Hi, I'm Laura, I'll do your critique.


Superimposed lines - Starts with fraying on both sides, reduces on what I assume is the second page, give yourself more time to put down the pen, but othrwise you did pretty good.

Ghosted Lines & Planes - some wobble at first, but reduces later, try to look at the end of point of your line when executing it(to reduce mid-cource correction urges), and some arcing later on, and try to more consciously use your shoulder to execute the strokes, rotate the page to a more comfortable angle, and try to intentionally arc the line in the opposite direction to cancel it out if it persists.


Table ellipses - Some of your ellipses have less than 2 rotations through them, this doesn't let you refine and follow through the ellipse on the second rotation, please draw through your ellipses 2-3 times, and Some of your ellipses are uneven, I recommend trying to use your shoulder more consciously and trying to minimize movement from the wrist or elbow, try to follow through your ellipses as closely as you can on the second rotation, as well as ghosting through them before you put them down.(Also try going faster or slower with each ellipse to see what turns out better)

Ellipses in planes - Same as above really, focus on getting smooth ellipses first, as some of them are quite deformed.

Funnels - Most ellipses are exactly on the minor axis, fit with each other well, but same notes as on the previous two overall.


Plotted perspective - Pretty good, though the hatching lines look a bit rushed, ghosting through them a bit should help make them nicer.

Rough perspective - Looks good, only you didn't extend the lines out(https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/20/step9), i'll ask you to extend your lines on the boxes and reply with them.

Rotated Boxes - Looks good, except you're missing 3 boxes on each corner (https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/21/step8), finish the missing boxes and reply withem.(You don't have to remake the entire page, just finish the missing ones)

Organic Perspective - Missing, you may have forgotten to add them, please reply with them when you find the pictures or finish them.


Good overall, just missing organic perspective and needs finishing on the rotated boxes and rough perspective.