3 users agree
10:44 AM, Tuesday May 21st 2024
edited at 10:48 AM, May 21st 2024


Super Imposed Lines:

You've executed the lines with confidence. While the shorter lines are aligned perfectly and straight, the longer lines do Fray and curve quite a bit, but don't fret it as you do these exercises as warmups for the further lessons to come it will eventually get better.

There is one tip that I would give us that if you find lines are curving, try to concious curve them in the opposite direction, that will even it out.

Ghosted lines:

You've gone through the process of plotting, ghosting and execution, your lines are confident, good job. I can see the some of your lines have curved, it can occur from drawing from elbow or wrist rather than shoulder. If even after drawing from shoulder, the curving happens, do opt to the technique of consciously curving it in opposite direction as stated above.

Ghosted planes:

You've done a good job in executing them confidently and to the best of your current ability.

One point is the please do take little bit more time in preparation as some lines feel rushed.

As stated above some lines curved it can be overcome with more practice as go about using them for warmups for other exercises.

Do draw as snugly as possible, to give room for more planes.


Tables of ellipses:

You've gone through the ellipses 2 times. The fit between the lines and are drawn snugly and one thing to note is that some of the ellipses are not smooth, I can see some sharp turns and uneven breadths.

Don't fret it as it will get with practice when done as warmups.

Ellipses in planes:

As before you've gone through the ellipses 2 times. And almost all the ellipses touch all 4 sides. One thing to remember when you do this exercise in the future is that, focus making the ellipses as smooth and confidence as possible rather than accurate, I can see some ellipses have sharp turns and flat edges.


As before there are some uneven ellipses, other than that most of all, the ellipses are snuggly drawn and are gone through 2 times.

Next time when you do this exercise do slight variation of this exercise when the ellipse turns away from the center line. You can refer to them here:



Plotted Perspective:

You've done this exercise as per the instruction to the best of your current ability, good job.

Rough Perspective:

This one's a little bit off. You've made the boxes with single point perspective, good. Your boxes' front and back faces are quite distorted, result in the boxes turning out not box like. Your lines are have wobbled quite a bit, try to rotate the pages more.

I recommend for a revision of this particular exercise before moving on to the next lesson.

Rotated Boxes:

This exercise is done quite good. Few points to be added are that, you've missed some of the boxes at corners, please keep in mind that even if the boxes does comes out not looking good, it is still good enough, it will show you where you can improve upon.

Other than that, you've drawn through the boxes and rotated the Vanishing points for each boxes adjacent to the prior boxes.

I do recommend that you do this exercise particularly when doing a warm-up for the next the lesson.

Organic Perspective:

You've done great job at this exercise. Few things to note is that some of them have quite a bit of distortion in the boxes, and some comes out not box like. But mostly that have came out quite good.

Please go through the material once again before attempting this exercise as warm-up.

Congrats you've done a great job in doing these exercises.

Once you've done the revision for the Rough Perspective Exercise (please do go through the materials again before attempting this exercise). Then you can move into the 250 boxes challenge.

Next Steps:

Rough Perspective Exercise needs to go for a revision.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
edited at 10:48 AM, May 21st 2024
1 users agree
10:16 AM, Tuesday May 21st 2024

You’re work is pretty clean and better.However for advice I would say that try to be more loose and don’t be tense while grip pencil .

• Superimposed are lines are better as you have practice the purpose of line is clear. Try to use shoulder more for straight lines.

• Ghosted Lines are little curved( not to worry about).

Ghosted Planes are nice and clean (impressive).

• Your ellipses are confident but need a work on accuracy try to ghost more and more and draw the ellipse in continuation of ghosting.

•Rough Perspective free hand lines are slanting which is okay but try to rotate the page and relax.Try to use this exercise as warmup.

• Rotated Boxes try to understand the evaluation of rotation. How will the boxes will look if they rotate like this. You have done a great job.

•In Organic perspective some boxes lines do not meet at a VP so the boxes don’t look like boxes.Try to make sure that the lines meet at a Vanishing Point.

It is Journey so tackle the obstacles and learn from them.

Stay Consistent and Happy Journey!

Next Steps:

Next Step Will be 250 boxes challenge and Ghosted Planes and Rough Perspective exercises as warmup not to much.

Also Submit the 50% Rule Drawings

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The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
The Art of Blizzard Entertainment

The Art of Blizzard Entertainment

While I have a massive library of non-instructional art books I've collected over the years, there's only a handful that are actually important to me. This is one of them - so much so that I jammed my copy into my overstuffed backpack when flying back from my parents' house just so I could have it at my apartment. My back's been sore for a week.

The reason I hold this book in such high esteem is because of how it puts the relatively new field of game art into perspective, showing how concept art really just started off as crude sketches intended to communicate ideas to storytellers, designers and 3D modelers. How all of this focus on beautiful illustrations is really secondary to the core of a concept artist's job. A real eye-opener.

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