
Joined 3 months ago

50 Reputation

cauaeckhardtpaschoal's Sketchbook

    0 users agree
    11:06 AM, Sunday February 2nd 2025

    I maybe be wrong but the reasson why we should use the arm in every situation is not because is better but for make our draws with the arm better. When more we use the arm to draw better will our lines with him

    12:21 AM, Sunday February 2nd 2025

    thank you so much for the help. I am not gonna lie i am really strugglying most because because i forgot many times things that i should been doing in the exercise and not only that but english is not my first language, like i can understand english but when it comes specific things it get dificult. You help me so much, now i know what I am doing right and not i am doing so i can improve. There was some part that i didn't understand but not because you explained wrong is beacause again is not my first language is my fault. Again thak you so much 10/10 review

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Proko's Drawing Basics

Proko's Drawing Basics

Drawabox isn't the be-all, end-all of drawing fundamental education. Our approach prioritizes certain concepts over others, and while we believe it do so for good reasons, ultimately it doesn't appeal to everyone. If Drawabox simply doesn't work for you, give Proko's Drawing Basics course a try - at the very least, you'll probably find it to be a hell of a lot more fun.

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