5:01 PM, Monday August 28th 2023
Thanks a lot for your feedback and taking the time to review my revisions!
Very much appreciated!
Thanks a lot for your feedback and taking the time to review my revisions!
Very much appreciated!
Thanks a lot for getting back to me!
Don't worry it's all good :)
So I took a break in the middle of doing the revisions and kind of stop drawing altogether during a few months. I got back to DAB and did a long warmup by doing a bit of every exercise of Lesson 1 and then I went back to finishing those revisions (I took my time this time around).
After your feedback I started working on redoing the rough and organic perspectives but then life happened and I stopped drawing altogether. Would you recommend to redo the whole lesson 1 or continue where I left off?
Thank you for your critique!
I admit that the rough perspective and especially the organic perspective almost broke me which caused me to not apply myself as I should have. I'll do them again and reupload.
Thanks a lot for your critique!
I'll work on my ghosting and
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