
The Relentless

Joined 1 year ago

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npaxproject's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    12:22 PM, Tuesday March 5th 2024

    Hello, sorry for the delay, but I got the 30 extra boxes done.

    I focused on leaving the converging point closer this time, though I did try some farther ones on a few of the boxes.

    I think these extra ones helped tighten up the converging lines, even when some of them accidentally converge in pairs, they're still closer to the others, instead of deviating completely.

    11:37 AM, Wednesday December 20th 2023

    Hello, thanks for taking you time to review my submission. As for the points you made, you are totally correct, since I'm practically starting from 0, I'm still getting used to drawing from the shoulder, it still feels a little weird, to be honest, even as I'm getting used to it, and line confidence is still somewhat of a 50/50 because of me trying to be accurate.

    The biggest problem currently I feel is that I'm not completely consistent when drawing on whether I try to be accurate or confident, so it ends up with some of the inconsistencies on the drawings, but I usually make an effort to not try and go out of my way to correct them, considering the mentality of "owing up to the mistakes" and not grinding, as mentioned in lesson 0. Hopefully I'll whittle my bad habits down as I keep following the lessons, and develop better ones in their place.

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something we've used ourselves, or know to be of impeccable quality. If you're interested, here is a full list.
The Art of Brom

The Art of Brom

Here we're getting into the subjective - Gerald Brom is one of my favourite artists (and a pretty fantastic novelist!). That said, if I recommended art books just for the beautiful images contained therein, my list of recommendations would be miles long.

The reason this book is close to my heart is because of its introduction, where Brom goes explains in detail just how he went from being an army brat to one of the most highly respected dark fantasy artists in the world today. I believe that one's work is flavoured by their life's experiences, and discovering the roots from which other artists hail can help give one perspective on their own beginnings, and perhaps their eventual destination as well.

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