
Dimensional Dominator

Joined 4 years ago

1625 Reputation

lautaro's Sketchbook

  • Dimensional Dominator
  • Basics Brawler
    5 users agree
    8:49 AM, Thursday August 26th 2021

    You definately shouldn't do lesson 1 in a day, that'd be grinding. The point of this is to do the exercises with intent without rushing. If you're new, to build the habit of giving this course its own time and space in your day in way more important that how fast you are. Take your time, do your best, and when the exercise is finished move on to the next. Even if you feel you failed, just keep going.

    8:42 AM, Thursday August 26th 2021

    Thanks for the resource dude :) It's good to hear that others have gone through the same!

    8:41 AM, Thursday August 26th 2021

    You're completely right, it's all about the journey. I think that's a great lesson this course and doing art in general has to give. A book you might find interesting that writes about this is Mastery by George Leonard.

    I'm glad you found your rythm. Take it easy.

    8:35 AM, Thursday August 26th 2021

    You said it best, thanks for the advice. Yeah I'm thinking I'll read over the 1st lesson to see what are 2 very fundamental exercises and i'll use those for my practice. I think the problem was that I was trying to practice more advanced exercises from lesson 2. So yeah, Ill make my life easier and just go back to the barebones basics. I'm not down to do the Patreon thing right now but I might in the future. I don't reject the idea that I would re-do this course one day with the Patreon, but first I wanna finish it on my own.

    6 users agree
    5:26 PM, Wednesday July 14th 2021

    I think that given the point of drawing for its own sake is to to enjoy the raw experience of it, then you should experiment with the two to see what feels right for you at each moment. Do whatever is fun for you.

    9:07 AM, Monday May 24th 2021

    you're welcome :)

    2 users agree
    10:26 AM, Sunday May 23rd 2021

    Arrows are good. Since you got the basic concept down, something you could do to challenge yourself is playing more with foreshortening. Also you can try to make the gaps that run along your arrow smaller, even overlap them, so it looks like the arrow comes straight out of the page more; I find this harder to do, personally. Keep trying to try to find new ways to push those arrows out of the page. That way you'll know how to expand your scenes far back into space when you're drawing outside of the course.

    Let's take the arrow in the lower left corner of the second page. Good lineflow and shading, although the shading in the fold that is nearer to the viewer is overdone and doesn't follow the form. Overall, it would've been more powerful if you made the part that is nearer bigger in relation to the others. The part farther away should be smaller too. Stuff like this will make your arrow less diagonal and more like jumping out.

    Sausages: You have a hard time turning those ellipses in space consistently and with intent. You have to communicate to your viewer that a sausage comes from one point in the back in the page to another point in the front, basically. So the ellipses in the front of your sausages need to be slightly narrower that those in the back part. You have to transition gently from narrow to wide. It's important that the ellipses that are next to each other make sense with each other. Remember, the back is always slightly wider than the front.

    Texture: Good note-taking! I can see you took your time to observe your subject closely, and that you went over your notes as you did the exercise; observation is key. You also resisted the temptation to scribble. However, there are places where your lines don't communicate much, and I get that, it's hard to translate what you're seeing into black and white. But it's important to keep in mind that every line should have a purpose. I can see that your second subject was quite hard. But you saw that you were rushing it and you tried to step back, that's important. You killed it with the third one, very good.

    Dissections: Good job overall. This exercise is very tedious, and I can see that sometimes you were forcing it too much just to finish a texture. Again, it's important to step back. Every line should have a purpose for the overall thing you're trying to achieve. The whole point of this exercise is to teach you how to observe, and you can't observe well if you're tired. Often in drawabox forcing yourself forward misses the point of the exercise.

    Form intersection:I don’t have much feedback here, you understand how forms intersect and I don’t see any mistakes.

    Organic intersection: Your sausages are consistent. There is improvement in that sense since the last sausage exercise. The problem in the first page is clarity, because there are too many lines with the same thickness, nothing stands out and it’s hard to read. You gotta think about what you wanna highlight in order to separate your forms, then add an extra pass to the lines that need one. Also, there are forms that are not shaded and others whose shadow is too big, which doesn’t help with the clarity stuff. The second page is better, it’s more clear.

    Congratulations on finishing this lesson! :) I know it takes a lot of work. Remember to draw for fun as well and don’t miss the bigger picture. Good luck!

    0 users agree
    7:37 AM, Saturday May 22nd 2021

    nice, great proporsions

    0 users agree
    9:57 AM, Thursday May 20th 2021

    loving the texture of the tree and the changes of hue in the feathers!

    8:47 PM, Wednesday May 19th 2021

    No, just keep going

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