
Dimensional Dominator

Joined 3 years ago

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nagasaravanan's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • Basics Brawler
    2:14 AM, Sunday September 22nd 2024

    Thank you for replying, I will stick with the recommendations for the homework session. And will use those notebook for 50% rule.

    5:52 PM, Saturday September 21st 2024

    I didn't have any specific reason. I got couple of these notebook laying around and thought of using it, that's it.

    5:51 AM, Thursday July 1st 2021

    Thank you for spending time on my work for critique. I will try my best to rectify the mistakes I made in the further lessons.

    2:59 PM, Sunday May 30th 2021

    Well I'm not going for official critiques. So I guess I should continue without stopping with the fountain pen as you said because I already waited for two weeks after finishing 250 boxes challenge for the lockdown to lift off but it seems like it won't for a while that's the main reason i decided to use fountain pen and I didn't got ball point pen either. And thank you so much for responding.

    10:43 AM, Wednesday May 19th 2021

    Funnel rework. I did my best. Still this seems bad for me, if you say so I will rework it again.

    And is there some other thing that I should improve before moving on?

    10:52 AM, Sunday May 9th 2021

    Thank you for spending time on my work and pointing out my mistakes. You were right I strugged on the funnel exercise and will practice it simultaneously while completing 250 boxes challenge before starting next lesson. In rotated boxes i did cross hatching because I'm afraid of drawing over the same lines what if it may go wrong and make it look like a thread. I should get rid of this fear for imperfection, I guess.

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Proko's Figure Drawing Fundamentals

Proko's Figure Drawing Fundamentals

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