
Basics Brawler

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nnoodlebird's Sketchbook

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  • Basics Brawler
    2 users agree
    5:19 PM, Saturday June 15th 2024

    Hey Hey! Good job on Lesson 3!


    Organic Arrows:

    Did well: Very minimal over/undershooting where two lines meet. Basically perfect in that regard!

    Could improve:

    -Some lines are a tad bit wobbly.

    -Some arrows recede into space unevenly, which breaks the illusion of depth.


    Overall these look really nice. They look smooth and have some gesture to them. for improvement you could try pushing the gesture even more and trying to draw more leaves that fold over themselves.


    Areas to improve: I observe some fraying where two parts of the line meet. There are also some ellipses which don't quite touch the edge of the branch where they are supposed to.

    8 pages of plant drawings:

    Some areas to improve:

    -Some gestures feel like they could be pushed a bit more. For example, a lot of the leaves in the potato plant drawing feel a bit stiff.

    -some unevenness in the width of the branches/stems that doesn't seem intentional. I had a LOT of trouble with that too!

    -Some fraying in the branches/stems (something I also had a lot of trouble with)

    Overall, it definitely looks like you are giving a lot of effort and are good to move on! :) Good luck!!

    Next Steps:

    Move on to lesson four, while keeping strong gesture in mind.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    2:25 AM, Monday January 15th 2024

    Hi! :)

    Looking good!! Congrats on finishing lesson 2 :D

    Here are some critiques of each exercise:


    This is looking nice! One improvement could be to add line weight to your arrows as they come forward in space to enhance the illusion of depth. I also notice a bit of wobbling on some of the lines in this exercise. That's something to look out for too!

    Organic forms with contour lines:

    something you did well here is that your ellipses on your ellipse page look quite confident! :)

    Something you can improve is to make sure all your ellipses are more aligned to the minor axis.

    The age of curves have lines that are a little less confident, so that is something to watch out for. Some of the curves are also shorter than the width of the form. I had a lot of trouble with that as well so I know it is definitely pretty hard!!

    Texture (I am going to do both of the texture exercises at the same time!):

    Something you did well with your texture exercises was observing the form and recreating it convincingly. Even though the labels for youre exercise are written in a language I don't speak, I can still tell what a lot of your textures are, so great job!

    One thing I think you can improve is to use shadow more and rely less on outlines. In the homework instructions it is emphasized to use cast shadow to describe form rather than drawing outlines of the shapes. I notice on some of your forms especially in the texture analysis page you use a lot of outlines. Definitely don't be afraid to have some parts of the object almost completely in shadow, with a few spots of light that help describe the form!

    Form intersections:

    Overall the forms look like they are occupying the same space- god job!

    An area to improve would be ensuring your lines don't curve as much. Some of the straight lines curve a bit, so watch out for that! I encountered the same problem as well.

    Another suggestion would be to fill your page up more!

    Organic intersections:

    When you are practicing this exercise as a warmup going forward, be careful that your sausage forms aren't too close to parallel with each other! having the sausages laying perpendicular is described as creating a more convincing image in the homework description.

    I hope this helps! :)

    Next Steps:

    Move on to lesson 3! :) I would suggest practicing more texture and organic intersections especially as warmups.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    11:39 PM, Sunday January 14th 2024

    Hey there!

    Overall, your work is looking quite nice! It seems like you have been taking time to really understand the lessons-- and I can see in your images some self-critiques which indicates that you have the ability to recognize where you went wrong (for example on the arrows exercise) which I think will definitely be a helpful skill going forward in your drawing journey :D

    for improvement I would suggest: pay a little more attention to the minor axis line when you're doing sausage forms or other forms with ellipses! Some of them are misaligned in the sausage forms exercise.

    also- the biggest thing I would suggest going forward is to fill up your pages more! On most of the exercises except the sausage forms and arrows , it seems like the pages are underfilled. Especially on the texture exercise that can be kind of a pain- but if you can fill your pages up more I would definitely suggest it!

    Next Steps:

    Move on to the next lesson, making sure to fill the pages up more!

    you might want to work on some of the later exercises from this lesson (textures, intersection stuff) as warmups that way you can get more practice in with them as you go forward. (not because they look bad-- just because the pages were a bit underfilled!)

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    5:15 PM, Wednesday January 12th 2022

    Hi Tempestsnow!

    This looks really nice. I can definitely see clear improvement over the course of the challenge. There seem to be more boxes with shallow converging lines than ones with sharper lines, so next time you practice boxes I'd suggest doing more with sharper convergences. Overall though the majority of your lines near the end of the challenge seem to be converging towards the same point which is great. There are a few where the lines are diverging instead of converging, so watch out for those- but since most of the lines look good I'd say it's not a huge thing to worry about as long as you're aware of it in the back of your mind as something to notice and avoid when it does happen.

    Next Steps:

    Move on to lesson 2!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    0 users agree
    6:07 PM, Friday December 31st 2021

    Hi Rachds!

    You did a really good job with starting all your lines out- there seems to be practically no fraying on starting ends of your lines, which is really good!

    Something it seems like you struggled with is drawing your lines more confidently without wobbling. The shorter lines seem pretty good and the lines there seem a lot more confident than the longer lines, but some of the longer ones seem to have a significant amount of wobbling. I would suggest focusing more on getting your lines straighter and less wobbly (even if they may be a little less accurate) next time you practice this exercise! :)

    5:57 PM, Friday December 31st 2021

    Thank you so much for the feedback! I'll definitely be sure to work more consciously on connecting the lines and making them more confident as I go forward with drawing boxes

    2 users agree
    7:22 PM, Thursday December 30th 2021

    Hi! I just started myself, so I'm not sure If I'm qualified to give to much feedback, but here are some things I noticed!

    -going forward, I think it would be a good idea to try to fill your pages up a bit more! For example on the plotted perspective, one of the frames only has one large box in it. The rotated boxes also seems to be missing a few boxes- the example has two coming out diagonally from the center, but I can only make out one coming out diagonally from the center box for each quadrant in your work. The table of ellipses has some spots that could probably fit some more smaller ellipses as well!

    I would suggest going back in, especially with the rotated boxes, and add the missing boxes!

    -some of the boxes in the later exercises seem to have a little bit of chicken scratching. It doesn't seem to be too much, so I think it's definitely something that will improve with more time and practice, but I thought it would be helpful to point out so you can be more aware of it!

    Next Steps:

    Add missing boxes to rotated boxes assignment

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
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The Art of Brom

The Art of Brom

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