
Basics Brawler

Joined 3 years ago

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beardiedev's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Basics Brawler
    1 users agree
    11:58 PM, Saturday June 25th 2022

    1. Lines

    Superimposed Lines: Instances of fraying on both ends, watch your placement. There is wobble and arcing in your lines. Wobble is fixed through confidence, arcing is fixed with counter-arcing or it can be fixed by plotting the line in your head.

    Ghosted Lines: Same issues as mentioned above. Remember to not redo your lines.

    Ghosted Planes: Same issues as mentioned above.

    2. Ellipses

    Table of Ellipses: Under/overshooting your boundaries, and overlapping to boot. Need to work on some more confidence here to get rid of the wobble.

    Ellipses in Planes: Same issues as listed above.

    Funnels: Misplacement of some ellipses along the minor axis, same issues as mentioned above. These ellipses do look more confident.

    3. Boxes

    Plotted Perspective: This exercise was completed correctly.

    Rough Perspective: Some mishaps not following the vertical/horizontal rule on your lines, watch your wobble.

    Rotated Boxes: Good rotation, good corner placement, but the backsides are slightly skewed: see the back of the center box for an example.

    Organic Perspective: Same issues as mentioned above, the 250 box challenge will help with your perspective issues.

    Next Steps:

    Make sure to keep doing warm-ups and to draw every day, even if you can only fit 2 mins in.

    Join the others with the 250 boxes.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    1 users agree
    11:44 PM, Saturday June 25th 2022

    1. Lines

    Superimposed Lines: Much wobbling on your first page, but the second is much better, but still has some wobbling and arcing present, good placement.

    Ghosted Lines: Good placement, teeny bits of arcing.

    Ghosted Planes: Slight arcing and even less wobbling, but it is present.

    2. Ellipses

    Table of Ellipses: Some overlapping as well as undershooting/overshooting your boundaries, a little wobbling, some more confidence would be beneficial for some of your ellipses, but most are what we are looking for here.

    Ellipses in Planes: Same issues as as mentioned above.

    Funnels: Misplacement of your ellipses here and there, same issues as mentioned above.

    3. Boxes

    Plotted Perspective: This exercise was completed correctly, nice outlining.

    Rough Perspective: Mostly following the horizontal/vertical rule for your lines. Same issues with the lines themselves as mentioned above.

    Rotated Boxes: Some issues with box rotation (

                                    Good corner placement.

    Organic Perspective: Same issues mentioned above.

    Next Steps:

    As always, make sure to keep a warm-up habit.

    250 boxes, here is your next foe.

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    1 users agree
    11:30 PM, Saturday June 25th 2022

    Guess I'm too kind then :D

    1. Lines

    Superimposed Lines: Slight wobbling, as well as arcing, a couple instances of fraying.

    Ghosted Lines: Good placement, no wobbling here, but there is some slight arcing here and there.

    Ghosted Planes: Same issues as listed above.

    2. Ellipses

    Table of Ellipses: There are overlaps in a few instances, as well as over/undershooting, these do need more confidence to eliminate that wobble wobble and lopsidedness.

    Ellipses in Planes: As previously stated, more confidence needed.

    Funnels: Same issues as above, there are some ellipses that are not properly aligned to the minor axis line.

    3. Boxes

    Plotted Perspective: This exercise was completed correctly, the backing line is slightly skewed in a few boxes, but this is expected.

    Rough Perspective: You follow the horizontal/vertical rule fairly well, same issues with the lines as stated above.

    Rotated Boxes: Corners are kept close, good. Most of the boxes are rotating correctly, but barely any rotation on the top of the boxes on (-1,0) and (-2,0).

    Organic Perspective: As always, there are issues with the perspective, but the 250 boxes will fix that.

    Next Steps:

    Do warm-ups everyday, you might want to focus on the ellipses a little heavier at first.

    Get those 250 boxes!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    12:21 AM, Saturday June 25th 2022

    Compared to the 1st attempt, this is a major improvement, feel free to move on.

    As always, keep the above critique in mind when completing the challenge.

    Next Steps:

    Please continue onto the 250 boxes!


    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    10:21 PM, Saturday June 18th 2022
    After the revisions requested are completed, feel free to move to complete the 250 box challenge!
    3:07 PM, Friday June 17th 2022

    Thank you, I have made note of this.

    2 users agree
    10:57 PM, Monday June 6th 2022

    1. Lines

    Superimposed Lines: Aching is present, make sure you actively try to not do this, you might have to arch in the other direction very slightly to mitigate this unwanted result. Fraying is apparent in some of the latter attempts, make sure that you are keeping watch over how you place your pen, as it should be placed on a dot, the fraying at the ending part of your lines are acceptable.

    Ghosted Lines: (Slight) Arching is present. Along with some wobble you have pointed out already.

    Ghosted Planes: Almost no wobble is present in most of your lines, but some lines do show it. This goes for arching as well, but it is only 1 or 2 lines that I noticed.

    2. Ellipses

    Table of Ellipses: Some ellipses go slightly out of bounds, some ellipses also overlap each other.

    Ellipses in Planes: Few ellipses go slightly out of bounds. Good confidence and accuracy.

    Funnels: The minor axis splits the ellipses fairly consistently, there are one or two that are lopsided or egg shaped, mainly just the ellipses that are at the ends of the funnel.

    3. Boxes

    Plotted Perspective: The exercise was completed accurately.

    Rough Perspective: Same errors as the lines section(s). Also remember that vertical lines are perpendicular to the horizon, and that the horizontal lines are parallel to the horizon as there are lines that are not following this rule.

    Rotated Boxes: Some are not rotating, the corners (front and back) are kept fairly close, warping is present but expected.

    the boxes that are not rotating are : (y+1 & y+2) (y-1 & y-2) (x+1 & x+2) (x-1 & x-2)

    Organic Perspective: Try to keep the 'Y' above 90 degrees so the boxes don't look too distorted (this appears on some of the boxes).

    Next Steps:

    Keep doing good warmups, and these issues will go away.

    Have fun with 250 boxes!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
    1 users agree
    10:42 PM, Monday June 6th 2022

    1. Lines

    Superimposed Lines: Wobble is present along with arching.

    Ghosted Lines: Wobble and arching are present.

    Ghosted Planes: Wobble is present in some of your lines. Remember to plot all your lines.

    2. Ellipses

    Table of Ellipses: Some ellipses go slightly out of bounds, some ellipses also overlap each other. Almost all of the ellipses wobble here.

    Ellipses in Planes: Some ellipses go slightly out of bounds and some are under-bounds. Some ellipses also wobble here.

    Funnels: A good portion of your ellipses are not properly split by the minor axis here. Some are egg-shaped and lopsided. Missing some of the bounds here and there, but touching a little under half the time.

    3. Boxes

    Plotted Perspective: The exercise was completed accurately.

    Rough Perspective: Same errors as the lines section(s). Also remember that vertical lines are perpendicular to the horizon, and that the horizontal lines are parallel to the horizon, as there are a lot of lines not adhering to this rule. On the second page the lines are adhering much better to the rule, but a few are still not correct.

    Rotated Boxes: That top-left quadrant :/

    Too much guessing in the top-left quadrant. There is also inconsistency in your corner placements.

    Organic Perspective: Try to keep the 'Y' above 90 degrees so the boxes don't look too distorted (this appears on some of the boxes). The same errors that were present in the lines section are also here. Do not redo your lines in this exercise.

    Next Steps:

    Do redo the rotated boxes.

    Keep doing good warmups, and these issues will go away.

    Then continue on to the 250 boxes.

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    0 users agree
    10:20 PM, Monday June 6th 2022

    Printer paper (A4) is highly recommended, here we go.

    1. Lines

    Superimposed Lines: Good confidence in your lines, but some slight wobble is present along with slight arcing.

    Ghosted Lines: (Slight) Wobble and arching is present.

    Ghosted Planes: Wobbling is present in some of your lines, don't be afraid, being inaccurate with a straight line is better than being accurate with a wobble-meister. Also, remember to aim for that magic dot at the end.

    2. Ellipses

    Table of Ellipses: Some ellipses go slightly out of bounds, some ellipses also overlap each other. Most of them also are undershooting the boundaries. Some ellipses wobble here.

    Ellipses in Planes: Few ellipses go slightly out of bounds and some are under-bounds. Some ellipses also wobble here.

    Funnels: The minor axis does not split the ellipses evenly with the farthest ellipses. Some are egg-shaped and lopsided. Missing some of the bounds here and there

    3. Boxes

    Plotted Perspective: The exercise was completed accurately.

    Rough Perspective: Same errors as the lines section(s). Also remember that vertical lines are perpendicular to the horizon, and that the horizontal lines are parallel to the horizon, as there are some not adhering to this rule.

    Rotated Boxes: On the face of the boxes facing the viewer you keep things consistent, but the back side is a different story, you are not being consistent and the gaps are not consistent, too much guessing is present.

    Organic Perspective: Try to keep the 'Y' above 90 degrees so the boxes don't look too distorted (this appears on some of the boxes). The same errors that were present in the lines section are also here.

    Next Steps:

    You should redo the rotated boxes so that the boxes are more consistent.

    Keep doing good warmups, and these issues will go away.

    Then move on to the 250 box challenge.


    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    0 users agree
    9:54 PM, Monday June 6th 2022

    1. Lines

    Superimposed Lines: Good confidence in your lines, but some slight wobble is present.

    Ghosted Lines: (Slight) Arching is present.

    Ghosted Planes: Almost no arching is present in most of your lines, but some lines do show it.

    2. Ellipses

    Table of Ellipses: Some ellipses go slightly out of bounds, some ellipses also overlap each other.

    Ellipses in Planes: Few ellipses go slightly out of bounds. Good confidence and accuracy.

    Funnels: The minor axis splits the ellipses fairly consitently, there are one or two that are lopsided or egg shaped.

    3. Boxes

    Plotted Perspective: The exercise was completed accurately.

    Rough Perspective: Same errors as the lines section(s). Also remember that vertical lines are perpendicular to the horizon, and that the horizontal lines are parallel to the horizon..

    Rotated Boxes: Corners are kept close (good)

    y-1 the box is barely rotating

    y+1 the box doesn't appear to be rotating correctly (

    Organic Perspective: Try to keep the 'Y' above 90 degrees so the boxes don't look too distorted (this appears on some of the boxes). Slight arcing and wobble is also present in a few of your lines.

    Next Steps:

    Keep doing good warmups, and these issues will go away.

    Good Luck On The 250 Boxes.


    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something we've used ourselves, or know to be of impeccable quality. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Sakura Pigma Microns

Sakura Pigma Microns

A lot of my students use these. The last time I used them was when I was in high school, and at the time I felt that they dried out pretty quickly, though I may have simply been mishandling them. As with all pens, make sure you're capping them when they're not in use, and try not to apply too much pressure. You really only need to be touching the page, not mashing your pen into it.

On the flipside, they tend to be on the cheaper side of things, so if you're just getting started (beginners tend to have poor pressure control), you're probably going to destroy a few pens - going cheaper in that case is not a bad idea.

In terms of line weight, the sizes are pretty weird. 08 corresponds to 0.5mm, which is what I recommend for the drawabox lessons, whereas 05 corresponds to 0.45mm, which is pretty close and can also be used.

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