
Giver of Life

Joined 4 years ago

5125 Reputation

estabanunlimited's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • Basics Brawler
    2:17 AM, Saturday December 12th 2020

    Thank you for taking the time to critique my work! I definetely had a lot of trouble with ellipses, so I'll care when doing them next time. Your critique is very useful, I'll use your points carefully as I go on to later lessons.


    1:48 AM, Tuesday December 8th 2020

    Thanks! I hope you keep going on Drawabox. This lesson was really fun to do, and while I don't know if my work is as clean as you say (?), I appreciate the comment, thank you very much!

    9:49 AM, Friday October 23rd 2020

    Thanks for critting my submission! The revisions helped, so thank you for recommending them. I wasn't sure if you wanted about the amount of pages you wanted with each exercise so I just did two of each lmao.

    2 users agree
    5:30 AM, Wednesday October 14th 2020

    Hey Fliren!

    Gotta say this is really solid. I admire your rotated boxes, really nice stuff. Everything looks super clean and solid. One thing though, making sure theres some convergence in your Organic perspective exercises. Right now, a lot of the boxes on those pages look like they're pararells are not converging anywhere. When you work through the 250 box challenge, read up on the convergence of these pararell lines. I'd also recommend stopping going over the same line twice to correct it. It gets messy easily in the later lessons, just leave it as it is and make sure the next one is better.


    Next Steps:

    250 box challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    5:23 AM, Wednesday October 14th 2020


    Great job on your first lesson.

    1. First thing I noticed was on your Superimposed lines, there's a lot of fraying. Try not to stray from to original line. It's hard to give advice on this other than just work on it by doing a few in your 10-15min before you begin your assignments.

    2. Some of your box pararells are way off. An easier way to think about it is getting down the first 3 lines, or the Y. This is the Y box tool that people use in the 250 box challenge. When you draw the Y, you establish the both sides and top. Then, from there, fill in the PARARELL lines that CONVERGE. This will make more sense when you start doing the 250 box challenge.

    3. Just a note on your rotated boxes, make sure that they are turning as they face away from you. A lot of the boxes look like they're facing the same way which is not what we want. See how in this pic the furthermost boxes you can't even see the top plane?

    I really like your ellipses in this assignment. Think you're ready for the 250 box challenge.


    Next Steps:

    250 box challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    5:09 AM, Wednesday October 14th 2020

    Great! Thanks for getting back.

    1. First few things, your ghosted lines all seem to be in one direction.

    Generally I wouldn't point it out here, but in your next pages (in particular your Organic Perspective) the lines are really wobbly.

    On your rough perspective, alot of it is off.

    I'd recommend doing ghosting line exercises in different angles. Remebering to rotate your page, going over the same line over, before commiting to a line. Then, going to your rough perspective exercises, doing essentially the same but taking the corner and ghosting it the the VP.

    1. In some of your Organic perspective boxes, some of the planes look off. As if they don't really fit into each other. As you go onto the 250 box challenge, I want you to make sure that the planes of each fits together nicely. This means making sure all the pararell lines go through a VP (Even if you can't see it make sure that idea is there.)

    I hope that you incorporate the ghosting exercises into your 10-15min warmup routine as you begin your first challenge. Great job!


    Next Steps:

    250 box challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    10:54 PM, Sunday October 11th 2020

    Hey DISO, I think your venture in drawing is starting off well, and I hope you keep going.

    Thing I noticed in all your submissions is a 'shaky line' particularly evident in any of the straight planes/boxes that you did freehand. Not asking for ruler-straight precision, but I would suggest doing more superimposed lines when your warming up. You may already be doing this but I'll reitorate to rotate the page to a comfortable drawing angle. Confidence in line and strokes is something that I think you could benefit from before moving onto the next lesson.

    Don't stress too much about it though, I think if you do the revisions + read up on the first part of lesson 1, you'll get where you need to be.


    Next Steps:

    Superimposed lines 1 pg

    Ghosted lines 1 pg

    Ghosted planes 1 pg

    Try adding more lines in the page.

    Good luck!

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    2 users agree
    10:45 PM, Sunday October 11th 2020

    Hey! Few pieces missing from your submission.

    -1 filled page of the Plotted Perspective exercise

    -2 filled pages of the Rough Perspective exercise

    -1 filled page of the Rotated Boxes exercise

    -1 filled pages of the Organic Perspective exercise

    Next Steps:

    Missing Pages

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    2 users agree
    6:57 AM, Thursday August 13th 2020


    You're work is looking really solid! Great job, I especially like your rotated boxes and rough perspective. They look really good. I honestly don't have a lot to say, other than you knocked this one out of the park. A few pointers though, before you move on to the 250 box challenge.

    Your rough perspective cubes have gaps in between the edges. I know this exercise is supposed to be more loose, but do try to connect all the edges with a solid line. I'd emphasize the closer boxes too with a darker line, just to make them standout, and put a little more overlap. Some of the perspective on the boxes are also a bit wonky, but you'll get better when you do the 250 box challenge.

    Next Steps:

    250 box challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    6:47 AM, Thursday August 13th 2020


    This is some solid work! Great job on your first lesson, I can tell you've had some experience before. I don't really have much else to say since it is really well done. I'll start by suggesting you begin to use only one line on your organic perspective boxes. On the angles that you got wrong, you did multiple passes over them. It would be beneficial to stop trying to correct them, even if they're wrong and just go with one line for future lessons. It makes things look messy very fast.

    Secondly, I think your rough perspective could use some work. Especially on the converging and pararell lines. I wouldn't worry too much about this right now, since you'll improve when you do the 250 box challenge, though. I would just keep in mind those pararells of the verticals.

    What a great first lesson! I hope you keep moving forward.

    Next Steps:

    250 box challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Faber Castell PITT Artist Pens

Faber Castell PITT Artist Pens

Like the Staedtlers, these also come in a set of multiple weights - the ones we use are F. One useful thing in these sets however (if you can't find the pens individually) is that some of the sets come with a brush pen (the B size). These can be helpful in filling out big black areas.

Still, I'd recommend buying these in person if you can, at a proper art supply store. They'll generally let you buy them individually, and also test them out beforehand to weed out any duds.

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