
Giver of Life

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meapr0's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    8:39 AM, Sunday June 2nd 2024

    Thank you, really appreciate the critique! Helpful insights on every point (especially for the ellipses).

    2 users agree
    5:54 AM, Tuesday May 21st 2024

    Hello! I'm Meap and I hope my feedback will be helpful to you :3. Overall, I think you did great.


    1. Superimposed Lines

    • Lines are quite consistent, not wobbly, and only frays at the far end (which is normal at this stage so no worries). This can be improved with enough practice as warm-up exercises in the future. After you have nailed the first two level for your lines, a small tip that can help you improve the accuracy (can be applied for all the lines you make in the future): First, take as much time and attempts needed for your ghosting method. Next, when you're confident enough to execute the line, focus your eyes on the end point and shoot your line instead of tracing your eyes along with the pen. This is just a personal tip so you can try to see if it works for you as well.

    • Your longer lines do have tendencies of arcing but not that noticeable. If you're confident that you had drawn from the shoulder but the problem still persists, you can try this Tip from the lesson by consciously arcing your line slightly in the opposite direction.

    2. Ghosted Lines

    • The ink distribution on some of your longer lines seems uneven and getting lighter when reaching the end. I assume you're focusing too much on the speed in an attempt of making it looks straight rather than focusing more drawing from your shoulder. There are cases of overshooting/missing the designated endpoints but this can be improved over practicing so don't worry if you didn't manage to nail it the first time.

    3. Ghosted Planes

    • You did great on this one! Lines are confident and not wobbly.


    • Overall, nice job! Your ellipses are mostly evenly shaped, consistent and smoothly executed. I can tell you did thrive trying to fit the ellipses against the borders, the funnels, and the planes.


    1. Plotted Perspective

    • Remember that your verticals are supposed to be perpendicular to the horizon (especially those lines at the back of the box).

    • A nice attempt of hatching here; however, the lines are bunched together pretty tightly. This isn't a huge problem, but it might be resulting in uneven spacing and/or wobble on the box planes (Since we are supposed to use a ruler for this exercise, they are much easier to execute and appear consistent. But it will be a good reminder when you move onto the 250 boxes challenges where the hatchings are freehand). Spreading those lines out a bit could help achieve smooth lines and give yourself enough space to work with to establish uniform hatching.

    2. Rough Perspective

    • Your front and back faces of the boxes are composed of horizontals that are parallel to the horizon line, and verticals that are perpendicular to it so great job!

    3. Rotated Boxes

    • Considering the difficulty of this exercise, I commend your attempt. Clearly shown you followed the core steps of the exercise. The gaps between your boxes are tight and consistent. Not to mention your boxes are rotated quite nicely.

    4. Organic perspective

    • There are a few cases of divergence. You may need to give yourself more time to think through the planning phase of their lines (during which you place your various points). Highly encourage you to do so when moving onto the 250 boxes challenge.

    Overall, good job! Your lines are gradually more confident and consistent over each exercise. You can definitely start incorporating these exercises as your warms-up and moving onto the 250 boxes challenge now! Of course, feel free to ask and comment on the replies if you have any more questions or want to clarify the materials regarding this lesson.

    Next Steps:

    Incorporating these exercises as warm-ups

    Move onto the 250 boxes challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    12:13 PM, Sunday May 19th 2024

    Hello! I'm Meap and I hope my feedback will be helpful to you :3. Overall, I think you did great.


    • Overall, your lines are consistent, not wobbly, very clear signs of confidence! Your longer lines do have tendencies of arcing but not that noticeable. If you're confident that you had drawn from the shoulder but the problem still persists, you can try this Tip from the lesson by consciously arcing your line slightly in the opposite direction.

    • There are cases of your lines missing the designated endpoints, but this is to be expected from this level and can be improved over practicing. So don't worry if you didn't manage to nail it the first time. A small tip on improving the accuracy (from my personal experience and only if you have nailed the confidence part of course): you can try to focus more on the endpoint instead of tracing your eyes along the lines. So first, do your usual ghosting method (as many times as you needed until you feel confident enough), then focus on the endpoint and just shoot your lines.


    Tables of Ellipses

    • Most of your ellipses fit snugly against the borders of the table. And the ellipses are mostly evenly shaped and smoothly executed too.

    Ellipses in Planes

    • I assume some ellipses are a bit wobbly/deformed due to the attempt of you trying to have your ellipses to touch all 4 edges. I encourage you to prioritize the even shape/confident execution above all else and spend as much time as you needed for the ghosting method.


    • The ellipses are evenly shaped and smoothly executed. Very clear attempt of trying to fit the ellipses in the funnels. For future warm-ups, follow the two upper funnels in your submission. Your central minor axis line (the smaller line in the middle) should not be cutting through your ellipses and instead should cut into two equal, symmetrical halves down their narrower dimension by it.


    Plotted Perspective

    • Remember to keep your verticals perpendicular to the horizon (especially the lines at the back of the box).

    Rough Perspective

    • Your front and back faces of the boxes composed of horizontals that are parallel to the horizon line, and verticals that are perpendicular to it so good job!

    Rotated Boxes

    • You did a great job on this one! Clearly shown you follow the core steps of the exercise with consistent and confident lines. The gaps between your boxes are tight and consistent. Not to mention your boxes are rotated very nicely.

    Organic perspective

    • Good job on this exercise too. Little to no divergence cases. I can tell you spent a good amount of time on planning the lines. Definitely encourage you to continue doing so when moving to the 250 boxes challenge. A nice attempt of hatching here. Remember to apply the ghosting method and drawing from your shoulder for every line of the hatching also.

    Overall, I can tell you have a pretty decent grasp on perspective. Your lines are gradually more confident and consistent over each exercise as well. You can definitely start incorporating these exercises as your warms-up. Personally, I would pick out a random one and do it for 10-15 minutes as a warm-up. You are free to do how much or how long you want since this is more of a personal growth. For now, I would say the Ghosted Planes and Ellipses in Ghosted Planes would benefit you most on getting you used to drawing from the shoulder more and improve your lines and ellipses confidence in the process. Have a great time doing your 250 boxes challenge now and congrats on completing the first lesson yippee!

    Next Steps:

    Incorporating these exercises as your warms-up and conquer the 250 boxes challenge next!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    6:23 AM, Friday May 10th 2024

    Hello! Congrats on your first submission in Drawabox. I'm Meap and I will critique your work today :3.


    Overall, your lines are consistent, not wobbly, very clear signs of confidence! After you have nailed the first two level for your lines, another small tip that can help you improve the accuracy (can be applied for all the lines you make in the future): First, take as much time and attempts needed for your ghosting method. Next, when you're confident enough to execute the line, focus your eye on the end point and shoot your line instead of following your eye along with the pen. This is just a personal tip so you can try to see if it works for you as well.


    I would recommend you in the future warm-ups to draw through the ellipses either 2 or 3 times only. More than that would cause your finished work seems unnecessarily messy and scratchy. Other than that, overall, nice job! Your ellipses are mostly evenly shaped and consistent. I can tell you did thrive trying to fit the ellipses against the borders, the funnels, and the planes.


    1. Plotted Perspective

    • The lesson requires one page only for this exercise. So remember to take your time reading the instructions and the requirements carefully. Beside that, you did great on this one.

    2. Rough Perspective

    • Based on the lines that you shown in this exercise, I assume a few lines are being drawn over again to improve your previous stray lines. This may happen due to not applying the ghosting method as thoroughly as you could be. It's better to take as much time as you need before committing one, confident line. But everything else looks good.

    3. Rotated Boxes

    • You did a great job on this one! Clearly shown you follow the core steps of the exercise. Some lines are a bit wobbly so remember to always prioritize confidence over accuracy and draw from your shoulder. The gaps between your boxes are tight and consistent. Not to mention your boxes are rotated very nicely. You seem to be missing 4 boxes in the corners though.

    4. Organic perspective

    • I assume a few lines of the boxes are being drawn over again to improve your previous stray lines in this one too? If so, then the critique will remain the same with the Rough Perspective exercise. There are some cases of divergence and overly dramatic foreshortening. You may need to give yourself more time to think through the planning phase of their lines (during which you place your various points). Highly encourage you to do so when moving onto the 250 box challenge. A nice attempt of hatching here; however, the lines are bunched together pretty tightly. This isn't a huge problem, but it might be resulting in uneven spacing and/or wobble on the box planes. Spreading those lines out a bit could help achieve smooth lines and give yourself enough space to work with to establish uniform hatching. Remember to apply the ghosting method for the lines of the hatching as well.

    Overall, I can tell you have a pretty decent grasp on perspective. Your lines are gradually more confident and consistent over each exercise as well. You can definitely start incorporating these exercises as your warms-up and moving onto the 250 boxes challenge now!

    Next Steps:

    Incorporating these exercises as warm-ups

    Move onto the 250 boxes challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    3:37 PM, Tuesday April 23rd 2024

    Hello! Congrats on your first submission in Drawabox. I'm Meap and I will critique your work today :3.


    Superimposed Lines

    • Lines are quite consistent, not wobbly, and only frays at the far end (which is normal at this stage so no worries). This can be improved with enough practice as warm-up exercises in the future. A small tip that can solve this problem (can be applied for all the lines exercises as well): First, take as much time and attempts needed for your ghosting. Next, when you're confident enough to execute the line, focus your eye on the end point and shoot your line instead of following your eye along with the pen. This is just a personal tip so you can try to see if it works for you as well.

    Ghosted Lines

    • Really good job on this one :3. Lines are consistent with no signs of arcing too.

    Ghosted Planes

    • Lines are confident and not wobbly so that's good! Do not worry too much on not nailing your designated marks or falling off the trajectory of the lines. This can be improved through further practice as warm-ups and the upcoming 250 boxes challenge. Remember to draw from your shoulder and take as much time as you need when applying the ghosting method.

    Overall, well done.


    Tables of Ellipses

    • Your ellipses fit snugly against the borders of the table. And the ellipses are evenly shaped and smoothly executed too.

    Ellipses in Planes

    • Nice attempt to try having your ellipses to touch all 4 edges. Most are evenly shaped and consistent.


    • Ellipses are fitting nicely against the sides of the funnels. Unfortunately, your ellipses are not aligned to the central minor axis line. Your central minor axis line (the smaller line in the middle) should not be cutting through your ellipses and instead should cut into two equal, symmetrical halves down their narrower dimension by it. I would recommend you follow the steps that are shown on the video since it's a bit easier to understand and visualize.


    Plotted Perspective

    • Remember to keep your verticals perpendicular to the horizon (especially those lines of yours at the back of the box). Give yourself more time when lining up your ruler.

    Rough Perspective

    • I think you did pretty good. Your front and back faces of the boxes are composed of horizontals that are parallel to the horizon line, and verticals that are perpendicular to it.

    Rotated Boxes

    • Considering the difficulty of this exercise, I commend your attempt. I think my only nitpick is that one box at the top left corner seems to be unfinished. But other than that, I can tell you followed the core steps of the exercises and the gaps between your boxes are tight and consistent.

    Organic perspective

    • I could tell you spent a good amount of time for the planning phase so the boxes show little to no divergence cases. Definitely keeps that up for the upcoming 250 boxes challenge. A nice attempt of hatching as well; however, the lines are bunched together pretty tightly. This isn't a huge problem, but it might be resulting in uneven spacing and/or wobble on the box planes. Spreading those lines out a bit could help achieve smooth lines and give yourself enough space to work with to establish uniform hatching. Remember to apply the ghosting method for the lines of the hatching too.

    Overall, you did a great job. Just another page of funnels and you're ready to move onto the 250 boxes challenge. And uhhh, it's normal to make mistakes when learning something so don't beat yourself too much about it btw ;v;). What matters is your actions toward them. So, as long as you're willing to learn from your mistakes and prevent them in the future, you're all good :3.

    Next Steps:

    1 filled page of the Funnels

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    2 users agree
    9:21 AM, Wednesday April 10th 2024

    Heyy heyy! Congrats on your first submission in Drawabox. I'm Meap and I will critique your work today :3.


    Superimposed Lines

    • Lines are quite consistent, not wobbly, and only frays at the far end (which is normal at this stage so no worries). This can be improved with enough practice as warm-up exercises in the future. A small tip that can solve this problem (can be applied for all the lines exercises): First, take as much time and attempts needed for your ghosting. Next, when you're confident enough to execute the line, focus your eye on the end point and shoot your line instead of following your eye along with the pen. This is just a personal tip so you can try to see if it works for you as well.

    Ghosted Lines

    • Really good job on this one :3. Lines are consistent with little signs of arcing too.

    Ghosted Planes

    • Lines are confident and not wobbly.

    Overall, well done. I can see your lines improved throughout the exercises.


    Tables of Ellipses

    • Most of your ellipses fit snugly against the borders of the table. And the ellipses are mostly evenly shaped and smoothly executed too.

    Ellipses in Planes

    • Nice attempt to try having your ellipses to touch all 4 edges. Only a few seems a bit wobbly so always remember to take as much time as you needed for the ghosting method and engage your whole arm from the shoulder.


    • Ellipses are fitting nicely against the sides of the funnels. Some are still a bit wobbly so remember to prioritize the even shape/confident execution above all else.

    Overall, nice job.


    Plotted Perspective

    • Remember that your verticals are supposed to perpendicular to the horizon (especially those lines of yours at the back of the box). I assume your hatchings in this are free hand cause they seem wobbly and don't start and end at the right designated points :(. The hatchings in this exercises are supposed to be executed with a ruler too so remember to read the lesson instruction carefully.

    Rough Perspective

    • Remember that your front and back faces of the boxes should be composed of horizontals that are parallel to the horizon line, and verticals that are perpendicular to it.

    Rotated Boxes

    • I would say my only nitpick is that one box at the top left corner isn't rotated correctly. Besides that, it seems like you followed the core step, the gaps between the boxes are tight and consistent too.

    Organic perspective

    • Little cases of divergence. A very nice attempt of hatching here; however, the lines are bunched together pretty tightly. This isn't a huge problem, but it might be resulting in uneven spacing and/or wobble on the box planes. Spreading those lines out a bit could help achieve smooth lines and give yourself enough space to work with to establish uniform hatching. Definitely encourage you to do so when moving onto the 250 box challenge.

    Overall, I can tell you have a pretty decent grasp on perspective. Your lines are gradually more confident and consistent over each exercise as well. You can definitely start incorporating these exercises as your warms-up and conquer the 250 boxes challenge now!

    Next Steps:

    Incorporate these exercises as your warm-ups and start the 250 box challenge!!!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    9:37 AM, Thursday February 29th 2024

    Great job! These one definitely improves. Although there are still a few of ellipses breaking out of the funnels slightly, I can at least tell there are clear attempt of trying to fit them in the funnels more. The ellipses are fitting snugly against each other in these one too.

    Overall, I think you're ready to move onto the 250 boxes challenge. It is recommend to incorporate these exercises into your warm-ups. Personally, I would pick out a random one and do it for 10-15 minutes as a warm-up. You are free to do how many or how long you want since this is more of a personal growth. For now, I would say the Ghosted Planes and Ellipses in Ghosted Planes would benefit you most on making you getting used to drawing from the shoulder more and improve your lines and ellipses confidence in the process. Have a great time doing your 250 boxes challenge now and congrats on completing the first lesson yippee!

    Next Steps:

    Incorporate these exercises as your warm-ups and move onto the 250 Boxes Challenge.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    4:24 PM, Wednesday February 28th 2024

    For your Funnels, three of them on the left side are quite poor spacing. Remember to keep your ellipses tight and snugly against one another. Too many of the ellipses were being loose as well, causing the illusion of a funnels broken. There's not many clear attempts of you trying to fit the ellipses in the funnels. So remember to have your ellipses touch and not go over the sides of the funnels too much. I would suggest you taking as much time as you need for the ghosting method before committing your ellipses onto the paper.

    I would say the problem in your Rotated boxes being messy is mainly due to the lines work. Since there are still a noticeable amount of stray lines, causing your overall work seems to be crowded and messy. The lines warm-ups and the upcoming 250 boxes challenge will gradually improving your lines to reach to level 3. I'm sure when your lines are consistent, start and end at the right designated points that you have planned out, not only the Rotated Boxes exercise but also other exercises that involves in lines (like Organic Perspective, Rough Perspective, and many more to come...) will be improved as well.

    Next Steps:

    One filled page of Funnels.

    I need clear attempts of your ellipses fitting snugly against each other + the ellipses should be touching the sides of the funnels and not breaking out of the sides. You can try to vary the sizes of the funnels as well (I use small rice bowl, empty water glass, mosquito racket,...) basically any object in your house you could find that is circular to create your funnels. Stay strong! You're really close to the next challenge.

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    6:28 AM, Wednesday February 28th 2024

    Hey hey, it's all good. Next time remember to double check before you submit.

    For your Ghosted Lines, lines are not wobbly so that's good. The ink distribution seems uneven and getting lighter when reaching the end though. I assume you're focusing too much on the speed in an attempt of making it looks straight rather than focusing more drawing from your shoulder. There are cases of overshooting too but this can be improved over practicing so don't worry if you didn't manage to nail it the first time. A small tip (from my personal experience): you can try to focus more on the endpoint instead of tracing your eye along the lines. So first, do your usual ghosting method (as many times as you needed until you feel confident enough), then focus on the endpoint and just shoot your lines. Of course, aware of drawing from your shoulder instead of focusing too much on the speed.

    A few of your lines in Ghosted planes are a bit wobbly when reaching to the endpoint. I assume it's to correct the mistake from making the lines straying away the first intended point. Always remember to achieve Confidence over Accuracy first. Asides from that, I can tell there's improvement cause there are some very nice, confident lines here and there. Once you implement this exercise into your warm-ups, you can save more space and fit more planes on your paper by having them tight knit together like this.

    Hey, I think you missed the step of adding your central minor axis line to your Funnels. I can't critique fairly when you submitted only one funnel either :(. Your work should be somewhat looked like this so remember to take as much time as you need to go through the instruction carefully.

    A better attempt on your Plotted perspective. Just remember that your verticals are supposed to be perpendicular to the horizon (especially those lines of yours at the back of the box).

    Good job on your re-attempt of Rotated Boxes. Although your lines are still fairly messy, I can tell the gaps between the boxes are tighter and more consistent than your previous attempt and the boxes are rotated quite nicely as well.

    Next Steps:

    One filled page of Funnels (usually 4 to 6 funnels on one page). Remember to have central minor axis lines and keeping your ellipses touch the sides of the funnels.

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    1:06 PM, Tuesday February 27th 2024

    Thank you ToT)! I will definitely take notes of these for my future warm-up boxes.

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The Art of Brom

The Art of Brom

Here we're getting into the subjective - Gerald Brom is one of my favourite artists (and a pretty fantastic novelist!). That said, if I recommended art books just for the beautiful images contained therein, my list of recommendations would be miles long.

The reason this book is close to my heart is because of its introduction, where Brom goes explains in detail just how he went from being an army brat to one of the most highly respected dark fantasy artists in the world today. I believe that one's work is flavoured by their life's experiences, and discovering the roots from which other artists hail can help give one perspective on their own beginnings, and perhaps their eventual destination as well.

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