1 users agree
12:11 PM, Sunday May 19th 2024
edited at 12:11 PM, May 19th 2024

Hi Mavioo30! I am Feldspar and I will be critiquing your work today. I hope you've been keeping up with your 50% rule and warmups while waiting! Lets start!


  • Superimposed Lines: I see no fraying on both sides or wobbling. Good work!

  • Ghosted Lines: Confident lines, good job!

  • Ghosted Planes: I see some wobbliness here and there but there is nothing warmups cant fix. Remember dont rush and give time to every line. Don't forget confidence beats accurate!


  • Tables of Ellipses: The vast majority of ellipses are evenly shaped and fit snugly against the borders. Solid work.

  • Ellipses in Planes: Some of the ellipses are wobbling and egg-shaped but i see you trying to put them snugly agains all borders and they are confident so this is the matter of some warmups. Remember not to be too focused on fitting them against all four borders. Again Confident but inaccurate line > Accurate but wobbly line.

  • Funnels: Keep an eye on aligning your ellipses to the central minor axis line.


  • Plotted Perspective: I see most of the back vertical lines are not perpendicular. It's not a big deal as it is the result of all the little mistakes that accumulate as you work through core steps of this exercise. It means you have room to improve. Give yourself more time when lining up ruler.

  • Rough Perspective: Some of the front/back faces of boxes are not rectangular especially your back vertical edge is falling and this may be a result of guessing. This is a mistake and not about accuracy because in case with one vanishing point there should not be any arbitrary guesswork or random angles here. I want you re-consume the material again and follow the instructions . You may check out ScyllaStew's video. I also noticed your line confidence took a big hit, remember, confidence beats accuracy!

  • Rotated Boxes: You have a eye for rotations! Solid job. Although your gaps between back faces are not consistent, its not a big deal as i think its about accuracy and will sort itself throughout warmups, just keep that in mind. Also you are missing some of the corner boxes. I want you to draw, finish them and send it to me (Not a re-do, just finish the remaining boxes)

  • Organic Perspective: You are leaning more towards the dramatic foreshortening. I notice on the first page edges of your boxes are diverging or parallel to each other but on the second page it gets better! Edges start to converge correctly and you definitely understand the core principals behind this exercise. Although you boxes are generally the same size :p. I believe with 250 Boxes Challenge instructions, you will understand and get better with Organic Perspective exercise even more and have plenty of time to experiment with boxes.

About your warmups: The purpose of submitting your lesson and my critique is not to show how better you become at doing those exercises but to make sure whether or not you understand instructions of these exercises correctly. So i recommend before attempting those exercises for warmups make double sure that you understand principals and methods behind those exercises rightfully. Skills grow with practice, but approach and priorities will influence how effective that practice is.

Next Steps:

I request:

  • 1 page of Rough Perspective

  • Add the missing boxes on your existing Rotated Boxes

I don't expect perfect, or not even a good work, just one that follows the instructions. You will post the first page you do, no practice pages, no grinding. I'll be waiting here for your reply so you can start your box challenge :)

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
edited at 12:11 PM, May 19th 2024
7:37 AM, Tuesday May 21st 2024
edited at 7:38 AM, May 21st 2024

Hello, and thank you for your feedback!

My boxes in rough perspective might look crooked like that due to exhaustion and me not ghosting my lines properly. I tried my best to not do any guessing this time, although I kept changing the dots in the planning phase of ghosting lines to make sure it falls on the vanishing point. Should I keep doing that?

As for the rotated boxes exercise, I had quite a hard time adding in the missing boxes because some of the ones closer to the edges looks like they've been through a hydraulic press before I got the hang of drawing them.

In any case, I greatly appreciate your critique and will keep everything in mind for future warmups.

Here's the link:


edited at 7:38 AM, May 21st 2024
10:25 AM, Tuesday May 21st 2024

Thanks for taking time and completing this revision exercises!

About your Rough Perspective: Its much better! Most of front and back faces are rectangular and lines that connects them are going towards vanishing point. I see little mistakes here and there but there is nothing warmups cant fix.

About your question: I start a little from a far, in Rough Perspective exercise your choices ends after you place first of the back corner. Then, comes two rules: first that your box is converging towards your vanishing point, meaning edges that connect front and back faces will go towards vanishing point and second that front and back faces of the boxes need to be rectangular. With those two rules in mind you start to apply ghosting method to find where your remaining corners will go based on the information present on the page so there is no arbitrary guesswork (https://imgur.com/a/eLREsaW). Only after you make sure that two of this rules you think are applied you start to connect corners and make marks. So you won't be sure you place your dots accurately until you start to make line extensions so its completely fine especially in the start to place few dots until you are sure, just keep in mind these two rules.

About your Rotated boxes: Good work! Yeah, they are challenging because of very rapid convergence. Just remember to keep gaps tight and consistent and to actually rotate your boxes.

Next Steps:

I give greenlight to 250 Boxes Challenge.

Add these exercises to your warmup pool and don't forget about your %50 rule (I will advise if you haven't followed it, you should go ahead and pay your 50% play debt before the challenge)

Have fun!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Sakura Pigma Microns

Sakura Pigma Microns

A lot of my students use these. The last time I used them was when I was in high school, and at the time I felt that they dried out pretty quickly, though I may have simply been mishandling them. As with all pens, make sure you're capping them when they're not in use, and try not to apply too much pressure. You really only need to be touching the page, not mashing your pen into it.

In terms of line weight, the sizes are pretty weird. 08 corresponds to 0.5mm, which is what I recommend for the drawabox lessons, whereas 05 corresponds to 0.45mm, which is pretty close and can also be used.

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