
Basics Brawler

The Resilient (Winter 2023)

Joined 7 months ago

1725 Reputation

ihavenocreativitywhenitcomestousernames's Sketchbook

  • The Resilient (Winter 2023)
  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Basics Brawler
    7:21 PM, Sunday April 21st 2024

    Hi LuminusRed, first of all I'd like to thank you for your detailed critique!

    I wouldn't have spotted these mistakes by myself and appreciate that you clarified them like the organic intersections exercise.

    This link will take you to the revisions:


    Kind regards

    2 users agree
    9:22 PM, Tuesday December 12th 2023

    Hi Gababa, congratulations on completing lesson 1! I'll be taking a look at your work.


    Super imposed lines:

    Your lines look smooth & confidently executed, with no fraying at the start of the line. This shows that you took the time to carfully plan and make your marks. I only saw a bit of wobbling for the short lines on the second page and on the curves. Remember to put confidence first when practising these in the future. Your longer lines tend to have a small arch, but there's a visible improvement form page one to two. Try to arch your lines in the opposite direction if you encounter this again to counteract the curving.

    Ghosted lines & ghosted planes exercices are good. Your lines look smooth and your accuracy improved over the course of the excercices.


    Tables of ellipses & ellipses in planes:

    Your ellipses are nicely drawn. You've drawn through them and made efforts to fit them snugly in the tables/planes. But some ellipses are a little deformed, meaning that they are not symmetrical if you devide them in to two halves with the minor axis. Maybe try to experiment a bit with the speed at which you draw them. Some people find it easier to draw even ellipses when drawing a bit slower, and others when they execute their marks faster. Also don't forget to ghost your ellipses a couple of times first before drawing.

    You did a good job with the funnels as well. I have the same remark for this exercise as for the previous two exercices. Also be mindful the keep the line representing the minor axis (the long horizontal one) in the middle of your ellipses, placing it so your ellipse is devided into two equal/symmetrical halves. Ellipses & the concept of the minor axis will return in lesson 2, so it's a good thing to keep in mind.


    For the first frame of the plotted perspective, one box (the outer left one) is drawn outside of the two vanishing points. This can make it appear distorted. See this link for more info about distortion with two point perspective: https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/10/distortion

    The other boxes look great, they have clean linework and fall nicely in between the vanishing points.

    The rough perspective exercice is completed well. Your depth lines are extended correctly and the convergences improved from the first page to the second. On page one, some of your width lines aren't parallel and a few height lines aren't perpendicular the the horizon line. But I see you corrected this on page two, good job.

    Rotated boxes looks solid, they feel 3D and have rotation. Don't worry about this exercise. Its purpose is just to introduce you to how the concergences of a box change as the vanishing points slide across the horizon line. You'll get plenty of practice with convergence with the 250 box challenge later.

    Your organic perspective pages are good. The boxes flow well accross the frame and you've varied the oriëntations of your forms.

    Overall this is a really solid submission. You've shown you have a good grasp on the concepts of lesson 1.

    Next Steps:

    Il send you off the the 250 box challenge, good luck!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    7:17 PM, Tuesday October 24th 2023

    You're welcome, glad I could help.

    3 users agree
    1:43 PM, Monday October 23rd 2023

    Hello Tichky, congrats on finishing lesson 1! I'll be taking a look at your work.


    Super imposed lines

    Your lines look smooth & confidently executed, with no fraying at the start of the line. This shows that you took the time to carefully plan and make your marks.

    Ghosted lines look good too, I can see that you prioritized confidence over accuracy. Don't worry about missing your points for now, accuracy will improve with milage.

    Same applies for your ghosted planes


    Tables of ellipses & ellipses in planes

    Your ellipses are nicely drawn & feel solid. You've drawn through them and made efforts to fit them snugly in the tables/planes. But some ellipses are a little deformed, meaning that they are not symmetrical if you devide them into two halves with the minor axis. This will improve as you practice ellipses in the future, but it's good thing to keep in mind.


    You did a good job with the funnels as well, I can see improvement in the shaping and accuracy of your ellipses compared to the previous exercices. However the smaller ellipses in the centre of the funnel look more uneven then the big ones. Make sure to practice smaller ellipses in your warmups. These are harder to get right at first, but once you get used to them and your muscle memory kicks in, they become easier to draw.


    Plotted perspective looks great, nothing to mention here.

    The rough perspective exercice is completed well. Your width lines are parallel and the height lines are perpendicular the the horizon line. The depth lines are also extended well to the horizon line.

    Rotated boxes look solid, they feel 3D and have rotation. The one thing I would like to mention here is that the gaps between the boxes are quite wide. Keeping them narrower will make it easier to construct your boxes inbetween their neighbours.

    For the organic perspective exercice I see you tried to correct some of your boxes. (If the extra lines represent line weight please disregard this comment). Try not to do this in the future, a big part of this course is learning to accept your mistakes. Other than that this exercise looks good, your boxes flow well accross the page and you've varied the oriëntations of your forms.

    Overall this is a really solid submission. You've shown you have a good grasp on the concepts of lesson 1.

    Next Steps:

    I'll send you off to the 250 Box Challenge, good luck!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 3 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    12:21 PM, Thursday October 12th 2023

    Hello Finch, thanks a lot for your thorough critique!

    Especially the tip about doing warmups, never did this during lesson one so I was always a bit rusty when starting an exercise. Everything in your review is clear and concise. I will keep your advice in mind moving forward.

    Good luck to you as well in your Drawabox journey!

    2 users agree
    7:03 PM, Saturday October 7th 2023


    I have one small remark for the ellipses section:

    for the funnels, be mindful the keep the line representing the minor axis (the long horizontal one) in the middle of your ellipses, placing it so your ellipse is devided into two equal/symmetrical halves. Ellipses & the concept of the minor axis will return in lesson 2, so it's a good thing to keep in mind.

    Good job on completing lesson 1!

    Next Steps:

    Have a look at the explanation about the minor axis of an ellipse & common mistakes for the funnels exercise in the written instructions on the website.

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    1 users agree
    3:52 PM, Saturday October 7th 2023

    Hello, these are some things I noticed while looking at your work:


    Lines are a bit wobbly, but I see improvement over the course of the exercicses. Try to execute them a bit faster with a smooth & confident stroke.


    In general: again confidence over accuracy, yours fit snugly within the bounds of the planes/tables/curves, but are a bit bumpy and hesitant.

    Funnels: make sure that you draw the line representing the minor axes of the ellipses (the long horizontal one) nicely inbetween the curves so your ellipses are divided into two equal halves.


    You did a good job conveying the convergence & rotation of your boxes. Biggest work point for boxes is line quality.

    Please see suggestions below.

    Next Steps:


    Revise these two sections in lesson 1:

    • Lines: Using your arm

    • Lines: Markmaking

    Then try one more page of ghosted planes & fit ellipses in them while keeping the principles of markmaking in mind. Your accuracy will suffer a bit at first but will improve over time as you do these exercices as warmups in later lessons.

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
How to Draw by Scott Robertson

How to Draw by Scott Robertson

When it comes to technical drawing, there's no one better than Scott Robertson. I regularly use this book as a reference when eyeballing my perspective just won't cut it anymore. Need to figure out exactly how to rotate an object in 3D space? How to project a shape in perspective? Look no further.

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