
Joined 2 years ago

50 Reputation

itsyaboytey's Sketchbook

    4:35 PM, Tuesday May 23rd 2023

    Thank you so much for the feedback. The advice you gave has been very helpful. Just finished the 250 boxes challenge exercise, and have seen some growth. I'll keep working on my improvement.

    0 users agree
    12:31 AM, Monday December 19th 2022

    Commenting on Ghosted Lines

    Slight wobbling on some of the lines. I suggest going a tad faster. Even though it might be less accurate, it will lead to a smoother line.

    If you do it slower, you might catch yourself trying to course-correct, or you may lose focus. Going for a fast-smooth stroke avoids all that. Accuracy can be worked on later, I feel.

    I hope this helps!

    0 users agree
    12:21 AM, Monday December 19th 2022

    There is a general wobbliness with the lines, especially with the arched and curved ones. Try to be more confident with your strokes.

    What helps me is to go faster with the strokes. They will not be accurate when you're first trying out, but they will be smooth. Don't think as you draw the line, just...draw it!

    I hope this helps!

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Color and Light by James Gurney

Color and Light by James Gurney

Some of you may remember James Gurney's breathtaking work in the Dinotopia series. This is easily my favourite book on the topic of colour and light, and comes highly recommended by any artist worth their salt. While it speaks from the perspective of a traditional painter, the information in this book is invaluable for work in any medium.

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