6:49 PM, Monday December 9th 2024
Hello. Good job with finishing lesson 2. Probably the hardest lesson I have encountered, especially textures. I will try to review your work as objective and close to the lesson as i can, but consider that I myself finished it not long ago. I will be making decisions based upon how you followed the lesson, general rules and whether you got the purpose of the exercise. And please forgive me if I make a grammatical error, English isn't my native language
Arrows Lines are smooth and confident, accuracy will come with mileage. Generally speaking, you did perspective well, but there are some issues with some of your arrows. First, some arrows do not align with with the flow and position of the tape behind it, then sometimes tapes bulge or narrow inconsistently and lastly, not all of the arrows follow perspective. These issues do not break the main purpose of this exercise. I myself did struggle a little to make them look right and i think it is a good exercise, even if it looks kind of simple at first. You should consider this exercise during your warm-ups, just like any other.
Organic forms with contours Linework is good, you did your ellipses two times as you should. Mostly they are well aligned. You should really change degrees of each ellipse next time and consider the space in which this ellipse exist. It is actually explained in the lesson here and here. Degree represents orientation of a "slice" of that sausage in space. More about it here. Overall, I think these issues did not stay in the way of understanding the purpose of the exercise
Textures This one was hard for me and took some time for sure. You focus on outlines and forms way too much. When you see a texture you should ask yourself what makes it look that way. You should be drawing shadows that cast specific elements of the texture and focus more on the implied forms. Probably you tried to draw whole texture all at once, relying entirely on your memory rather than observation. I think you should reread Contour Lines, Texture and Construction part of lesson. But really don't stress too much about it, as it should be just an introduction to the very important concept.
Form Intersections Forms look solid, no questions arise about your confidence in strokes. As for intersections themselves i think you did good, it looks believable. The exercise itself was meant help you develop understanding of 3D space and relation of each object to each other.
Organic intersections I think everything is good about it. Everything looks believable. Some forms are probably too complex, as some of them taper or stretch thin. The thing you might want to work on later might be lineweight as some parts does not look separate from each other. Use line weight to emphasize certain lines over others
I think you are ready for lesson 3. Don't forget about texture exercises later on, even if they seem really hard. Good luck!
Next Steps:
Keep practicing previous exercises as warm ups and move on to lesson 3