
Basics Brawler

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krullduster's Sketchbook

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  • Basics Brawler
    7:26 PM, Wednesday July 15th 2020

    Thanks for the fantastic critique!

    After reading your comments, and the post from Uncomfortable that you linked me to, I will try to fully focus on making smooth and confident lines. Letting the accuracy develop in time.

    While you are working through Drawabox you do not want to go back over and try to correct any "mistakes"

    If for example I make a mistake with a line not corresponding to the correct vanishing point during the 250 box challenge (or any work on Drawabox). Should I leave this line 'as is' and continue to finish the box regardless? Instead of attempting to make another line that would be correct in it's place?

    If this is the case, I guess I should just make a note of the mistake (in another colour or in my head) and try to improve on the next box instead?

    Thinking about it, I guess it's along the lines of; if you draw with confidence, even if you make a mistake (and you know it), it will still probably look better than if you try to start fixing it and make a mess.


    6:37 PM, Tuesday June 30th 2020

    Hey thanks for the really awesome feedback!!

    Funny story (well not really) about the Funnels. If you look at that page again, you'll see that the date is at the bottom and upside down. So I actually started at the top doing it wrong, I thought I was meant to tightly group them, then realized half way through that this wasn't correct :D! So I've done the Funnels homework again here:

    Regardless I do find these ellipses difficult! When drawing over them 2 times it's so hard to make it look like a single line!

    For Rough Perspective, your lines have a good bit of wobble to them. Remember, the goal is not accuracy but confidence in your lines.

    Good point! I find especially for lines which are shorter in length it's much harder to control the movement with my shoulder! But you're totally right, I must focus on ghosting and then just commit and be confident and smooth (this is something I'll really focus on during the 250 boxes!)

    Rotated boxes yeah I messed that one up, I realized too late that I was really under rotating! During the Organic perspective exercise I felt like I really started to understand it much better the more I did!

    Thanks again for the feedback!

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How to Draw by Scott Robertson

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