9:29 AM, Thursday February 20th 2020
Thank you for the feedback. I must admit I was a bit surprised that I didn't get the intersections as redo but plan to put them for the next few months as warm-ups so I get a stronger sense of them.
Also you reminded me to look at piece as how strong/weak they sustain the illusion, this is a greater and more important that how 'beautiful','good' etc they look. All in all, as you pointed out, this was a full journey with a lot of struggles but also accomplishments, I feel I have improved a lot not that important if it shows but how different I see 3D space (not gonna lie, got a lot to work on but I like the direction is going)
P.S. I strongly feel I should do the 100 chests, they will offer something different or at least to solidify the skills, so onto that next.