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Dimensional Dominator

Joined 4 years ago

4925 Reputation

darkosyris's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    2 users agree
    3:44 PM, Monday November 9th 2020

    Hello Restlegless! Let's get right into your 250 boxes exercise

    I see that your boxes is really good! they have a very confident lines, great lineworks, and great variety, and your boxes are improving over time! looks like you understand the concept of 3 points perspective and i have nothing to say anymore other than great job! congratulations on finishing this exercise

    Next Steps:

    Continue to lesson 2

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    3:08 PM, Monday November 9th 2020

    Hello Devvy! let's get right into your 250 boxes exercise~

    So i noticed that your boxes are inconsistently converging into the vp's like you improved some, but overtime your boxes are converging into the infinity again like there are little convergence to your boxes, but from what i see is that your lineworks is pretty confident and smooth so good job on that! but i feel like you still don't understand where the lines needs to be converging so for that i recommend you to check this video again for understanding where you can see that each lines are converging into 1 vps instead of going infinity, but all in all congratulations on finishing this exercise! try to ask more on discord group so you can get a better understanding on the subject that you got stuck.

    Next Steps:

    Lesson 2

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    0 users agree
    4:54 AM, Sunday November 8th 2020

    Hello Hamoginabog! let's jump right into your exercise!

    Super Imposed Lines

    good job with this exercise! i see that some of your lines are wobbly but still this is just an exercise so keep doing these as an warmup

    Ghosted Planes

    Good job with this exercise! some of your planes have a wobbly lines, and again just keep doing these as an warmup

    Ghosted Lines

    Good job with this exercise! i can't say much about this exercise cause you've done mostly a good job with these ghosted lines

    Table of Ellipses

    Good job with this exercise! can't say much with these exercise other than a good job

    Ellipses in Planes

    Good job! you managed to fit the ellipses inside your planes!

    Ellipses in Funnels

    Great job! your funnels exercise is really well done!

    Plotted Perspective

    Another great job! you seem to understand or grasp the concept of 2 point perspective in this exercise

    Rough Perspective

    Great job with this exercise! this exercise is really hard cause you eyeball your perspective, but from what i see is that you understand the concept of 1 point perspective

    Rotated Boxes

    Good job with these exercise! your boxes are all rotating! while some of them are rotating in the wrong perspective, you still done a good job!

    Organic Perspective

    Good job with this exercise! the boxes are very few lol, and some of the boxes are in the same size, but mostly you're boxes is seems to be rotating in 3D space

    Next Steps:

    250 boxes exercise

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    2 users agree
    4:19 AM, Sunday November 8th 2020

    Hello D2GHER let's get right into your exercise

    Organic Arrows

    Good job with your arrows! your arrows is vert flowy and they're feel like moving in 3D space

    Organic Contour Lines

    Good job with this exercise! i see that some of your inner contour lines are varied and some are not, but you seem to understand the concept of this exercise!

    Texture Analysis

    Great Job with this exercise! you seem to include alot of details and you've done a bang up job with the lizard eye


    Another great job! i can't say much about this exercise other than you doing this exercise with such a great results!

    Form Intersection

    Again, great job with this exercise! all of you're forms are intersecting into one another!

    Organic Intersection

    Good job with this exercise! i see that some of your organic sausage are very stiff, other than that good job!

    Next Steps:

    Continue to lessons 3 constructing the plants

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    5 users agree
    2:58 PM, Saturday November 7th 2020

    Hello Kamiyasora!

    Let's jump right into your exercise

    Organic Arrows

    So the arrows exercise is very well done! they feel like they're moving in a 3D space and they're very flowy!

    Contour Ellipses

    Good job on your contour ellipses! i can see that you're a bit struggling with this exercise, i see some of the sausages are very stiff and elongated, but still you've try your best with this exercise so keep it up!

    Texture Analysis

    Good job with the textures analysis, you've fill your textures with solid shapes before filling your shadows

    Dissection Exercise

    I can't say much about this exercise other than a good job! i know this exercise is the most difficult and boring, but you keep going and the results are looking great!

    Forms Intersection

    Great job on this exercise! all of your forms are intersecting into one another

    Organic Intersections

    Good job with this exercise! i can see that some of your sausage are a bit stiff and wonky, but what's important is that you understand the concept of putting stuff on top of each other!

    Well, congrats Kamisayora! after you finish exercise 2, go right ahead into exercise 3! best of luck kamisa :D

    Next Steps:

    lesson 3

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 5 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    5:07 AM, Sunday August 23rd 2020

    What i meant about the organic perspective is that some of your boxes are very long, and again, i think it's fine cause your organic perspective exercise looks very convincing and good :)

    2 users agree
    1:29 PM, Saturday August 22nd 2020

    Hi Jamb! let's just get right into your exercise

    First thing first, congratulations on finishing your exercise!, it must have been very long, tedious, and tiring, and i can see that you put more effort or doing it seriously on this exercise, cause it shows! for me personally i don't find a major fault or something seriously wrong with all of your boxes cause all of them are improvements, so good job on doing it and keep it up!

    Next Steps:

    Started doing Lessons 2

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    1:14 PM, Saturday August 22nd 2020

    Hi Chironex! let's just get into your exercise.

    For starters, congratulations on finishing this exercise! it's really a long and tedious exercise, but i can see the improvements on your convergence lines, but i do have some critique on your works

    1. Your hatching lines is really random, by that i mean you've done most of the boxes with hatching lines, then the 215 - 230rd boxes you didn't hatch your boxes

    2. Your lines are somewhat still wobbly, i recommend to do ghosted lines, sil, and the ghosted planes exercise everyday

    Other than that, congratulations again for finishing this exercise! feel free to move on to lessons 2 if you wanted to

    Next Steps:

    Lessons 2

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    12:39 PM, Saturday August 22nd 2020

    Hi Hall! let's just get right into all of your exercise

    1. Lines for most the part all of your lines are great! even though i noticed that some of your lines are wobbly in your SIL exercise and it's okay cause you've done a great job on all of your lines exercise!

    2. Ellipses good job on all of your ellipses exercise too! it is really difficult to draw ellipses ( but don't worry, just remember that this is all just an exercise or a fundamentals, not a final artwork :D )

    3. Boxes i don't have any comments on your plotted perspective and rotating boxes exercise other than a great job! as for your plotted perspective, again you've done a great job on it! it is hard though because you are drawing it without a ruler, but atleast you understand the concept of doing rough 1 point perspective, and as for your organic perspective, i see that some of your boxes are elongated, they're supposed to be on the same size. Nonetheless congratulations on finishing Lessons 1 :D

    Next Steps:

    i request thou to do the 250 boxes exercise

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    2 users agree
    3:24 PM, Friday August 21st 2020

    Hi Salty_Is_Salty! Let's just get to your exercise :

    1. Lines : Overall, great job on all of your lines exercise! however, i see that some of your lines is still wobbly ( but it's okay because for the most part everything looks great! ) and as for the SIL exercise, you did a good job on it too!

    2. Ellipses : Again, great job on your ellipses exercise! however, i see that you draw over your ellipses for more over 3 times, just remember that when you drawing your ellipses again, the base maximum is 2 - 3 times :)

    3. Boxes : Overall, great job on finishing all of the boxes exercise! it can be difficult and tedious at first, but when you do the 250 boxes challenge hopefully you became much more accustomed with drawing them boxes :)

    Next Steps:

    Go forth, do the 250 boxes challenge

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
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Rapid Viz

Rapid Viz

Rapid Viz is a book after mine own heart, and exists very much in the same spirit of the concepts that inspired Drawabox. It's all about getting your ideas down on the page, doing so quickly and clearly, so as to communicate them to others. These skills are not only critical in design, but also in the myriad of technical and STEM fields that can really benefit from having someone who can facilitate getting one person's idea across to another.

Where Drawabox focuses on developing underlying spatial thinking skills to help facilitate that kind of communication, Rapid Viz's quick and dirty approach can help students loosen up and really move past the irrelevant matters of being "perfect" or "correct", and focus instead on getting your ideas from your brain, onto the page, and into someone else's brain as efficiently as possible.

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