
Tamer of Beasts

Joined 4 years ago

450 Reputation

drdarkly's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Tamer of Beasts
  • The Fearless
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    10:42 AM, Thursday August 15th 2024

    Hi Dio,

    Here are the additional drawings. I never realised I was drawing the ribcage too far back, thanks for pointing that out, I would have merrily continued doing that being non the wiser.


    I do have a question, if I look at the anatomy of a dog or any other animal I see that the pelvis is in the other direction as to how we draw the ellipse for the pelvis. Is this so that the sausage form when connecting the pelvis mass to the ribcage mass looks like a sausage. See here the anatomy of a dog and then the example from Drawabox.


    1:20 PM, Saturday June 29th 2024

    Hi Dio,

    Please find attached my revisons. https://imgur.com/a/2FbUbD0

    Thank you for your feedback it was super helpful, and it clarified many things for me.

    I look forward to your response.


    6:22 AM, Saturday June 15th 2024

    Thank you, I understand the concept now, and you are right, I should have posted it as a question in reply. I appreciate your guidance on this.

    1:59 PM, Wednesday September 20th 2023

    Thank you very much.

    5:02 AM, Thursday September 14th 2023

    Hello Dio,

    Thank you for your detailed critique it was very helpful.

    Here are my revisions, it has taken some time! https://imgur.com/a/KIeyBUB

    I look forward to your feedback.

    6:50 AM, Saturday April 15th 2023

    Thank you, I get what you are saying now I did not draw the center line of the branch that cuts through the minor axis of the ellipses and, yes it does look like I did not draw through the ellipses, when the ellipses are small it is quite difficult to draw through them, I get that I should be doing that.

    Thanks for the feedback and I will work on it.

    7:58 AM, Friday April 14th 2023

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Please see my revision here.

    Have a good weekend. https://imgur.com/zE0Rg1W

    4:09 PM, Thursday April 6th 2023

    Hi, here are my revisions. https://imgur.com/a/1oAMdXK



    5:31 AM, Friday August 5th 2022

    Thanks that’s super helpful. Textures are hard…

    10:55 AM, Wednesday July 6th 2022

    Great, thank you, your critique was very helpful.

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