps are very tight closer to the center and it's clear this helped. You may want to hatch the side planes of those boxes. It helps simplify the information and it's good practice with the ghosting method.
I recommend pushing the scale in your Organic Perspective exercise more. Also, your hatching in every frame but the topmost on what I think is the first page (image 1968) does not look deliberate. Use the ghosting method for every line and only place a single one down - don't go back over it. Your perspective on these boxes isn't bad at all and you'll get plenty more practice in the 250 Box Challenge.
Next Steps:
1 Page of Tables of Ellipses
Hello, my name is PizzaPlease and I am here to critique your Lesson 2 submission. Congratulations on getting through the lesson.
Your Organic Arrows pages are mostly executed well, but have a few issues. You're clearly engaging with 3D space and are ghosting those twisting lines well. You could push how they move through 3D space more by exaggerating the width of the line as it approaches the viewer. Some of your arrows have contradictory overlaps or misplaced shading. This undermines the sense of depth you created, so pay more attention to that. Remember to add line weight to clarify overlaps (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/4/step4).
Your Organic Forms could use some more attention. Many of the sausages have contradictory ellipse degrees. The degree of the ellipses should also be varied more as the form recedes into space (https://discord.com/channels/365036548820959242/368871002584907776/892934522755219476). Your contour curves hook around properly and will get less flat with time. I would review Lesson 1's section on circles in perspective (https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/5/circles) and look again at the example pages for this exercise in Lesson 2 (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/contourlines)
Your Texture Analysis page looks excellent. Those gradients are gorgeous and it's clear you paid a lot of attention to the textures. The gradient fades especially well in the bottom frame of scales. Some of your lines in small boxes purely for analysis do look quite scratchy - try to avoid this in the future.
Your Dissections pages are equally impressive. You did very well wrapping the textures and breaking the silhouette. You clearly studied the textures closely.
The shapes and intersections in your Form Intersections are great, but remember they should be equilateral to each other (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/8/stretched). The pages are well-filled with forms. Some of the later pages do have scratchier linework and may have what Uncomfortable calls "a clean-up pass" in some spots, which should be avoided (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/8/cleanup). You may want to apply line weight a little more selectively.
The Organic instersections pages have pretty good forms but it looks like you struggled with the cast shadows. Remember, these follow the surface of whatever they fall upon (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/9/shadows). In the first page, this is mostly an outline that doesn't make sense. The second page is better, but some of the shadows are blocky. They should follow the curvature of the sausages and remember to keep strokes confident even when doing cast shadows. I recommend reviewing the lesson material for this exercise.
Next Steps:
Lesson 3 is next. Good luck!
I apologize for taking so long to get to this. Thank you very much for the thorough critique. I have no questions and understand your explanation of cast shadows.
This looks amazing, I would buy some ice cream.
You're welcome.
Your Organic Forms are not very off. They follow this section of the lesson very well: https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/5/ellipses . The issue is there is little variance in how the forms twist through 3D space between all your forms (they all twist really similarly) and the contour ellipses are sometimes placed a little off (look at the top middle form) - they all look like that example and this hampers your progress in understanding 3D space.
I shouldn't have said "inconsistent", as that is too vague and sounds like they're worse than I meant. There are also some sharp changes in ellipse degree, especially between the middle (narrowest) ellipse and the ones right next to it.
You're welcome, I am glad to help.
Here we're getting into the subjective - Gerald Brom is one of my favourite artists (and a pretty fantastic novelist!). That said, if I recommended art books just for the beautiful images contained therein, my list of recommendations would be miles long.
The reason this book is close to my heart is because of its introduction, where Brom goes explains in detail just how he went from being an army brat to one of the most highly respected dark fantasy artists in the world today. I believe that one's work is flavoured by their life's experiences, and discovering the roots from which other artists hail can help give one perspective on their own beginnings, and perhaps their eventual destination as well.
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