
Tamer of Beasts

Joined 2 years ago

500 Reputation

catyoga's Sketchbook

  • Tamer of Beasts
  • The Fearless
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    10:01 PM, Tuesday December 20th 2022

    here you go. took a self care break. meant to finish this sooner.

    I learned a lot more. I know there were some mistakes,especially with add forms.

    thank you.

    10:51 PM, Tuesday December 6th 2022

    what kind of animals should i do? does it matter?

    6:54 PM, Wednesday November 2nd 2022

    I did actually defer to what i thought was the homework requirements. here's what happened : you said I missed a page, I said huh, I looked at the lesson 4 hmework and then clicked on the link saying "2 pages of contours" and it took me to the other lesson instructions and i scrolled down to the bottom to see the homework example and saw two pages, one of elipses one of curves.

    this was the mistake i made both times.. so yes I did perhaps go too fast by clicking the link to provide me examples, without reading the link, but i think its an honest mistake.

    I was not trying to offend you or assert myself or anything by correcting you. I had thoroughly evaluated the situation by double checking my imgur upload and then also checking the homework examples, and truly beleived you had made a very minor error. i really didnt think less of you for it, or intend to be insolent.

    as far as the shading and rendering, I am aware these two terms are synonymous. this whole shading discussion between us is a semantic nightmare and I want to let it die now lol. I am studying other fundamentals that will provide to me rendering concepts.

    anyway, i really didnt mean to be abrasive. I really appreciate you and the feedback.

    12:50 AM, Tuesday November 1st 2022

    hello, and thank you for the critique.

    I'm a little confused because I did actually complete and upload 2 pages of contours. one with full elipses and one with just the visible contours. I do think I paid attention in that regard.

    i urge you to look at that original imgur album again. I inspected it after reading your critique, and I found there to be two pages. maybe you scrolled past it?

    here is a link to that original album which does actually contain 2 pages. incase you lost it. i dont think this is anecdotal bc i dont think you can add a photo thru edit? I suppose it's neither here nor there anymore though

    regardless, i made another page per request and I did find that I was able to learn more, so thank you. here is that album.

    as far as the shading, the semantics were an error on my part. what i meant by shading was colloquial, referring to the sort of form rendering that was demonstrated in lesson 2 and 3, eg the cast shadows meant to convey form and not actually indicate a light source. I was trying to use such technique but was finding myself improperly placing "shadows" without properly eluding to the form. I did also notice that this level of detail was elective and was not a requirement. however, as I noted, I really enjoy being able to convey the shape without getting into the actual lighting. but yes, i do think i was also a little encouraged by not only your videos, but various youtube videos from students dated back as far as I think 2017? cant remember exactly, but they were old, and the insect drawings i saw by some of these students using the shading really made me feel like I wasn't doing enough.

    *edit forgot to mention, there's the new page and that 7th sausage turned out really wonky! I think I just ran out of roo m. i just wanted to acknowledge that it was not good, and it was tapered etc.

    *I was struggling to represent the shape with those contours but I think I improved a little? i took heed of the instructions and aligned to minor axis and overshot the lines.

    *happy to redo it , if necessary. thank you

    12:15 AM, Sunday September 18th 2022

    oops. heres the link

    12:15 AM, Sunday September 18th 2022

    thank you for the critique. i really do appreciate it and I do want to improve. it's why I'm here.

    I am not sure if the mushroom was correct. I wasnt quite sure if I should draw the knobs. I wa trying to err with the logic of "draw it so where the veiwer understands the shape and dimension" and i suppose the knobs may be in the realm of "the veiwer feeling the object".

    I wasn't sure how to draw the buds of the magnolia. I didn't like the way I drew the first one.. I decided to submit anyway because I thought maybe the rest is acceptable.


    7:39 PM, Friday August 26th 2022

    here's my revision. looking at my intersection page in photo form, it sure does look crappier than I thought. but I spent time visualizing the forms and such so hopefully it'll pass. maybe not. I am realizing I should have done shorter cylinders to facilitate a smooth line. the longer ones are tricky. or I should not have e done any cylinders maybe..

    realize I did not hatch the cylinder properly. I guess I get overwhelmed with all the other forms and I lose control of my line. I think I understand that hatching is meant to be on the front of the object towards the veiwer..I think I used it properly based on that.

    I feel like I'm not doing thr contours right. I am having a hard time keeping my elipses or contours aligned to the minor axis.


    9:02 PM, Thursday August 25th 2022

    i understand and i do heed critique as I do want to improve. I only felt un clear about the expected quality of my work.

    7:26 PM, Thursday August 25th 2022

    thank you. I understand. I was however trying to add this edit but I don't think it went through. maybe this is neither here nor there at this point, but I did actually take pictures of the organic contour lines before I drew over them. I believe I actually just made new contours for the disections actually. here are the those w images tho just to indicate I am following directions as best I can. I guess it's anecdotal at this point though.

    i will re do them as i did not do them properly. I did miss the instructional image.

    the extra page of intersections was a typo and I was referring to the piece of scrap paper of disections. I honestly had a moment where I thought I was spending too much time on the exercsise and just thought I'd throw in the extra idk.

    i did make 4 pages of intersections. obviously i only uploaded 3 and i could make any excuse I want. but I am mostly frustrated at the miscommunication which is mostly on my part and that this is the second time I've lost an assignment sheet I finished.

    i tried to edit any snarkyness but I guess I was too late. what can I say other than I reacted instead of responded.

    *okay this thread is getting a little ridiculous. my fault. I was confused upon my initial reading as I had thought intersections were the disections. so I thought I had to redo those, and thus my explanation. oh man.

    edit sorry about all that. it's starting to click that this is mostly,centered around the missing sheet of intersections*.

    *which I can't stress enough I was sure I made 4 and either way I clearly understood the requirements of the submission. I believe I lost it one way or the other which is a problem of organization I will adress.

    6:09 PM, Thursday August 25th 2022

    i was under the impression that I was meant to simply do the exercise and move on.

    I included that extra page of the intersections because I was demonstrating that I was exploring the issue. those wre just scrap pages that were not meant to be part of the exercise. I had hoped it would be obvious there was a gradual improvement though the intersections. some like the tree bark, the kiwi, the muscle fibers, the scales #2 (I re did them because I didn't like the first pass).

    I abandoned the exercise because I was instructed "not to make pretty pictures" therefore I moved on when I felt I was obsessing with the exercise.

    I am having a hard time grasping the shadows and textures, but it would appear that I am progressing more than others who have been critiqued and allowed to move on so I am not sure to what depth I am to explore these exercsises..

    edit :I am also seeing here in my submission that I did not label the texture next to the tree ark one as "scales #2". you see I spent a lot of time on the exercsise and I started to kind of get it at the end but I just moved on bc I was spending way too long on it I felt..

    did I forget a page of intersections? I made 4. I only see 3..

    thanks you.

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These pens are each hand-tested (on a little card we include in the package) to avoid sending out any duds (another problem with pens sold in stores). We also checked out a handful of different options before settling on this supplier - mainly looking for pens that were as close to the Staedtler Pigment Liner. If I'm being honest, I think these might even perform a little better, at least for our use case in this course.

We've also tested their longevity. We've found that if we're reasonably gentle with them, we can get through all of Lesson 1, and halfway through the box challenge. We actually had ScyllaStew test them while recording realtime videos of her working through the lesson work, which you can check out here, along with a variety of reviews of other brands.

Now, I will say this - we're only really in a position to make this an attractive offer for those in the continental United States (where we can offer shipping for free). We do ship internationally, but between the shipping prices and shipping times, it's probably not the best offer you can find - though this may depend. We also straight up can't ship to the UK, thanks to some fairly new restrictions they've put into place relating to their Brexit transition. I know that's a bummer - I'm Canadian myself - but hopefully one day we can expand things more meaningfully to the rest of the world.

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