

Joined 3 years ago

550 Reputation

douglassales's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Victorious
  • High Roller
  • Technician
  • Geometric Guerilla
  • Tamer of Beasts
  • The Fearless
  • Giver of Life
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
  • Basics Brawler
    7:34 PM, Thursday October 26th 2023

    Thank you so much for the critique and for the course, i'm glad i took the time to make it.

    You're a amazing teacher, thank you!

    9:09 PM, Monday May 1st 2023

    Thank you for the critique Uncomfortable! I will make sure to read the instructions with more attention from now on.

    10:13 PM, Friday January 13th 2023

    Thank you for the critique ANDPIE, it was very helpful! I will work on it!

    1:37 PM, Thursday November 24th 2022

    Thank you for the critique ANDPIE!

    I will do make sure to work on the points raised!

    2:46 AM, Sunday October 30th 2022

    Thank you for the detailed critique Unconfortable!

    Your advice was very enlightening, i will try my best to put it into practice!

    8:12 PM, Thursday October 13th 2022

    Thank you for the critique TOFU!

    I will make sure to apply your advices!

    2:00 AM, Tuesday September 27th 2022

    Thank you for the critique Tofu!

    I will make sure to work more on the line weight and keep practicing doing boxes!

    12:06 AM, Monday September 19th 2022

    Thank you for the critique LALINCECHELANCIA!

    I will try to do more overlapping arrows like you said, my line weight really needs some work!

    I did the branches with multiple strokes haha. I see what you mean about the ellipses. I often forget to vary it's degrees in a conscious way.

    Thank you so much for the critique and for the kind words, it means a lot! I will make sure to work on the problems you have pointed!

    12:04 AM, Thursday September 15th 2022

    Thank you for the critique Rob!

    I will work on it!

    9:00 PM, Saturday July 9th 2022

    Thank you for the advices INFERNODNB!

    I have taken a look at the video you recomended and it was really helpfull, i will try this method some more. I will try to stop "fixing" my mistakes too, as you said i often try to patch things up even knowing that i shouldn't, i will keep an eye on it and try to identify when i'm doing this kind of stuff.

    Thank you for your time!

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something we've used ourselves, or know to be of impeccable quality. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Framed Ink

Framed Ink

I'd been drawing as a hobby for a solid 10 years at least before I finally had the concept of composition explained to me by a friend.

Unlike the spatial reasoning we delve into here, where it's all about understanding the relationships between things in three dimensions, composition is all about understanding what you're drawing as it exists in two dimensions. It's about the silhouettes that are used to represent objects, without concern for what those objects are. It's all just shapes, how those shapes balance against one another, and how their arrangement encourages the viewer's eye to follow a specific path. When it comes to illustration, composition is extremely important, and coming to understand it fundamentally changed how I approached my own work.

Marcos Mateu-Mestre's Framed Ink is among the best books out there on explaining composition, and how to think through the way in which you lay out your work.

Illustration is, at its core, storytelling, and understanding composition will arm you with the tools you'll need to tell stories that occur across a span of time, within the confines of a single frame.

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