
High Roller

Joined 4 years ago

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funnykecleonmeme's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • The Observant
  • High Roller
  • Technician
  • Geometric Guerilla
  • Tamer of Beasts
  • The Fearless
  • Giver of Life
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
  • Basics Brawler
    0 users agree
    4:32 AM, Thursday October 7th 2021

    Alright, I'm a little rusty on full lesson critiques; haven't done one in a while, sorry for the rust.


    Great work. Overall I see good confidence in your lines, in favour over accuracy. This is good; it is as requested by the lesson.

    On your superimposed lines, although good, I'd suggest varying the types of lines in the exercise. Think of spirals, curves and the like. In fact, try to make long curves and/or waves and/or spirals. This lends to very useful practice especially in future lessons where line weight will be applied on non straight surfaces such as spheres or curves.

    On your ghosted lines and planes, there's a little bit of curving/arcing. This is natural, though worth pointing out. Good on you for placing your planning points where necessary; its a very useful tool that you can use.


    Again, good work. The adherence to confidence over accuracy is done well here too.

    In general, for both Ellipses in planes and the table of ellipses, there are issues where the ellipse doesn't fit snugly within the boundaries of the borders. This is related to accuracy, but its not the main focus. As before, its still worth mentioning.

    For your funnels, there are occasions where your ellipses are mis-aligned to the minor axis. Learning to deal with this is important as it is a relevant skill to have in all lessons in the future (and especially in Lesson 7, as I'm quickly learning)


    One thing I am very pleased to see here is that you're not redoing any of your lines. Good job on keeping true to your lines even if they come out wobbly/inaccurate/messy. An important thing that I've observed doing critiques on this lesson is that in these sets of exercises, confidence tends to falter, due to, I find, that the objects drawn are more solid. This typically results in wobble because of an increased adherence to accuracy, and you seem to fall for this trap too. Worry not, this is completely natural.

    On your rough perspective, it helps to remember that no matter what, the front and back faces are always either parallel or perpendicular to the horizon line. As such, it helps to place planning points which meet these criteria, but not drawing the lines. You can ghost the lines, but you don't have to commit. In fact, place as many planning points as necessary, there's no limit to these. Doing this is very useful for making your boxes in 250 boxes.

    Your rotated boxes came along really well! Its still good for you to add line weight (a single ghosted additional stroke) to the top faces to better show which face is on top.

    Your Organic perspective also came along quite well! Of course, box construction's a bit wonky, but you'll have a good amount of boxes to practice soon. Again, line weight can be used here to better clarify which boxes are on top. Apply them on the silhouette of the box. In the future, if you use this exercise for warmups, you can opt to draw through your boxes. Again, this will be dealt with in 250 boxes.

    So! Overall I think you've done well for this lesson. While there are things to improve, you've made a very strong attempt at everything, and have followed the key points on the lesson. I think you've gotten a good grasp of the core concepts here. Keep up the good work!

    Next Steps:

    Move on to 250 boxes.

    Don't forget to do ellipses as warmups every so often! You won't want to get rusty come lesson 2. Good luck!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    4:52 AM, Friday April 2nd 2021

    Thanks for the critique. I think the main reason I add so many details is that I'm paranoid about communicating that a particular surface has a particular texture (so fur/hair). Especially for the lion, where the hair and fur intersect, I wanted to make it clear what the surface was. I understand the need to tone it down though, I'll work on it.

    I'm honestly surprised about the critique about the heads though. For the most part, I felt I was just winging it (and more often than not, messing up the construction).

    Once again though, thanks for the feedback.

    2 users agree
    4:02 AM, Monday August 24th 2020

    Hello! Good work on clearing up lesson 1!

    Lines: Overall, good work. I don't see too much hesitating, and for the most part, lines are drawn with confidence. However, they're a little inaccurate, curving and arcing here and there. I'd like to mention that while accuracy is not the main point of focus in DaB, confidence is, this will get better with time and practice. Keep it up.

    Ellipses: The main thing I see here is that your ellipses aren't really drawn too smoothly. There's sharp edges especially on the major axis. Do try to ghost a little more mindfully in the future. Another thing is that there's occasional wobble in your ellipses. Do remember to follow through with your ghost no matter how inaccurate. This produces confident and smooth lines.

    Boxes: These are done pretty well, I think! Good work. Something that I noticed is that there's a general decline in your line confidence compared to your lines. This is normal; quite a common occurence in the work I've seen. Still, its worth pointing out. Confidence first, after all. Now, zooming in to each exercise, starting with rough perspective. Don't apply line weight to the front face, keep it more uniform all around. In rotated boxes, while decently well done, you seem to have issues rotating the bottom face. They follow the same rule as the top faces, just that they're lower. So, you should see convergence in the faces always. Some of your top faces suffer as well as a result. Take a look at this image. Notice how the corner boxes in this guide, no matter what, converge as well. Finally, on your line weight. Try to keep it to a single ghosted confident stroke, as with all things DaB. Organic perspective is done quite well. You show a grasp of the concept of 3d, and your use of line weight is good. Box construction is off, but you'll learn about that in the upcoming challenge.

    With that said, you've done a really good job in picking up the concepts laid out for the lesson. I'll mark this lesson as complete. Keep it up.

    Next Steps:

    Move on to 250 boxes. Remember to do your warmups. Good luck!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    12:55 AM, Wednesday May 27th 2020

    Sorry for the late response, didn't check my notifications.

    Anyways, this is good! Bear this concept of putting down each line intentionally, and I think you'll do well. Just a quick note that you can place down as many planning points as you need when drawing boxes for any reason in the future. This will be relevant in the 250 box challenge. I'll mark this lesson as complete.

    Next Steps:

    Move on to 250 boxes, good luck!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    5:08 AM, Friday May 22nd 2020

    Hello! Grats on clearing up L1. Here's my critique.

    Lines Good work. I see that you've aimed for confidence in your lines first and foremost. That's good. They're also relatively straight too, so good work there. Of course, there's a little bit of wavering here and there, but otherwise, this is good. Nice work!

    Ellipses Do note that you should still be employing the use of your shoulder here. In addition, fully trust your ghost to ensure that your ellipses are as free from wobbling as possible, even if this means inaccuracies. Ellipses are pretty well aligned in the funnels exercise too, so great work there.

    Boxes As a general note, don't redo your lines, no matter how inaccurate/wobbly they are. This only serves to draw attention to the mistakes. Instead, try to move on from the mistake. Otherwise, I think this is pretty good in general. Though in your rotated boxes and rough perspective, I see some whiteout. Do not erase anything in DaB. Do it once to the best of your ability, and move on.

    Due to the whiteout, I'm not ready to mark this as complete. Though I think you showed decent work in most of your stuff, I want to stress that you should be mindfully making each mark, as you get no "second chance" to draw the line at the same point.

    Next Steps:

    Do either 2 cells of rough perspective, or 2 quadrants of rotated boxes. I want you to not use any method of "rolling back" any lines. In addition, bear in mind not to redo your lines, despite any mistakes that you may make.

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    12:13 AM, Tuesday May 19th 2020

    This is better than your initial one, good work. Just bear in mind that you can place multiple planning points in order to ensure that your lines are correct (parallel/perpendicular to the horizon line etc). I'll mark this as complete, good work.

    Next Steps:

    Move on to 250 boxes, good luck!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    5:45 AM, Monday May 18th 2020

    Hello! Grats on clearing up L1!

    Lines Good work. I can see that you make good attempts to keep lines confident. Your lines are arcing however, so try to pay attention to your wrist and elbow as you draw, there might be unintended movement.

    Ellipses Your ellipses are wobbly. As with lines, you want to get a smooth ellipse first and foremost. As such, you want to ghost mindfully, then execute, fully trusting the ghost, even if this means that your line becomes inaccurate. You also want to keep the motion fluid to reduce any sharp areas in the ellipse. Also, remember to draw through your ellipses 2 times only. In future warmups, you can try to increase the degree of the ellipse along the funnel.

    Boxes As with ellipses, you want to keep the quality of the lines as your top priority. In addition, its good to know that you can place as many planning points as you need, ensuring proper front/back faces in the rough perspective exercise. In the rotated boxes exercise (which I'd say is done pretty well), you're missing the corner boxes. Try also to implement line weight and hatching in the future. Organic boxes don't have perfect box shapes, but you'll get to draw 250 boxes soon.

    Overall, decent work. I'll mark this as complete. Though, don't forget to do warmups, and keep confidence in mind. Keep up the good work!

    Next Steps:

    Move on to 250 boxes. Good luck!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    5:29 AM, Monday May 18th 2020

    Hello! As a general note, try to follow the DaB format when it comes to exercises (e.g. if the page is split to 3, then do accordingly, etc). On to the critique.

    Lines Your work here is good, as you are focusing on confidence first and foremost. Good job. There's some curving in your lines, so try to pay attention to your elbow and wrist as you draw, you may be using them unconsciously. However, don't redo lines, even if they're incorrect. This only serves to draw attention to it, which you don't want. Instead, move on.

    Ellipses Solid work. You're ghosting and following through with the ghost for each ellipse, which is what's desired. Although inaccurate, that is ironed out with time. Though, in the funnels exercise, some of your ellipses are a little floaty, try to tighten them closer to the borders in the future. Also, try to make the draw throughs only be done 2 times, that is the ideal.

    Boxes Again, good work here. In your rotated boxes, ensure that you only hatch in one direction, this is relevant in 250 boxes. Also, you can use line weight to clarify overlaps between boxes in the organic perspective exercise. Good work.

    Overall, while I'm impressed by the quality of your work, I'm not quite ready to mark this as complete. I'll detail that below, but I just want you to bear in mind that in DaB, don't do-over any lines. Especially when construction becomes more complicated, it'll get very messy if you redo any lines.

    Next Steps:

    Complete 1 page of rough perspective, done in proper DaB format.

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    2 users agree
    5:18 AM, Monday May 18th 2020

    As a quick general note, you probably shouldn't be thinking of "doing again" since you probably should be doing them as warmups. I'd suggest, for rotated boxes, you do just a quadrant rather than the full thing in warmups.

    Anyways, onto critique.

    Lines I think most of these are done fairly well, with confidence being seen throughout. On your superimposed lines, I do see some constant correction of the lines, try to minimise that. Instead, focus on one straight line. Good job here.

    Ellipses You're focusing too much on accuracy here. Aim to get a smooth ellipse, even if inaccurate. Trust fully in your ghosting even if it looks like you're overshooting. Also, ghost mindfully so you'd reduce distorted ellipses. In the future, try to increase ellipse degree as you do funnels for further practice.

    Boxes As a general note, don't redo your lines, even if they're inaccurate/incorrect. This only serves to draw attention to the mistake, which you don't want. Also, focus on line confidence. I see some wobbly lines here. Remember never to sacrifice line quality no matter what. In your rotated boxes, try to implement hatching and line weight to better communicate the forms to the viewer. I do think this is decently done, so keep this up. Finally, for your organic perspective, try not to "cut off" any boxes, draw them fully.

    Overall, I think you've done a decent job at this. Remember to do your warmups, and bear in mind line quality. I'll mark this as complete, good work.

    Next Steps:

    Move on to 250 boxes. Good luck!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    3:57 AM, Saturday May 9th 2020

    Thanks for the critique Uncomfortable!

    I just want to check something regarding the 25 texture challenge. I've started it before, since I started DaB before becoming a patron. So, I have some textures done and have been given the go ahead by a TA to continue using them. The thing is, one of the textures I did was crumpled paper, which I did here as well. So, do I do a 26th texture, disregarding this one, or do I just stick to 25? Thanks!

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Staedtler Pigment Liners

Staedtler Pigment Liners

These are what I use when doing these exercises. They usually run somewhere in the middle of the price/quality range, and are often sold in sets of different line weights - remember that for the Drawabox lessons, we only really use the 0.5s, so try and find sets that sell only one size.

Alternatively, if at all possible, going to an art supply store and buying the pens in person is often better because they'll generally sell them individually and allow you to test them out before you buy (to weed out any duds).

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