Thank you for taking the time out of your day to help me out, I really appreciate it, when I got to the boxes I really started to rush because I was so close to finishing the lesson, but my results sre the consequences for not listening to the course, I wont do any homework as of tonight since I am burnt out from studying algebra but I will take the time this afternoon and tomorrow to practice drawing with patience, outside of this course I tend to rush my artwork, never stepping away from it even if I don't know what to do next, I'll try to beat down that habit.

To end this off, I have Just one question, I spend about an hour or so drawing a day, would it be reasonable for me to take a day-long break inbetween each page of homework? I don't want to rely on

critiques as much as I do for improvement, I'd want to use that day to rewatch the lesson video and look over my work before I start again the next day. I'm asking because I tend to have bad habits.