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5 users agree
9:22 PM, Thursday March 7th 2024

Whenever he uses words you don't know, like perpendicular and parallel, you're going to have to look them up. If you are at the rotated boxes section then you should have already gone through a lot of material on boxes and perspective as well as plotted and rough perspective. Looking into parallel and perpendicular should have been done a while ago, course wise.

Perspective is hard for a lot of people. It takes effort to understand. Rewatch the parts that confuse you. It is good you are asking for other people's explanations. Whenever I am having trouble with something I often find it is helpful to hear as many different people explain the same concept as I can.

Proko is a good resource

David Finch

The Virtual Instructor

Plainly Simple

The Drawing Database-Northern Kentucky University

There is also Marshall Vendruff's $12 course on perspective. It is 6+ hours long and has a ton of good information.

And of course there are a ton of great books books on perspective.

10:18 AM, Saturday March 9th 2024

thanks for givin me other resources also ive mean that it took me long enough for me to understand these 2 words comfy was hard to understand but i realy appreciate ur help

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.


This is another one of those things that aren't sold through Amazon, so I don't get a commission on it - but it's just too good to leave out. PureRef is a fantastic piece of software that is both Windows and Mac compatible. It's used for collecting reference and compiling them into a moodboard. You can move them around freely, have them automatically arranged, zoom in/out and even scale/flip/rotate images as you please. If needed, you can also add little text notes.

When starting on a project, I'll often open it up and start dragging reference images off the internet onto the board. When I'm done, I'll save out a '.pur' file, which embeds all the images. They can get pretty big, but are way more convenient than hauling around folders full of separate images.

Did I mention you can get it for free? The developer allows you to pay whatever amount you want for it. They recommend $5, but they'll allow you to take it for nothing. Really though, with software this versatile and polished, you really should throw them a few bucks if you pick it up. It's more than worth it.

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