Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

10:55 PM, Sunday September 19th 2021

Lessons 1 HomeWork - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/0bb7cvO.jpg

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Hello, I'm new to drawabox. I'll try my best to follow every instruction given.

I just finished my homeworks for lesson 1,And i hope that i will receive some feedbacks/critiques from the community.

Thank you !

2 users agree
9:24 AM, Monday September 20th 2021
edited at 1:30 PM, Sep 22nd 2021

Hello SimpleBanana/S.O.S congratulations on finishing all the exercises in lesson 1, time for some feedback.


Super Imposed Lines: These are off to a good start. The majority of them look smooth, like they were drawn confidently. They are only fraying at one end, which shows that you took the time to place your pen down accurately on the starting do each time, well done.

Ghosted Lines: Most of these are looking smooth and straight, good work. There are a couple here and there that have a very slight wobble or arch to them. I think you're heading in the right direction, but here's a link to recap in case you have any doubts https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/10/wobbling When you practice this exercise in future warmups I'd suggest you include a few really long lines going the full length of the page. These will force you to use your shoulder (If you are not already)

Ghosted Planes: Good job! You're following all the instructions and you generally have a greater sproportion od smooth, confident lines than in the previous exercise. When you practice this in the future don't be afraid to vary the size and shape of your planes a bit more, in the first page especially these are all pretty small.


Tables of Ellipses: I'm pleased to see that you drew through your ellipses twice throughout all the ellipse exercises, good job! It looks like you made a good effort to keep the angle and degree of your ellipses consistent within each section of the table, and have done a pretty good job of keeping each ellipse within its bounds, just touching the edges of the table and the ellipses next door, good work. The first page has a few ellipses that look a little wobbly or hesitant, but your second page looks much more confident, and thats fantastic.

Ellipses in Planes: You're showing a strong understanding of this exercise. The only issue I'm seeing is a few of them being just a touch hesitant again. For Drawabox exercises we always prioritize confidence over accuracy. You can ghost as much as you need to, but once your pen touches the paper, trust in your muscle memory and let your arm do the work. Other things you can experiment that might help: Varying your speed, often drawing ellipses a bit faster can help smooth them out. If you always draw them clockwise try going anticlockwise, or vise versa, sometimes that helps. Oh, and don't forget you can rotate your page to the most comfortable angle for ellipses as well as lines.

Ellipses in Funnels: You've done a pretty good job of keeping your ellipses alignes so that they are cut in half evenly by the minor axis, well done! You've also kept them snug next to eachother and the sides of the funnel, that's good too. Same comments about hesitancy as with the previous exercise. Once you do feel a bit more confident with this exercise, you can try varying the degree of your ellipses, having them narrow in the middle of the funnels and get wider as they get further out towads the edges.


Plotted Perspective: This is looking great! I spotted one missing back edge in the last panel, can you find it?

Rough Perspective: I can see you remembered to take the time to plan your lines by placing dots and using the ghosting method, well done. You've also done a good job of extending your depth lines to the horizon line to check yoour perpective estimations. At this stage it's normal for some of the depth lines to be a bit off, you will get plenty of practice estimating convergences in the box challenge. Try to keep your horizontal lines parallel to the horizon and your verticals perpendicular to it. You've done a good job with this on the front faces of your boxes, but some of the back faces have the occasional diagonal-ish line that makes the box look deformed. Also I can see a couple of missing back edges again.

Rotated Boxes: Congrats on completing this notoriously difficult exercise! You've done a good job keeping the gaps between the boxes narrow and consistent throughout most of the exercise, things got a little bit out of hand towads the corner boxes, but those are the trickiest ones and it is normal to struggle with them. You're showing a common problem of rotating the first box out from the centre, but not the nex one out- see this image https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/d73eea49.jpg There's a bit of a wobble creeping into some of your lines in this exercise, try to apply everything you learnt in the lines section throughout the Drawabox course, ghost your lines and execute them confidently, using your shoulder. I can see three missing back edges here, whoops. Even though you have a big paragraph of critique there, I want to stress- you haven't done a bad job, this exercise is hard well done!

Organic Perspective: Well done varying the size of your boxes to create a sense of depth within your scene.

Summary Overall you've done a pretty good job, well done. You have a few things to think about but I feel you're ready to move on to the 250 Box Challenge, which is next.

Remember to practice the lesson 1 exercises as warmups. The official advice is to pick 2-3 exercises to practice for a total of 10-15 minutes at the start of your drawing session.

Good luck on your drawing adventures, and don't forget to have fun!

Next Steps:

The 250 Box Challenge is next!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
edited at 1:30 PM, Sep 22nd 2021
1:35 PM, Monday September 20th 2021

Thank you so much for the detailed critique !

I really appreciate your feedbacks on my exercise, and i will try to do better for the next one

1 users agree
9:45 AM, Monday September 20th 2021

First at all, welcome to DAB. I'm going to review your work, so let's start.

Lines exercises

-Superimposed lines

In your superimposed lines exercises, I see two things. First, there are frying ends (this is normal at first if you are not used to use your whole shoulder for drawing). Second, I see wobbly lines i the execution of your lines. Again, if you've never used your shoulder for drawing, it's normal to feel weird about your lines. Just take it easy and practice your lines using your shoulder.

-Ghosted lines

I see that you make some arches in your lines. To fight this, try making an arch in the opposite direction to the one that appears in your lines. This way, your brain will try to correct this, and the line will be straighter . Also, there are wobbly lines. Are you using your shoulder? If so, don't worry, it takes time and practices to improve your lines!

-Ghosted planes

Aside for some wobbly line, most of the lines seems well executed. However, the real issue comes with the from of your planes. They all look too similar. playing with their size and rotation would make them more interesting, and would obligate you to try making longer lines.

Ellipses exercise

Table of ellipses

Again, wobbly lines. Take your time with the ghosting method. We want confident lines, and that's our biggest interest at the moment. We'll work on accuracy later on.

Ellipses in planes

Same as earlier


You could have played with the sizes of your ellipses, making some thinner, some bigger, and so. Changing your curve will also help on this. Again, I see a lack of confidence on your execution.

Perspective exercises

Rough perspective

There are some wonky boxes, but you get close to the vp. I see that you could put some boxes farther from your vp. Also, to help you in your box execution, try to ghost your lines till the vp. This will help you being accurate.

Rotated boxes

Well, this is a mess. Check this post to see my thoughts: https://imgur.com/a/FkDE4aL

Organic perspective

The main issue here is with perspective (https://imgur.com/a/ngJKmZm). Box challenge will help you understanding better how perspective works.

And that's it.

Next Steps:

I think you need to work on your line confidence. Use your shoulder and try to get a confident line first, accuracy comes later. Your revisions:

  • Two pages of ghosted planes

  • A page of ellipses

  • A page of funnels

I would recommend you to redo too the rotated boxes, but that's totally optional, as you will work with boxes in the 250 boxes challenge. Come back when you have your revisions done.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
1:39 PM, Monday September 20th 2021

Thank you so much for the critique !

You're right, i think i need to fix my wobbly lines first before anything else.

I don't know why but no matter how conifdence i am in drawing them, my hands always get kinds of "shaky".

2:34 PM, Monday September 20th 2021

Practice will help you deliver those smooth lines

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