
Giver of Life

Joined 11 months ago

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anivalentine's Sketchbook

  • Sharing the Knowledge
  • Giver of Life
  • Dimensional Dominator
  • The Relentless
  • Basics Brawler
    5:38 AM, Tuesday October 1st 2024

    Here's a summary of the video for people who don't want to watch :

    Arrows :

    1) Don't rush the arrow's pointers

    2) Add more cross hatching

    3) Add line weight all the way through where the arrow bends

    4) Exaggerate perspective on the arrows bit more

    5) Add more folds, don't limit it to only 3

    Leaves :

    1) Don't draw leaves in one go even if they are small

    2) Don't leave them incomplete, complete the structure

    3) Don't mistake detail for cast shadows.

    4) The minor axis is sometimes not aligned in braches

    5) Connect the line by ghosting properly in branches

    Plants :

    1) The minor axis is sometimes not aligned in braches

    2) The bottom ellipse should have wider degree shift since we are looking down.

    3) Don't connect the entire branch in one go

    4) Don't mistake details for shadows

    5) Lines always need to have the same weight, for example the flower's line weight in the pot should not be thinner then the pot's line weight.

    6) Make the lines confident, sometimes its very stiff

    50% :

    1) Don't do rough sketches

    2) Don't hide away from what you actually want to draw

    3) If you are drawing a fan art, do it in different pose

    5:36 AM, Tuesday October 1st 2024

    Thank you so much for the video format man, appreciate the time you took to explain it in detail in a video like that!

    I really have a low-spec crappy laptop with low storage, I don't think I can do recording or timelapse. But I will try.

    You are right, I am rushing way too much. I should take the time to draw and see my mistakes that I am leaving on, like the arrow and not completing the leaves correctly.

    Also how did I completely forgot about minor axis, seems like I was just drawing elipes in angles. I will try to keep that in mind.

    And yeah, I mistook details for cast shadows, and even when drawing details as shadows, I didn't make it look like shadows and made it look like details instead.

    And of course, I will do better 50% next time, instead of leaving rough sketches.

    Thanks again for your help!

    9:18 AM, Sunday September 15th 2024

    Great.. Try to draw from your shoulders, don't try to draw over or attempt to "fix" the homework next time. Also the textures still have hard transition dark to light, try to do it like the second one where you made a smooth transition. Do it next time you do these as your warmup and move to the next lesson.

    Next Steps:

    Next Lesson

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    1 users agree
    8:10 AM, Thursday August 29th 2024

    Hello there, Rictov! Congrats on finishing lesson 2. Here are my thoughts :

    1) Arrows : Your arrows are not being reduced in size while they converge. This exercise is about exploring depth. Try to make the other end of the arrow small in size, here's what I mean :

    2) Form interactions : You have outlined where the forms are interacting. But the shape of the outline does not make any sense to me, try to draw the lines while keeping in mind the shape of the form which is interacting.

    3) Organic Forms : Perfect! The circles change in angle as the form.

    4) Contour Forms : Pretty good, try various sizes, not just long ones.

    5) Textures : You didn't make a smooth transition to dark. Try to figure out the repeating patterns of the texture's shadows and gradually make it more and more intense until it becomes dark towards the end.

    6) Dissections : Perfect! The texture warps around the form and it also breaks the silhouette.

    7) Sausages : Your POV seems to be on the top of the sausages, trying different camera angles is good but I think you should do the exercises as intended.

    Next Steps:

    Please redo arrows, form interactions, textures, and sausages.

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    1 users agree
    8:03 AM, Thursday August 29th 2024

    Hey there, Silence (badass name), congrats on finishing lesson 2, here are my thoughts :

    1) Arrows : It's hard to see when you have drawn arrows on top of each other. But a few of your arrows don't change size while converging. Here's what I mean :

    Try to make them various sizes instead of very long ones.

    2) Contour forms : Very good! The contours are circular and warp around perfectly.

    3) Organic forms : Your ellipses are not changing angles as they sit on your forms, Grab a coin and try to view it from different angles, see how the coin change in size and angles. You can also watch the video from lesson 1 about minor axis to get a refresher.

    4) Textures : You are struggling to make a smooth transition to black. Try to figure out the repeating patterns of the texture's shadows and gradually make it more and more intense until it becomes dark towards the end.

    5) Dissections : Good job on the dissections! The texture warps around the form and it also breaks the silhouette.

    6) Form interactions : You have not outlined exactly where your forms interact. Instead you have just added line weight. Try to watch the demo video of this lesson again.

    7) Organic interactions : Make bigger sausages, and stack them on top of each other. You have just made very small sausages on top of the big sausage. Try to follow the demo homework closely, you can try to copy the demo if you are having difficulties, and try it yourself.

    Remember everyone learns things differently, don't compare yourself to other people like on the youtube comments you have mentioned.

    Next Steps:

    Redo arrow, organic forms, form interactions and organic interactions exercises. Remember the texture part next time you do it as a warmup.

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    0 users agree
    7:34 AM, Thursday August 29th 2024

    Konnichiwa Daniel-san, Today I will be critiquing your 250 Box Challenge.

    First Fifty : Your boxes have became more consistent in size, although convergence is still way off. But you were doing pretty a good job on outlining and checking convergence.

    Next Fifty : Significant improvement on convergence. Majority of your boxes converge at one point perfectly, but you are struggling with convergence on long or other size of boxes. A few of them were converging on pairs instead of one point.

    Last fifty : The boxes are consistent in sizes and angles. The planes of your boxes are also converging properly instead of being thrown in random direction. But you are still struggling to have the boxes converge them in one point.

    Remember the plotted perspective exercise? Where you have to use ruler to have them converge into a single point, go back and observe how each plane of the boxes are angled in a way that is consistent with other planes and they all converge to a single point. One trick is to after drawing the initial Y, imagine a vanishing point far off the page, don't plot it, just imagine. And then apply your box's planes as if it's following the vanishing point. Another thing you can do is, redo rough perspective exercise a few times. With it, you will kind of understand how box's planes converge into a single point.

    But ultimately, remember to have balance in practices. If your balance is good, you will better learn the skills, if your balance is bad, you will end up doing more and learning less.

    Next Steps:

    Redo the rough perspective exercise if you want and then Practice a few more boxes with applied focus on converging them to a single point. Remember, strike first, strike hard, no mercy!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    1 users agree
    7:12 AM, Thursday August 29th 2024

    Hey there Levi! Congrats on finishing lesson 2. Here are my thoughts,

    1) Organic forms : It's good, try to add more circles inside the sausage instead of only two, that way you can express the roundness of the form better.

    2) Arrows : At first you struggled with making the arrow smaller as they converged, but you figured it out in the last two. Excellent!

    3) Contour Forms : Perfect! The contours are round and circular. Well done.

    4) Texture : Very good! You have outlined the shadows and made a smooth transition from dark to light. But you have only struggled with this on the second one, try to figure out the pattern of the texture and make the pattern more and more intense until it becomes completely dark towards the end.

    5) Dissections : Absolute perfection. The texture warps around the form, it's very detailed, it breaks the silhouette and really sells the illusion. You have put a lot of effort into this.

    6) Form Interactions : Great! Try to bring the forms a bit more close and more crammed like the last one. Don't leave any forms floating!

    7) Organic Interactions : Decent, try to increase the height. Stack more on the top. Your last one seems to be floating, imagine them as long water balloons and try to think what would happen if you put them on top of your forms, it will warp around.

    Next Steps:

    Apply my critiques next time when you practice these as warmups. Move on to lesson 3, Good luck!

    This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
    2 users agree
    7:08 AM, Thursday August 29th 2024

    Hello there THELOLOK, congrats on finishing lesson 2. Here are my thoughts,

    1) Arrows : Your arrows are not being reduced in size while they converge. This exercise is about exploring depth. Try to make the other end of the arrow small in size, here's what I mean :

    2) Organic Forms : You have understood this exercise perfectly, but the only issue is, both your lines and sausages are not confident, they are very hesitant. Use the ghosting method and draw them in one line. Don't try to correct it afterwards. You can watch the video about lines from lesson 1 again for a refresher

    3) Contour Forms : While it's good, I would suggest drawing the contour a bit more circular.

    4) Texture : It seems you are outlining forms rather than copying shadows. Also you are supposed to make a smooth transition to black to white. Try to figure out the repeating patterns of the texture's shadows and gradually make it more and more intense until it becomes dark towards the end.

    5) Dissections : Good job!! The texture is warping around the forms perfectly. It's also breaking the silhouette! Well done.

    6) Organic Interactions : One of your sausages has a solid size, as if it was made out of metal. Overall they feel very floaty, try to imagine them as water balloons and think what would happen if you stack them on top of each other.

    7) Form Interactions : You are missing this homework.

    Next Steps:

    Redo the arrow homework. Redo one page of organic forms with confidence this time, do a few contour forms but make the contour forms a bit more circular, redo the texture exercise, Redo organic interactions, and finally do the missing homework.

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    1 users agree
    6:58 AM, Thursday August 29th 2024

    Hello there pepsiman! Today I will be critiquing your homework,

    1) Contour forms : It seems your forms are stuck in one size and angle. if you look at the lesson demo, you can see it's done in various sizes and shapes. Try to make different sizes and angles of each form and then put the contour lines. Also instead of using the contour circles as textures that you have hammered on the forms, try to think of its angles and how it changes.

    2) Organic forms : Same problem as above, but your ellipses are changing in angles properly this time. Try different sizes and angles of this form.

    3) Arrows : Your arrows have little to no twist and turn on it. This exercise is about exploring 3D depth. By twisting it, you are selling the illusion of depth. If you are having difficulties, cut out an arrow from paper and try to twist and turn it and observe carefully. You can take pictures of it and use it as a guide, then do it without reference.

    4) Dissections : You are outlining the textures instead of copying shadows. Your forms are way too small to have textures on them, also you have scribbled a lot. Your forms are not long enough. Some of the textures are not even warping around properly.

    5) Organic Interactions : Good job on organic interactions. Try to place more sausages on top of it. Also the shadows are inconsistent. Try to imagine a light coming from the top. And then imagine the shadows.

    6) Form Interactions : You have outlined the interactions, but not all of them! Try to observe carefully, you will see a lot of forms interacting. One trick I did was to pick one form at a time, and observe it top to bottom. And outlined them properly.

    7) Texture : Missing. You have completely missed the homework :

    Next Steps:

    I know this is gonna sound harsh, but redo lesson 2. Because you haven't got any of it right. I know this is a chore, but think about the benefits of doing all the lessons properly. Because Drawabox builds fundamentals on top of each other. If your scaffolding is loose, the entire building will collapse no matter what you do. So please redo it. Your second attempt won't be as lengthy since you have already tried it.

    Don't be afraid to ask for help from the discord server if you don't understand something!

    When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
    7:59 PM, Wednesday July 17th 2024

    Hii FELDSPAR, Thank you so much for critiquing!!!

    You are right about hatching, now that I have noticed it, it hurts to look at! I will fix both compression and hatching.

    You are right about organic form being fat in the middle. It seems I was subconsciously trying to achieve a specific shape instead of thinking the ends as metal balls.

    The texture one I was having most trouble, I will try to keep in mind about gradient and not outlining texture (pinning it on my all right now)

    Wait, Dissections and form interactions actually came out good? I was sure I made a million mistakes! I am overjoyed.

    Alright! I will experiment with sausages next time when this exercise comes up.

    I will move to lesson 3 now,

    Anyways, thanks again for a in-depth critique. I really appreciate it! And I am trying hard to pay my 50% dept, (even though I skip sometimes... maybe a lot of times)

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