
Basics Brawler

Joined 2 years ago

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musicalartist12's Sketchbook

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  • Basics Brawler
    2:52 PM, Friday June 17th 2022

    I would add that for the funnels excersize, the ellipses should be aligned to each other and to the funnel - a few of them are out of align. this doesn't limit their ability to complete lesson 1, but they should keep this in mind for the future.

    2 users agree
    2:43 PM, Friday June 17th 2022

    I agree with JUMBLEDBYRD. Your lines look confident, Ellipses smooth and mostly accruate with ellipses mostly in line with your ellipses in planes, and with your revisions, everything is good. As you do these for warm ups try to keep in mind that your lines shouldn't ever really be drawn over and your ellipses minor axis should be in line to each other in the ellipses in planes.

    Next Steps:

    Continue onto the 250 boxes

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    1:57 AM, Wednesday June 15th 2022

    so, for the first page of the rough perspectives - i did draw them like the others... the turquoise felt tip pen I was using for it was more worn out than I realized. I thought it showed up in the picture better than it did. the pen wearing out is why I switched to the darker blue ballpoint pen for the others.

    11:41 PM, Tuesday June 14th 2022

    A few things to take note - Your lines do look more confident - a few of them are still a bit wobbly but noticibly better. keep in mind on the rough perspective, the horizontal and vertical lines should be either completely parallel to the horizon or 90 degrees to it. This isn't a dealbreaker though as stated in the excersize notes. For your ellipses, you should make 2 complete loops actually, drawing over the first ellipse. just twice though. your organic perspective looks good. Notice how most of your lines are smooth and not jagged or wobbly.

    Next Steps:

    From my understanding of lesson one, I think continuing on with the 250 boxes challenge would be beneficial - though working on producing as confident of a line as possible should be the focus of your warm ups. Superimposed lines might be a great staple warm up for this.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    0 users agree
    7:05 AM, Monday June 13th 2022

    For the lines work, your lines tend to wobble. try to maintain confidence throughout. I would also suggest just using dots instead of circles, as it'll give a clearer target for your planes. Your ellipses look ok, though i would suggest working on filling the planes without going too far. For the boxes section, keep in mind for the plotted perspective that the shading mentioned very clear lines instead of filling in the side of the box. the rough perspective is ok, though make sure to only make one stroke instead of redrawing over your lines. your rotated boxes looks ok, but try to keep the corners and edges closer together, and maintain more even spacing. for your organic perspective, i would suggest thinking about what looks like a box - they're a bit warped.

    Next Steps:

    I think doing 2 pages of the ghosted planes excersize would help a ton. really think about ghosting the line and producing confident lines. From there, I would also advise a page of rough perspective and a page of organic perspective. The goal is to work on line confidence through the planes, and apply it to the rough and organic perspective excersizes.

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
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