
High Roller

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pandacat's Sketchbook

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  • Basics Brawler
    7:55 AM, Friday January 20th 2023

    Thank you so much for the criticism. I will make sure to keep everything you said in mind.

    As for the ellipses, I tried to do some of them free hand, but failed miserably. So I got myself an ellipse guide, but it was a bit limited in terms of degree, so I had to improvise a lot. I still struggle with the texture thing, but I will make sure to study it more and not fall into the trap again.

    I thank you again for the helpful advice.

    10:42 AM, Saturday December 31st 2022

    Thank you so much for your help.

    I must admit intersections are really hard for me to visualise for some reason.

    Thank you again.

    7:42 AM, Thursday March 17th 2022

    Thank you.

    As for Q1, I meant point of perspective for the box that I will use to construct the object inside of it.

    3:15 AM, Sunday November 14th 2021

    Thank you.

    4:54 PM, Saturday November 13th 2021

    Thank you very much, I will work on my organic dissections as you recommended.

    This might be off topic but I want to know about something, I have only got my lesson 1 critiqued. So do I have to wait until the other lessons/challenges to be critiqued or do I move forward to save time?

    5:19 PM, Monday June 28th 2021

    Thank you for answering me. I wish I have seen it before finishing the lesson, because I would have enjoyed drawing crustaceans more :,) .

    10:40 AM, Wednesday June 23rd 2021

    Alright, Thank you.

    10:50 AM, Friday April 23rd 2021

    Thank you very much, sir. This is helpful, and it opened my eyes.

    Admittedly I tend to get bored and skip over some steps (knowing this, I wish I could redo the 250 box challenge)

    I will keep everything you said in mind, and follow the instructions exactly.

    Thank you.

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