
Dimensional Dominator

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artaxderwolf's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • Basics Brawler
    0 users agree
    12:02 PM, Tuesday March 23rd 2021

    Alright, so it's my first time doing that basically but I'll give my best ;3

    Worth to mention I'm not native English so sorry if some sentences are weird :)

    Superimposed Lines

    Your lines look comfident and they only fray on one end as I saw it which is also normal, the accuracy comes over time. (I'm myself are far away from perfect lines hehe ;3)

    Some of your lines are arching slightly, that could be because you've not used the shoulder pivot, or maybe the direction which you've took to draw your lines. For me that got better once I've swapped from drawing them towards me, to drawing them away from my body.

    Ghosted Lines

    They also look pretty comfident, 1-2 lines are arching, but that's also just a thing of practice. The comfidence is Important, the rest all comes with time and practice.

    Ghosted Planes

    They also look in general pretty comfident, on the bottom row, the second one from left, has a wobble in it which should be avoided, ( Upload perspective and on the first page.)on the second page of the homework some of the lines are arching again but that comes with practice and time.

    Tables of Ellipses

    At the first table some of your ellipses have a sharp cut in some of the lines where the line goes more straight, second row of the first page, there are some wobbles in them. A huge amount of your ellipses on the first page are also crossing the gap where they should be in, but that's also only a thing of practice, I would recommend ghosting the ellipses longer and try to find a comfortable speed to keep them smooth ( I needed a bit until I found the right speed and angle for me) The second page is almost the same, but it looks like you're loosing more often the confident in your movement. at least in the first 2 rows, some of them again have sharp edges and some of them are wobbly, I would recommend as on the first page, try to ghost them longer and keep a smooth and steady pace in the movement of your arm. But i ngeneral they are snuggging in general pretty well, and you drew at least twice the line which is also good.

    Ellipses in Planes

    The planes and lines inside of them are comfident and smooth. The ellipses stay inside of the planes in general some are overshooting them but that comes with time and more ghosting the ellipses. On the first page top row the right plane ( Upload perspective, you've only drawn the ellipse only once and not a second time, keep in mind that 2-3 Times are the ideal goal and prefered 2 times.On the second page it's the same, most of them are nicely inside of the planes, some are overshooting, and some of them are wobbly.

    (( also little edit, it seems like you tried to use the plane middle es a center point for the ellipses that also could mess up your ellipses a bit))


    In the funnels exercise it looks like you've got a bit more comfortable with the ellipses. Most of them are nicely cutten into two symetrical halves, the thing I've noticed it ( what also happened to myself ) that the angle of your ellipses slightly changes the further you're going outwards of the funnel.

    Rough perspective

    You've drawn through your boxes which is a good thing. You're Horizontal lines and vertical ones are not always paralel but I know it from my own to make really nice parralel lines isn't that easy, but that's just a reminder to keep that in mind ;3 you used the line correction. I would suggest to ghost longer towards the VP you've placed, the second page is almost the same, keep in mind the that the vertical and horizontal lines should be parallel and ghost more towards the vainishing point.

    Rotated boxes

    It's a hard exercise, your gaps between the boxes are not consistent. Some of them are smaller some of them a bigger. Some of your backplanes also have a to big gap, but that comes with practice.It's visible on the bottom left corner (upload wise) that there is a huge space between the back planes.

    Organic Perspective

    They look pretty good to me, only thin I think is worth to mention, that you shouldn't redraw lines if you messed one up (:

    It doesn't matter you should handle it as you wanted the line that way, and move on.

    (( little edit your boxes have a visible divergences so keept that in mind for te 250 boxes))

    Overall It is a good submission! Keep going on your art journey and never let anything push you down hehe ;3 Keep it up and GL on your journey!

    Greetings Artax ;3

    Next Steps:

    You should move to the 250 boxes challenge, it will help you with the perspective. Use the exercises from this lesson as a warm up, especially the ellipses to get used to them as they will be important later on!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    1 users agree
    5:35 PM, Monday March 22nd 2021

    Hey there, I wanted to work on your critique but when I click the Drive link it only shows me your ellipses could you maybe also upload the rest ;3?

    Greetings Artax!

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