
Basics Brawler

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kumarvishesh's Sketchbook

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  • Basics Brawler
    1 users agree
    9:06 AM, Wednesday January 20th 2021

    Superimposed Lines: Lines look good but there is fraying on one side, but that is fine. There are some wobble in some lines in the first page. Second Page looks very good. Try to do lines with your shoulder as it will help to build muscle memory for good lines for the later exercises.

    Ghosted Lines: Lines are good and looks confident but there is some undershooting and overshooting. It will go as you practice those in your warmup routine.

    Ghosted Planes: Nice full page of ghosted planes, Lines look good and confindent but be sure you practice lines in warmup.

    Ellipse in Planes: Lines look confident but you have to take care of the degree of the Ellipses. Error can be seen in planes nos. 3,14,25,44,46,etc. . Make sure you look after those error, and not to make those mistake in future.

    Table of Ellipses: Looks good but need more confidence in marking large Ellipses, Do these in the warmup routine.

    Rough Perspective: All vertical lines in the boxes must be parallel to each other. It implies to horizontal lines also. And I assume that you didn't drew the Initial Lines that is the Rectangular Face, so all the lines look woobly. You are getting the right idea but make sure you read through the article as well. Initial face is supposed to be drawn with a Scale or any straight object.

    Rotated boxes: Well done with the rotated boxes. Turned out to be pretty good and I assure you that you did better than the average audience.

    Organic Perspective: Boxes follow the lines but I can't that the boxes are showing a gradual change of perspective in the 2nd Page: section 2, 2nd Page: section 3. Boxes are supposed to change size in a gradual manner in place of random change.{See (43,45,46), (49,50), (P2S2 doesn't look good)}

    Funnels: Ellispes are looking confident, but you can practice it in warmup to make it even better. And try to draw through the whole Ellipse that you didn't do in 7th one. Minor axis cuts the set of Ellipse in two halves. try to remember while doing it the next time.

    Next Steps:

    Make you warmup routine that suits you best and try to do it 15-20 mins before you start to draw. Move on to the boxes challenge and try to do your best there

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    2:14 PM, Saturday January 9th 2021

    Thank you for giving me your time. I really appreciate it. I will be going to start the boxes challenge.

    1:04 PM, Saturday January 9th 2021

    Thank you for giving your time for reviewing my work, I am still trying to make those lines have less wobble and little more confident. I will be surely coming to these exercises for more practice in order to get to better grasp of the basics. And while drawing Ellipses, I find out that it take sometime to get into the flow. I understand what are telling to do in Boxes and found out myself after I did my work and saw them and thought I made those mistakes. Well this is my first time trying this course and I found it to be pretty hard for the first time.

    Yes and one last question should I be doing Lesson 2 along side boxes challenge?

    2 users agree
    6:16 AM, Friday January 8th 2021

    Congratulations on completeing lesson 1.

    1. Super-imposed Lines : Looks good, there is some arching in some of the lines but it is fine in the early stages. Next time try to ghost a few times before starting as it will help in building muscle memory for next time you draw.

    2. Ghosted lines : Looks completely fine to me, I am not saying that its perfect but this is going to a right path.

    3. Ghosted Planes + Ellipses in Planes : Planes looks good but I think it is drawn in hurry. Try to give time to what you do. Ellipses are the same. Ellipses are smooth and confident, some of the Ellipse have some bluge on one side but its fine.

    4. Table of Ellipse : This exercise is meant to done in order to build up muscle memory for different kinds of Ellipse, but the tables looks good to me.

    5. Funnels : These are good but Ellipse on the corners of the page have some error but thats is fine, it will be fine after some practice.

    6. Plotted Perspective : Good job (Easy confidence boost)

    7. Rough Perspective : Lines look messy on the boxes and the boxes on the far end need some time. Try not to guess but to know where the boxes' lines will go(towards VP).

    8. Rotated boxes : I know that its is a hard exercise but yours' turns out to be pretty good.

    9. Organic Perspective : Looks fine to me, it will be even better as you go through the 250 boxes challenge and you will know what were the mistakes done.

    Well nice work done! Its a pass from me and hope you continue doing this.

    Next Steps:

    Next would be doing the 250 boxes challenge along with a warm-up routine which include all the parts of the exercises.

    Do warm-up atleast 10-15 mins before starting to draw it will help a lot,Trust me.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    3 users agree
    3:28 AM, Friday January 8th 2021

    Congratulations on completeing lesson 1.

    1. Super-imposed Lines : Try to take time to draw those as it will help you make muscle memory and try not to rush while rush it. Lines are meant to be confident and to the point.

    2. Ghosted Lines : There is some arching in the lines especially the long ones but it will ok if you practice it everyday.

    3. Ghosted Planes+Ellipses in Planes : As said earlier need to improve on your lines and try to do these exercises in order to build muscle memory. Ellipse need some work in smoothness and confidence along with some time given to them as it will help in builing you up for later exercises

    4. Table of Ellipses : Looks good but you have try out different types of Ellipse as this exercise is meant to be done in order to help you build differnet muscle memory. Try to rotate the pages and find a comfortable angle for your hands to move.

    5. Funnels : Looks good but need some work. Ellipse are good but I think that all the Elliipse are of same degree, Try to do different degrees of Ellipses.

    6. Plotted Perspective : Nice work done but some lines are not parallel. It is fine as it will become better as you practice.

    7. Rough Perspective : Here you are trying to guess but this need the knowing where the lines will go as this will be the next exercise i.e. 250 boxes challenge.

    8. Rotated boxes : Looks good but you should read this exercise again as there are some error which you will know by reading through.

    9. Organic Perspective : Same as that of Rough Perspective and read this exercise also.It will really trust me.

    Take some time reading through the exercise and give some time to what you do. Try not to rush through the exercise as each exercises are meant to develop something.

    It is a pass for me as it will be better with time if you really want to improve .

    Next Steps:

    Go on to the 250 boxes challenge and work on the problems mentioned along with the exercise. And try to setup a warm-up routine for everyday to practice so that you can keep the flow of work going through your exercises.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 3 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Staedtler Pigment Liners

Staedtler Pigment Liners

These are what I use when doing these exercises. They usually run somewhere in the middle of the price/quality range, and are often sold in sets of different line weights - remember that for the Drawabox lessons, we only really use the 0.5s, so try and find sets that sell only one size.

Alternatively, if at all possible, going to an art supply store and buying the pens in person is often better because they'll generally sell them individually and allow you to test them out before you buy (to weed out any duds).

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