
Dimensional Dominator

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opaqueapple's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • Basics Brawler
    1:26 PM, Monday June 28th 2021

    Thank you so much for going out of your way to write this! i'll take all of this into consideration going into lesson 3. Thank you again.

    2 users agree
    2:28 AM, Sunday June 27th 2021


    Firstly for the superimposed exersize: i see that your lines sometimes curve upwards, especially when you have longer lines. This can either be because you are tethering from the elbow or just doing it subconciously, most likely the latter. if that is the case then try to consciously arch other way. Another thing i want to add is that you do have some fraying on both ends for 1 that i noticed. try to keep in mind where your first dot starts. https://imgur.com/a/exyEBQ5

    Next for the ghosted lines exersize: i see that you do have a curve or two, again it's probably just a subconsious thing otherwise your tethering from your elbow instead of the shoulder. Another thing i want to add which is pretty minor in your work is that i see that you slightly lost confidence and tried to curve the line back to where the dot was.https://imgur.com/a/wjNFGce

    for the ellipse planes: i just want to put this in although it isn't on the critique guidelines. Sometimes your lines do lose confidence i've marked some out through the imgur link. Don't worry too much about accuracy and instead aim for confidence. https://imgur.com/a/24OhqYY (p.s. i used the word wobbling, i meant arch on that note.)

    for the ellipse tables: although i can't mark down every single overlap, i can say that there are a few. each ellipse should be kept within its box and shouldn't go over one another. The most noticable one is in page 2 far bottom right corner where there are quite a few overlaps.

    For the funnels exersize: sometimes your ellipses don't follow the minor axis, they should be cut through the straight through the middle making 2 symmetrical halves. https://imgur.com/a/xpjCW1G

    for the 2 plotted perspective exersize: i just want to note one thing. In page 1, table 1, bottom middle box, your Y lines ( height lines) should always be perpendicular to the Horizon line

    In the rough perspective: sometimes you'll draw lines twice, for instance page 1 table 3 far right box, you've attempted to draw the back lines twice. never repeat a line, no matter how off it is, you just have to move on from the line, remember to always put confidence over accuracy. if the line misses then it's no big deal, just don't go over it again! Another thing. in page 2, 1st table, middle bottom box, one of your back x lines (width lines) isn't parallel with the horizon line.

    For the organic perspective exersize: your page 1 last box has one line redrawn to correct its course, don't worry if you got the box wrong, again if you have plotted the wrong line, don't bother going over and redrawing! Also, when adding line weight, don't add line weight to the whole line, instead do only the section that overlaps. i.e. https://imgur.com/a/NZl6hGm, i went over the lines sloppy but i hope you get my point. also i see actual wobble. remember to always put confidence infront of accuracy.

    That's all from me, i might have missed something, if i did then i'm sorry. I also am sorry for my terrible hand writing, and hope those imgur links work.

    Next Steps:

    i'm going to mark this lesson as complete. I suggest you move onto the 250 boxes challenge where you'll be able to do more boxes! and gain a better understanding of vanishing points, shallow and close up perspective (2nd term i used is incorrect, forgot the word for it) and you'll also be able to improve with ghosting lines. Also, if you don't feel to confident hitting your lines or they wobble sometimes, i suggest doing the ghosted planes exersize once in a while before you start your sessions. This doesn't need to be long, only 5/10 mins here and there, and later you can replace this with something like ghosting a whole box. But that's for later. That's all from me.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    12:01 AM, Thursday June 17th 2021


    For the first activity (Superimposed lines): You sometimes have fraying at the start, most notably here https://imgur.com/a/FlEDNyw, try to watch out for the fraying at the start and be conscious that when you're lining that up. Next is that your lines, especially longer ones, curve. Sometimes this can either be because you are tethering from your elbow, otherwise it can just be done subconsciously. If so, try to counteract this by drawing a curve Consciously the opposite end.

    next for the ghosted planes: remember to finish some off, your second page top left and top right are partially unfinished.

    For the ellipses table: only a very small portion of your ellipses go over the page and overlap. Also, on page 2, bottom right box, bottom right circle and a few others spike sometimes. remember to draw the ellipses confidently. Confidence over accuracy!

    For the rough perspective: some of your height lines ( Vertical ones) slant. For instance, on your first page, second box, far bottom right cube is slanted slightly. the Y lines should always be perpendicular to the Horizon Line. I also see that you tried to draw another line over the first; In box 2, top far left boxes' line has been drawn over twice. Try not to draw over a line no matter how far off it is. Dont be too afraid of mistakes like this. Sometimes, your width lines (horizontal lines) slant slightly. Width lines should be parallel to Horizon Line.

    For the organic perspective: I only have 1 comment, although this isn't on the critique sheet, i wanted to add this on. https://imgur.com/a/7geMgSX. some of your lines foreshorten too quickly, which may give the impression that the box is closer than it seems, especially since the bigger one in front isn't foreshortened as much as this one, i made this mistake myself. The red line should be less foreshortened than the original blue. Sorry for my terrible examples, i hope you can understand my point! And i hope all my links that i put work! sorry if they dont.

    That's all i see, sorry if i missed anything!

    Also: you either forgot to upload the funnels excersize or missed it!

    Next Steps:

    I've marked this lesson as complete and I think you're fully prepared to go onto the 250 boxes challenge where you'll get more confident at ghosting lines and learn about shallow foreshortening & close up foreshortening (i dont think it's called this).

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    1:24 AM, Monday June 14th 2021

    i also want to add a few more things ontop of this; on the ghosted box ellipses page 1, remember to finish all ellipses, i see that you missed one.

    On the funnels excersize; some of your end ellipses don't cut through the middle of the minor axis. I.E. the middle funnel, final bottom ellipse doesnt cut through, same goes with top left funnel, final bottom and top ellipse.

    Also on the first exersize (superimposed) your lines sometimes arch, especially on the larger lines, this can be counteracted by conciously arching in the opposite direction.

    That's all from me

    3 users agree
    1:14 AM, Monday June 14th 2021


    For the first section of lines. on the first activity (superimposed lines), i notice that your lines do sometimes tend to make an arch, especially when the lines themselves become longer. Sometimes this can happen if you pivot from your elbow instead of your shoulder however if this isnt the case then it can be fixed by trying to arch conciously in the opposite direction.

    In the second activity (ghosted lines) i can sometimes see that your line tends to have a very slight wobble. I added a few things here: https://imgur.com/a/osKuC8R. Try to prioritize confidence over the accuracy of the line. Also, try not to go over the line twice.

    For the Ellipse and ghosting Boxes exercise: you sometimes have wobbly lines again https://imgur.com/a/QV27fKP. I marked out a few areas as examples. Sorry for the terrible ellipse example. https://imgur.com/a/JbLFzVl this link should help explain that better. Sometimes your ellipses can wobble a bit. again try and prioritize confidence over accuracy for now.

    Onto the Ellipse tables exercize: sometimes your lines can wobble, this is noticable in the bigger ellipses and on the final ellipses on pg2. again, prioritize smoothness and confidence over accuracy. although sometimes your ellipses don't touch eachother and can leak out of the tables you've made.

    On the funnels exercize: https://imgur.com/a/6qds8jE, i made a few notes. most notably the minor axis (the centreline placed down) should always cut the ellipse in half equally. i made a slight correction with red that overlaps it if that helps at all.

    Onto the rough perspective boxes excersize: try to keep in mind that the width lines (or your X lines) should always be parallel to your Horizon line, sometimes i see that they slope. Again your lines do wobble here and there. (look at previous notes made i.e. smoothness and confidence over accuracy)

    no major critiques on rotated boxes

    Finally, for the organic perspective: i dont have any major critiques except for page one table 3 final boxes' line wasn't finished.

    I probably missed a few things but this is what i saw. I hope this helps!

    Next Steps:

    I'm marking this lesson as complete, you can move onto the 250 box challenge where you will find that you'll need to do a ton more ghosting so you can practice your straight lines and confidence further in the challenge. if you do find that you are struggling with confidence and straight lines, i'd suggest to do a quick warmup (5/10 mins) of the ghosted boxes exersize, but that's solely up to you.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 3 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2:25 PM, Saturday June 5th 2021

    Thank you so much for going out of your way to critique me! i'll try and apply this advice as much as i can in the box challenge.

    Thank you again.

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