
Giver of Life

The Indomitable (Spring 2023)

Joined 3 years ago

8600 Reputation

giuldzap's Sketchbook

  • The Indomitable (Spring 2023)
  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    9:45 PM, Wednesday April 12th 2023

    While it is important to maintain equilateral shapes on the form intersections, you forgot again to mark your intersections!! Also, if possible try to hatch making individual confident lines and avoid scribble, because it makes thing messy.

    I think you're okay right now, but it is utmost essential that you try to perfect these exercises (doing them as warm ups) and try to follow their instructions. If you don't the future exercises will become more harder than needed!

    Next Steps:

    Feel free to move onto lesson 3

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2:45 AM, Thursday March 30th 2023

    Thanks for critiquing even on a promptathon!! It's very nice that you did a video, it helps absorb the info more easily (also, i didn't know you were spanish!)

    2 users agree
    9:30 PM, Tuesday March 7th 2023

    Organic arrows: Good job on making them flow through 3d space and compressing on the farther end! And also, extra points for making the tip of the arrow turn, too! i do notice wobbley lineweight though, so remember: line weight is always applied confidently!

    Organic forms: Very solid, great work! you did a great job in gradually making the ellipses and contour curves in the center less visible than the one that are more near to the end of the sausages

    Texture analysis: Perhaps the second texture's gradient had a slight sudden transition in the middle towards sparse, but that's okay in my book. Props for not scribbling!

    Dissections: Great job!! You break the silhouette when needed and also rounded your forms

    Form intersections: Good job on maintaing your shapes shallow and equilateral! A small tip for your future warmups where you do this exercise again: Install a 3d software on your pc and try to replicate the intersections you make so that you can make sure they are done correctly (but only do so after commiting to marking the intersection)

    Organic intersections: One issue that i found here is that in the second page, the big sausage wouldn'nt have one side standing up like that. Maybe if you'd add another sausage right next to it to make that happen sure, but like this it feels too unnatural. by nature, it'd be laying flat on the floor (you can picture in your mind how it'd look it).

    Overall a fantastic submission with minor errors you'll hopefully work on, if you'd like to work on your textures you can begin the 25 texture challenge as a side-quest from your next lesson. But anyway, you're now ready for the leafy lesson...

    Next Steps:

    ... Lesson 3!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    1 users agree
    9:00 PM, Tuesday March 7th 2023

    Hey there! You forgot to add the Texture Analysis exercise. If you could add that there i could help critique this

    2 users agree
    8:45 PM, Tuesday March 7th 2023

    Welcome to drawabox! I'm giuldzap aka Ferventinel, and i'll be handling your first ever critique on this website.


    Well done! you maintain consistent confident lines throughout most exercises, and you don't repeat your lines even if some were inaccurate! Also, extra points for practicing curved lines in the super-imposed exercise.


    Nothing much to say here, great work in drawing through them!


    Good job! You've maintained consistent great work throughout all of your boxes! It's alright to fail at doing the rotated boxes a little, but, here's a useful image guide that may help you out on it.

    Also, bonus point for drawing through your boxes on the organic perspective exercise!

    Overall, you're off to a good start! Remember to keep working on these exercises and getting better at them as 10-15min warmups before the main exercise. you're now ready for the crucible...

    Next Steps:

    ... The 250 Box Challenge! Best of luck!!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    6:45 PM, Tuesday March 7th 2023

    Hey there, i'll be helping you out in this critique today!

    Organic arrows: Well done! You've experimented with a wide range of angles and twist, i can see great confidence and also your farther end compressing.

    Also, one tip: when it comes to arrow heads, you can try to add dots like ghosted lines to help avoid disproportionate arrow heads (which i only saw one case, but just wanted to point out)

    Organic forms: Good job in making your forms curved on both ends! Most ellipses fit snugly within bounds which shows that you've been training them pretty well! I do notice two cases of floating ellipses, which of course is a mistake. Generally this happens when you don't plan out the ellipse you draw, or begin with ghosting instead of planning:

    Another suggestion is that if you have too much failed attempts of sausages, try to attempt them on a separate piece of paper before going to the main paper where you'll do the exercise. Once you feel comfortable, then draw them in the main page.

    Also some cases where your ellipses aren't aligned perpendicular to your minor axis, that i point out here

    Texture analysis: Nothing much to say here, you've done a great job in really study every detail!

    Dissections: Fantastic! it probably took a long time for this one to be complete!

    Form intersections: You did a great job in maintaining shallow forshortening / equilateral shapes, although there is a few that look more dramatic, which should be avoided, but isn't a big deal rn. In the all boxes page, you did miss out on marking the intersection on some areas, which i helped you out on marking here

    Organic intersections: Generally a well done exercise, but some cases where gravity felt unrealistic, and other pointers that i've made you can see here

    Overall a great submission! Throw all of these exercises onto your warmup pool (Or, with texture, you can do the 25 texture challenge as a side-quest) And proceed to...

    Next Steps:

    lesson 3!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    3:11 PM, Tuesday March 7th 2023

    Congrats on your completion of Lesson 2! now, i must premise here: There are alot of mistakes that you have to fix, and i also congratulate you for posting this. Some would find it embarrassing. I would recommend that you join the discord drawabox community and attempt to get more feedback there!

    Organic arrows: I observe some good cases of compressing the farther end of the arrow and also hatching at the right sides correctly, Nice!

    Although, there are many issues i've found. Starting with repeated wobbly lines; You must avoid chicken scratching or doing lines per segment. And definitely, avoid repeating lines. Lines must remain as ONE SINGULAR STROKE. My suggestion is to take some more time to plan and think how your mark will go, like explain in the ghosted lines exercise:

    This repeated-wobbly lines problem is something i see throughout the entire submission, either with inaccurate lines that you tried to fix with another lines, so this applies to the other exercises you did.

    Now, in terms of hatching, i'm gonna have to say it, they look like scribbles. Hatching is the act of making multiple, but still, PLANNED lines confidently. And (in some cases) fraying only on one end. try to get out of the habit of scribbling, as i see you do this alot here, and start making separate strokes, like said here:

    Organic forms: I see a great execution of shapes, making sure wit

    In the contour cuvres one

    Texture analysis: I notice a decent transition But i think you did the exercise in the wrong orientation (doing 4 textures instead of 3?) and alot of cases of scribbling which is another major mistake. Like how comfy said: Don't rely on randomness and chaos!

    In particular, you should do your texture analysis exercise in horizontal because it gives you space for a better gradient texture.

    Dissections: Same mistakes as before, but seems pretty solid in terms of wrapping your textures around with some failed instances, great!

    Form intersections: Good job in maintaining the shapes realtively equilateral and shallow, but, i dont see the marks of the intersections! and also, spheres don't quite need contour curves: just one ellipse that points on the right direction

    Organic intersections: The first page feels much more balanced and solid than the others, which i congra e props to you! Again like in organic forms, you don't hook your contour lines, which is considered a mistake. Also, i don't recommend you pile too much sausages, because in the real world and having alot of them wouldn't look too vertical. Also, stay away from too long / elongated forms.

    Also, useful to avoid big shadows looking messy, this image can help you out

    Some suggestions!

    • I'm guessing that while you did get feedback on your issues, the problem may not be just your failure to follow instructions; your issue is that you never went back to practice them more often (Which, when you're done with an exercise, it doesn't mean you're done with it- you'll have to do it again and again forever, to sharpen your drawing skills)

    Try to keep ALL of your exercises in INK using a fineliner 0.5mm (maybe it could be lighting, but alot of instances look like were make in pencil, just wanted to point out).

    If you'd like, you can keep in touch through Discord, my tag is Ferventinel#4405

    Next Steps:

    2 pages of organic arrows -Make sure that your farther end always compresses-

    2 pages of organic forms (one w/ contour curves and the other contour ellipses)

    4 pages of form intersections (first one being boxes like before)

    If you don't know whether you can or cannot do confident lines, you can pratice by warming up with free flowing lines like shown in this video

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    2 users agree
    9:51 PM, Monday March 6th 2023

    congrats for completing the first "constructional" lesson of Drawabox!! I'll be handling your critique today:

    Organic arrows: I observe a good of following instructions, making the farther end compress, twisting the arrows' body, hatching well, but i also see many attempts where you repeat the lines (And one instance where you didn't complete the ). Plus, while most of the hatching is good, there are two arrows that have too much hatching lines... and while that isn't considered a mistake, when thinking in 3d: It's best to lay down the necessary marks so that you can BELIEVE that it's overlapping in a certain area. Besides, hatching too much can make you rush the hatching process too.

    Organic forms: I like how on some instances you imagined the sausages going through 3d space! I do find one mistake: In the second page you repeat your lines, and i do see that you did it in the attempt to get the curve more accurate, which is fine, but like i said: Avoid repeating your lines often! even if it's inaccurate, confident will be king.

    Texture analysis: Well made textures! i think you forgot to add the subtle chip makings when you did the transition texture of the cobblestones, just to point it out if you weren't aware of it.

    Dissections: Nothing much to say here, you've done an impressive job!

    Form Intersections: Well done, no issues found here!

    Organic intersections: Props on making cast shadows here, and also making your sausages consistent for the most part. i do notice the same mistakes from the organic forms with the repeating lines on the contour curves. And also, some other mistakes that i point out here.

    My suggestion is to start planning your lines more often. Thinking about theire trajectory, ghosting them, then executing it with confidence. Do this especially when you practice countour it'll help reduce potential misdirections

    Overall some pretty great work, i'd consider you complete.

    Next Steps:

    Move onwards to Lesson 3 when you're ready!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    8:54 PM, Monday March 6th 2023

    Aww well, thanks for the compliment!

    6:55 PM, Sunday March 5th 2023

    Thanks fot taking time out of your day for me!! I didnt realizs about thr 2 connected ball thing, ugh... oh well. Thx again

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