4:14 PM, Thursday September 12th 2024
Discord is the proper place for these requests, specifically by following the full instructions on the pinned comment of the critique-exchange channel.
Truthfully, as a free-tier user, I wouldn't wait for agreements on your critique before moving on to the next lesson. Heck, I don't even wait for critiques at all on my lessons before starting the next ones - we are not paying-customers and feedback is not guaranteed. The best thing we can do is put in the proper work to get our submission critiqued by the community (again, see the pinned message), and hope for the best. Beyond that, just move on.
The community has no incentives to critique your work unless you go through the proper channels and give back to the community appropriately. I've gone ahead an given an agreement for your lesson 1 (I gave your submission a look and would agree with the critique provided), but in the future you'll need to go through the full critique-exchange process on the Discord.
Hope this helps, good luck and happy drawing!