2:26 PM, Saturday March 23rd 2024
Hi Razgriz! Worry not. Apologies here as well for not seeing this notification until now.
Great job on doing these revisions! I won't pester you with more and will mark this lesson as complete.
I'll give you some final bits of feedback before you move on. On the dissections shape, you want to create a transition from dense to sparse, and you want the shapes on this form to follow the curve of the organic form. I'm not seeing those two things in your example. I'm seeing an improvement when it comes to drawing in cast shadows instead of lines though! The cracks between the stones truly feel like cracks instead of outlines.
Again, take a look at this image to see what I'm talking about.
For your spheres, make sure to go over them only 2-3 times. I see you draw through them more than that.
The intersections aren't fully convincing to me. Just like with how your shapes don't really wrap around the 3D form on the organic dissection page, I think this may suggest that you still struggle to "believe the lie" that everything you draw on the page is actually supposed to be 3D. Drawing is about tricking yourself into this lie. I'm afraid I can't give super specific advice on this, but it's very important. I really recommend you join the Draw A Box Discord server because there's a lot of poeple on there that are much more knowledgeable than I am, and they may be able to help you get more insight into this.
But as for this lesson, I'll mark it as complete! You can move on to lesson 3!
Next Steps:
Move on to lesson 3!